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A supervisor will be appointed by the start of the study period. It is possible to apply for one or several co-supervisors

Appointment of supervisor(s)

The PhD program board will appoint a main supervisor for all PhD candidates. The main supervisor must confirm that he or she is willing to take on the assignment in advance. The main supervisor has the primary responsibility for the professional follow-up of the candidate, and should normally be employed in a permanent academic position at AHO.

In special cases, an external supervisor may be appointed. AHO then covers fees within a given hour determined by the program board. AHO does not cover travel expenses in connection with supervision. PhD candidates are entitled to the supervision of one or more co-supervisors. The hour is determined by the program board. Co-supervisors are appointed by the program board on the basis of proposals from the PhD candidate in consultation with the main supervisor. An application with CV must be submitted. AHO recommends that all PhD candidates have at least two supervisors. If possible, there should be a joint meeting between the PhD candidate and both / all supervisors  at least once a year. All supervisors must have a doctorate or equivalent research qualifications. In special cases, special emphasis on specialized, subject-specific competence can be permitted with co-supervisors. 

Rights and obligations with respect to supervision

The doctoral candidate and the main supervisor have a duty to keep each other informed about all factors of significance for supervision. The parties must actively deal with any circumstances that could prevent the performance of supervision as agreed in Section 5 below. The candidate and the main supervisor must submit progress reports as described in Part A of this agreement.

The academic supervisor is to:
  • give advice on formulating and delimiting topics and research questions;
  • discuss and assess hypotheses and methods;
  • help the candidate to become acquainted with the literature and relevant data (library, archives, etc);
  • discuss various aspects of the written presentation (structure, language, referencing, documentation, etc);
  • stay informed as regards the candidate’s progress and evaluate that progress relative to the plan for completion;
  • help to introduce the candidate into relevant research environments;
  • discuss results and their interpretation;
  • give advice on scientific dissemination;
  • provide the candidate with guidance in ethical matters related to the thesis. 
The candidate is to:
  • provide a draft of parts of the doctoral thesis to the supervisor as agreed and in accordance with the project description. Parts of the thesis may be presented in relevant seminars;
  • complete the required coursework in accordance with the progress plan;
  • uphold the ethical principles that pertain to his or her area of research.