fbpx 80 144 GK4 Norsk Arkitekturhistorie | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


80 144 GK4 Norwegian Architectural History

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK4 Norsk Arkitekturhistorie
Course code: 
80 144
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Spring
Assessment semester: 
2019 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Kolbjørn Nesje Nybø
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått studiodelen av GK1 og GK2. 

Gjennomført (dvs. fått godkjent eventuelle arbeidskrav, ha oppfylt eventuelle krav til oppmøte og levert inn besvarelse til vurdering) øvrige emner i GK1 og 2, samt hele GK3.

Course content

Norwegian Architectural history

Learning outcome

Kunnskaper After completing the course the student should have gained an overview of attitudes and key architects of the Norwegian architectural history. Ferdigheter After completing the course, the students shall have learned to write a scientific essay with footnotes and bibliography. Generell kompetanse After completing the course the student should be able to presenting an architect, an issue or architecture works in a scientific manner in a historical and architectural context.

Working and learning activities

A number of lectures on Norwegian architectural history, literature tasks and a one week excursion in Norway.


Brekke, Nils Georg. Nordhagen, Per Jonas. Lexau. Siri Skjold. Norsk arkitekturhistorie. Fra steinalder og bronsesalder til 21. århundreDet Norske Samlaget Oslo  2003.

Christensen, Arne Lie. Den norske byggeskikken : hus og bolig på landsbygda fra middelalder til vår egen tid. Oslo : Pax, 1995.

Gunnarsjaa. Arne. Norges arkitekturhistorie. Abstrakt forlag a/s 2006.

Gunnarsjaa, Arne. Norsk arkitekturleksikon. Abstrakt Forlag a/s 1999.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Excursion