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LAB University of Applied Sciences

LAB University of Applied Sciences

Type of agreement: Erasmus +
Level of studies: Master
Responsible: AHO, Institute of Design
Number of places available: 1


Language of instruction: English

A certificate of competence in English level B2 is required. (From your home university language centre/teacher/copy of IELTS 6.0 test results/copy of TOEFL iBT 72 test results.) NOTE! Students who are native English speakers can attach a free-form document stating that the student's mother tongue is English.

Which courses can I take?

The titles and content of the courses for each semester are set by the programmes and they may change from year to year.
Read about the available design courses for the semsester of your stay.

What is the duration of the semester?

The academic year at LAB UAS is divided into autumn and spring semesters. Within these semesters each faculty has their own study period and course schedule. Exams are included in the study periods and there are no separate exam weeks.​
Read about the academic calendar.


In Lahti students can apply for student accommodation at the Lahden Talot and Kuukkeli-Kodit. Read about accommodation.

What does it cost? 

As an exchange student you only pay the AHO semester fee. 

Who can apply? 

Design students in their 6th or 7th semester at the time of application.

How to apply?

1. Apply for exchange studies through AHO by 1 February / 15 September. Read more here.
2. If you are nominated for exchange, submit your online application to LAB UAS. Read more here.

The host institution application periods

For Autumn semester: 15 March - 15 April
For Spring semester: 15 September - 15 October


Host institution contacts: incoming@lab.fi, +358 40 5297054

Further questions? 

Do not hesitate to contact international-office@aho.no
About the university
Country: Finland
City: Lahti