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Arkitektur og film: kroppens og rommets morfologi

Arkitektur og film: kroppens og rommets morfologi

Fordypningskurset Arkitektur og Film: Kroppens og Rommets Morfologi presenterer tre av filmene de laget forrige uke.
- I studioet snakker vi ikke om intensjoner. Vi fokuserer på det å lage, ser på fortellinger eller opplevelser som oppstår i et impulsivt og på kort tid tilvirket filmatisk material. Vi handler intuitivt, følger opp våre første fornemmelser og tanker, og bruker lang tid på å se og lese materialet sammen i plenum. Ikke bare ser vi arkitektur gjennom kameraet, men vi undersøker også om kameraet kan fange selve ytelsen som ligger i arkitektoniske elementer eller i selve arkitekturen, sier Mads Øiern, femteårs masterstudent.
Tre filmer som innen temaet ”sound motility” (veritable motilitet):

Two layers of motility contained made sound.
2015-10-27, hdv, 0min 57sec (silent) - student/filmmaker Lucinda Jane Baggett
Motility: Of or relating to mental imagery that arises primarily from sensations of bodily movement and position rather than from visual or auditory sensations. Also, a change of position that does not entail a change of location. (thefreedictionary.com)
Body & Space Morphologies - Architecture & Film - Elective course #10 / Autumn 2015
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
© 2014 - Gerstlauer - The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO - CRIStin)


Two layers of motility contained, soundly agitating.
2015-10-27, hdv, 1min 05sec (silent) - student/filmmaker Victor Johan Gustaf Ramn
Motility: ability to move spontaneously and independently. Also, the act of agitating something; causing it to move around (usually vigorously). (thefreedictionary.com)
Body & Space Morphologies - Architecture & Film - Elective course #10 / Autumn 2015
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
© 2014 - Gerstlauer - The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO - CRIStin)

Two layers of motility perturbed, soundly orbiting.
2015-10-27, hdv, 0min 54sec (silent) - student/filmmaker Jonas Aarre Sommarset
Motility: the act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion. Also, abduction; moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body, or adduction; moving of a body part toward the central axis of the body. (thefreedictionary.com)
Body & Space Morphologies - Architecture & Film - Elective course #10 / Autumn 2015
The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
© 2014 - Gerstlauer - The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO - CRIStin)