The course is part of the "Urban Design: Bærekraftig stedsutvikling" course series, a collaboration between the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape and the Institute of Architecture. The studio studies the effect of the "green shift" (det grønne skiftet) on Norwegian architecture and urbanism.
The series envisions sustainable futures for Norwegian towns and rural areas. Projects are developed at several scales, from a strategic, regional level, and into highly detailed architectural proposals. In previous semesters we have developed strategic plans for Flekkefjord, Beitostølen and Gjersrud-Stensrud; in collaboration with local municipalities, developers, OBOS, Ruter, among others.
This semester, we will collaborate with Bane NOR Eiendom, a subsidiary of Bane NOR, the government agency that owns and operates the Norwegian railway network. Bane NOR Eiendom is in possession of all Norwegian railway stations, and is responsible for the development of a large amount of real estate.
Knowledge: -Increased knowledge about sustainable construction, detailing and urban planning.
-Ability to analyze the urban fabric of Norwegian small towns, and situate a strategic building project.
-Greater awareness of an architectural project’s impact upon its local context.
-Ability to reflect critically upon the extent of an architectural proposal as an intervention on an urban scale.
We will devise viable and sustainable strategies for the future development of an urban area (TBD), in collaboration with Bane NOR and local municipalities.
The course is structured so as to educate “generalists” that are interested in developing a project at all levels: regional strategies, urban plans, building plans and typical details. The output of the course will be both urban plans (overall strategies) and building proposals (exemplary buildings). We will work in phases, from a regional scale to a building detail scale, consulting experts at strategic points throughout the semester.
Field trip to Milano / Como
All students will complete a series of "competition boards" (A1), with the results of the various phases.
Output from the work: Maps, plans, sections, renderings.
Click here for reading list in Leganto.
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