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Start semester

40 667 TAP - Building for Art: Music

Full course name in English: 
TAP - Building for Art: Music
40 667
Syklus 2
2024 Vår
2024 Vår
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Beate Hølmebakk

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor-level studies (180 ECTS).

Om emnet

The main goal of the TAP - Building for Art studio is to give students disciplinary training as well as design skills.  The studio will be oriented towards professional practice, focusing on the architectural design of a specific brief within a structured schedule. During the semester, students will develop an individual project of substantial size and complexity.


The brief for the fall semester is to make a proposal for a new concert hall in Oslo.

Plans for the project have been in the making for several years, however no design has yet been made.


The students will be presented with a program and a site at the beginning of the semester. Studio work will concentrate on conceptualization, spatial and structural organization, and architectural form.


Throughout the studio we will be in dialogue with the Oslo Philharmonic. We will also have input from acoustic consultants.


To handle scope and workload the semester will be divided into three distinct phases of varying scale, focus, and output. Each phase will be reviewed at the end of the project period. Thus, the studio will demand intensive work throughout the semester.


The three phases will be:

I: Context and building physiology      

II: Spaces for sound and music                                                

III Architectural character and tectonic logic                




The students will have gained knowledge about the different design challenges related to the planning of a concert hall. They will also have acquired knowledge of the acoustic principles of large scale spaces for sound and music.


The students will have acquired skills in managing a design process towards a comprehensible proposal for a complex public project. Furthermore, they will have gained skills in the use of the architects’ tools, and in the curation, representation, and communication of architectural content

General competence:

The students will have gained experience in working as architects in an early phase of a relevant and ambitious city project.


Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

There will be a set semester schedule and detailed assignments every week:

Mondays: Lecture and plenum discussions based on relevant texts.

Wednesdays: Individual desk crit according to schedule.

Fridays: Pin-up where students are encouraged to engage in each other’s work. 


Each project phase will be reviewed collectively with an external critic. There will be different critics for each project, each chosen for their relevance to the project theme.

Excursion to a central European city.


Link to course literature registered in Leganto

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