fbpx | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Start semester

60 537 Vulcano

Full course name in English: 
60 537
Syklus 2
2024 Høst
2024 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Gro Bonesmo
Luis Callejas

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS). The studio is recommended for students in their second year of the master programs. The course is open for landscape architecture students and architecture students. 

Om emnet

In 1972, the French art critic and cultural philosopher Pierre Restany launched a call for the conversion of Mount Vesuvius into an international cultural park. Restany curated the call, inviting leading figures from the art world and design. It happened in the "Land art years," which “witnessed a shift from the object to the idea, from form to environment, and from work to gesture”.

Pierre Restany played a pivotal role in transitioning the art world towards a "new realism," which simultaneously critiqued radical abstraction, figuration, and what he called "Stalinist social realism”. Today, a new generation of designers are once more inclined to work directly with reality rather as opposed to meaning. This is a new generation of artists and designers aiming to address the environmental crisis informed by the emerging aesthetics arising from the reality of new scientific observations.

Given this cultural momentum, some of Restany's original propositions gain renewed relevance, as well as his peculiar fascination for the volcano as a powerful and mysterious landscape entity. The vulcano as a site, phenomenon, landscape, and state shifting matter, embodies a fertile force that keeps exposing humanity's fragility in vivid ways, while simultaneously showcasing its capacity to thrive and evolve in the face of potential extinction. Design cultures from regions at volcano’s foothills continue to offer valuable lessons on designing for a ground that can not be taken for granted, never static, where the same matter that composes buildings and landscapes can shift to become designed objects’ most powerful treat.

This studio aims to reenact Pier Restany's call for mount Vesuvius in different volcanic zones around the world. Architecture and landscape architecture students will propose projects in active volcanic zones relying on new knowledge unavailable to the original group of artists and designers convened by Restany. We will delve into a selection of the original visionary proposals, which include figures as disparate as Reuterswärd, Topolino, Enzo Mari, Alessi, Costa-Karahallos, Xenakis, Gruppo “Continuum”, Isozaki, Giannetto Bravi; while at the same time discuss specific volcanic phenomena (and its representations) to guide design. Restany’s manifesto for “new realism” will be a lateral guide, but we will also consider that not everything in his manifesto, or his friend’s ideas about the volcano, aged particularly well.

Proposals developed in the studio may be landscape architecture, buildings, parks, gardens, or ideally a combination of scales. Ten suggested programs are suggested as departure point for the cultural park. As in previous studios, collaboration between architecture and landscape architecture students is encouraged and highly detailed projects are expected. 



  • Capacity for formulate independent arguments to sustain spatial ideas and relate them to both history and theory linked to the topic.
  • Advanced design competences at different scales in preparation to undertake independent projects, such as landscape architecture and architecture diploma at AHO.
  • Architecture in relation to landscape architecture and their shared botanic, geographic and representational tropes.
  • Landscape architecture design techniques in relation to topographical features.


  • Translation of scientific data and representations into design decisions.
  • Working creatively with environmental and climatic factors as a way to produce form, structure and other organizing principles.
  • Capacity to solve complex landscape and architectural programs with a high degree of creativity and inventiveness.
  • Ability to work with pattern recognition in high resolution surveys, pattern development, formal composition.
  • Capacity to design details that embody the discursive aspect of the project.
  • Landscape architecture's spatial principles for architects.
  • Capacity to translate scientific, cartographic and geographic material into formal principles and decisions.
  • Detailed design (landscape and architecture).
  • Architecture spatial principles informed by landscape.
  • Form making at different scales.

General competence

The studio’s general competence is within the fields of landscape architecture and architecture. These competences include: Form studies in relation to geographic tropes and features, structural definition in relation to landscape form, botanic literacy in relation to volcanic soils, detail design in relation to landscape features and site adaptation through careful studies of site’s topographical features.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Studio work on models and drawings combining analog and digital tools. Lectures, design deskcrits. Non-mandatory field trip, design focus pin ups and reviews.

Students are expected to attend all lectures, reviews, pinups, develop the projects in the studio and have at least one desk crit session per week. Expectations towards work developed in the studio are commensurate with 24 ects.

It is required to advance the work through weekly progress in models and drawings. There will be two main deliveries, one midterm and one final, as well as different pin-ups along the semester which are mandatory.



The studio will travel to a volcanic zone in Lanzarote. We will focus on Cesar Manrique’s work, including the gardens designed in volcanic soils.

ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttThe students work on a given/selected project throughout the course and the assessment is based on an assignment that counts for 30% of the grade for the midterm and 50% for the final. The remaining 20% accounts for studio participation and the quality of oral presentations in the mid term and final.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The students work on a given/selected project throughout the course and the assessment is based on an assignment that counts for 30% of the grade for the midterm and 50% for the final. The remaining 20% accounts for studio participation and the quality of oral presentations in the mid term and final.