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The Research committee

The Research Committee (FU) - guidelines

Guideline first agreed upon in the AHO Board.18.06.2004. Revised  2.11.2006, 13.02.2009, 25.09.2012, 17.06.2015 and 27.10.2021

The Research Committee, (named FU in the rest of these guidelines) shall, on the basis of strategies passed by the AHO board, suggest measures to develop research at AHO as well as quality assuring AHO’s research, research education and research recruitment. FU shall ensure the best possible conditions for research and the best possible research results.

FU has responsibility and authority within the following areas:

  • FU is a consultative body for the AHO rector in the development and quality assurance of research strategies and research priorities.
  • FU will assess the research content of calls for PhD fellowships at AHO.
  • FU responsible for the admission process to the PhD programme.
  • FU is the appointment committee for research fellows at AHO. If FU are not able to reach a unanimous decision, the case is processed by the AHO board.
  • FU shall support vice-rector for research in Open Research and Research Ethics matters.
  • FU assess applications for funds for research cooperation and recommends a resolution. Rector has decision making authority
  • FU nominates candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy degree to Rector.
  • FU is a consultative body for AHO’s research reporting.
  • FU assesses applications for research leave and recommends a resolution. The AHO rector has decision making authority.
  • FU assess applications for funds for scientific research trips and has the authority to make decisions in this regard.


Vice-rector for Research (leader)
Head of the Research Education
1 representative from the Institute of Architecture
1 representative from the Institute of Urbanism and Landscape architecture
1 representative from the Institute of Design
1 representative from the PhD students.


Research Administration
Head of Library
Head of UFF section

The secretary for FU must be employed in the Research Administration at AHO. The academic representative from each institute must be employed in permanent positions and are appointed by the head of each institute after an open recruitment process at the institute. The representative for the PhD students is elected among and by the PhD students themselves. The Head of FU is the Vice rector of research. 

In the composition of FU it must be ensured that the variety of research disciplines at AHO is represented and the committee as whole occupies a substantial R&D (Research and development) qualification. All representatives must have appointed deputies. 

The official language in the Research Committee is normally English. Documents and case files for FU will be written in English, but documents or case files addressed to FU in other languages will not be translated. It must be ensured that representatives and deputies from each institute in between themselves master both English and Norwegian. 

The committee members are appointed for four (4) years, but with a starting date six months after the AHO board has come into operation. FU should arrange 4-6 meetings every semester. The minutes from the meetings shall be sent to the AHO board and be made available to all employees at AHO.

Approved FU 02.06.2021. Approved by the Board 16.06.2021 and 27.10.2021


The Research Committee - Minutes

The Research committee (FU)

Members 2021-2024
  • Head of FU: Lise Amy Hansen
  • Head ph.d.-programme: Tim Anstey
  • Institute of Architecture: Ute C. Groba
  • Institutt of Urbanism and Landscape architecure: Peter Hemmersam
  • Institute of Design: Josina Vink
  • Ph.d-representative: Nick Walkey. Vara: Ricardo Simian
  • Secretary Reserach administration: Reier Møll Schoder


Head of  Research administration  
Head of Library   
Head of UFF section