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Research ethics and data protection

The research at AHO shall comply with the relevant regulations for the handling of various data and research issues.

AHO has procedures in place in relation to guidance and internal control of student and research projects that fall within the scope of special legislation and/or process personal data.

Data protection official

Sikt – The Service Provider for the Knowledge Sector is the Data Protection Official/ for research at AHO. Here, you can register projects that involve personal data.

The Data Protection Official at Sikt provides information and advice. You can easily check whether your project requires notification by visiting Sikt's website.

Responsibility for Approval

The project leader or supervisor is responsible for determining whether the project needs to be reported to Sikt and obtaining the necessary approvals. Sikt is an advisor for AHO and does not decide whether projects should be carried out. AHO makes this decision.

If you have any questions, please contact AHO’s Data Protection Officer at personvernombud@aho.no or the Research Administration.

Guidelines for good research practice (AHO)

Under revision 

Researchers at AHO must:

  • Comply with the provisions in the Act relating to Universities and University Colleges that concern rights and obligations relating to academic freedom
  • Familiarise themselves and comply with AHO’s ethical guidelines and the guidelines that apply within their research field
  • Take into account that all research entails a responsibility for the knowledge the researcher gains access to, contribute to ensuring that this knowledge is not misused and that it benefits society
  • Must not keep any aspects of their research activities secret to other researchers at AHO, except in cases where there are good and publicly accepted grounds for confidentiality
  • Ensure that the scientific results for which the individual is responsible are sound enough to support the conclusions and that the raw data / sources used for the publications are available
  • Explain how funds made available to their research have been managed
  • Comply with the rules that apply to scientific publication in their field
  • Where possible, participate in collegial communities that analyse and communicate research methods and results
  • As an institution, AHO's handling of research ethics issues is subject to the same guidelines as its employees

The Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees

The National Research Ethics Committees have ethical guidelines at a general level and for various disciplines and topics. You can read more about this on their website.

AHO also follows the guidelines from NESH, the National Committee for Research Ethics in the Social Sciences and the Humanities.