The subject of this course is to explore the notion of a Nordic model of digital urbanism. We will research how societal values of trust, equity and collective rights might be translated into new kinds of digital urban services. The research will be organized around three kinds of activities: literature studies, mappings of current practices, and explorations of alternative approaches to the design of digital urban services.
Knowledge: The students will gain knowledge about urbanism as a resource for exploring a Nordic model for digitalization across interaction and service design.
Skills: The students will learn to explore alternative approaches to the design of digital urban services through readings, surveying/mapping and design experiments.
Competence: The students will acquire analytical competence for exploring alternative approaches to the design of digital urban services for Nordic settings.
The course will consist of four parts: 1) a selection of lectures on issues of digital urbanism and the Nordic model, 2) readings and seminar discussions, 3) fieldwork: surveying/mapping of current practices, 4) explorations of alternative approaches to the design of digital urban services (to be written up as final paper / report).
Curriculum will be presented when the course starts.
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav | Påkrevde arbeidskrav | Oppmøte påkrevd | Kommentar |
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet | Ikke påkrevd | Students are expected to read a short text as a preparation for weekly seminars. The students will also be given the task of preparing seminar presentations based on readings and/or ongoing surveying/mapping activities. |
Vurderingsform | Gruppering | Karakterskala | Kommentar |
Prosjektoppgave | Gruppe | Bestått / ikke bestått | In the second half of the semester the students will explore more concrete approaches or strategies to the design of Nordic digital urban services. This work will then be written up an explanatory text (3.000–4.000 words) towards the end of the semester. The students are also to prepare a short presentation of their work for the final critique. |
Aktivitet | Kommentar |
Oppmøte | |
Forelesninger |