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Systems Oriented Design

Systems Oriented Design





The world is becoming an increasingly challenging place in which to live, to relate and to influence. This applies to many fields and design is no exception. In the field of design, the transformations toward increased complexity have had an especially substantial impact. There are two tendencies that drive this phenomenon. One goes towards higher information density. There are ever-greater demands for more knowledge and expertise, following trends in culture, technology, society, science, politics etc. The other tendency is a shift towards ever-wider contexts for design. New applications and fields for design are rapidly emerging. This introduces the need for adaptability, flexibility and for interdisciplinary collaboration.
We believe designers will have a crucial role in coping with complexity in our societies in the future. But a mind shift and special training is needed for designers to succeed in this role.
Systems Oriented Design seeks to train the designers ability to cope with these challenges. The students are trained in techniques like Gigamapping to make them able to cope with a larger degree of complexity and to take more responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Holistic perspectives, ethics and sustainability as well as cultural, organizational, economic, and technical considerations are central. Any theme or challenge, small scale or large scale, product, service, interaction or organizational design, policy design etc is relevant for SOD.
SOD has initiated and is part of the growing field of Systemic Design.



Other Units/fields

Architecture and Urbanism: Architecture & Culture, Architectural historyArchitecture and Landscape, Building heritageCitiesDesign in PracticeForm, Large Scale Architecture, Materials, Structure & EcologyPerformance & ComputationPractise, Space & Technique Collaboration

Design: Industrial Design, Interaction Design, Service Design

Landscape Architecture: Infrastructure and landscape, Landscape urbanism, Emerging Landscapes and Territories, Architecture and Landscape, Public Space and Parks



Study Systems Oriented Design at AHO
