fbpx Nina Edwards Anker forsvarte sin doktoravhandling | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Nina Edwards Anker forsvarte sin doktoravhandling

Nina Edwards Anker forsvarte sin doktoravhandling

Nina Edwards Anker forsvarte mandag 7. november 2016 sin phD doktoravhandling "Mediating Sunlight: Sensing Solar Cells".
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Fra kalendersaken:
"What can solar cells do for design? The current approach has been dominated by answers in terms of effectiveness, technological and financial. With a point of departure in the continental tradition of architecture writings and philosophy, this thesis seeks to explore the potential affectiveness of solar design. It discusses the new technology in view of the phenomenological tradition, as in the writings of Karsten Harries and Judith Butler, and their predecessors, such as Jan Patocka, and especially Maurice Merleau-Ponty."

Les mer her
Nina Edwards Anker (1971) is an architect and designer. She received her Master’s degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Design (2001) after having completed two years at the Architectural Association. Edwards Anker started NEA Studio, an experimental design collaborative that integrates environmental principles into design, in Oslo in 2006. In addition to practicing architecture, she has exhibited her solar lights and furniture widely, and she won the 2015 Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design Award for her Landscape Sofa. Her work is currently on display at New Lab in New York’s Brooklyn Navy Yard, where she is a researcher, designer and architect.