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Apply for internal funds

Funds for Research Cooperation

The idea behind the fund is to stimulate research activity and develop projects in collaboration across AHO. Projects can be research applications, seminars, educational activities, courses, networking and other.  

Formal requirements:

  • All applications must include at least one collaborator from another institute at AHO. 
  • All applications must argue how their project will contribute to cooperation across AHO.
In addition the following advice should be taken into consideration when writing applications:
  • It should be as specific as possible, about the initiative’s timeframe, outcome and in particular regarding activities: describe how these are seen to contribute towards research stimulation and cooperation across AHO.
  • The project and the outcome of the project should be comprehensible also for researchers that are not part of the research field the project is situated in.
  • As the goal of this fund is to stimulate research and cooperation across the school we would ask that the relevance of the project is clearly described and articulated.
  • In addition, the budget must be realistic, clear and support the overall aim of the application.
Assesment criterias
  • Degree of collaboration across AHO
  • Expected results
  • Realism and specificity of budget
  • Accessibility of expected results
  • Expected value for AHO as a whole
  • Presence of external peer-review or funding
Application deadline and process
  • A total budget of 400 000 NOK is available for all applications per year.
  • A key issue concerning the budget is that it does not cover things that should be on the ordinary strategic budgets of the institutes/centres.
  • Application deadline are 1 February and 1 October each year.
  • FU processes and recommends applications to rector who has decision-making authority.
  • All granted projects must be reported to FU after the project period ends
Help and guidance 
For faculty planning to apply, please contact research administration well in advance. They will be able to guide and advise.
To give applicants an example of an exemplary application, please see the application from the research group urban digital living. Link to application

Publication fund

Guidelines for the publication fund at AHO

AHO covers author payment expenses (Article Processing Charges, APC, Article Submission Charges and similar) in pure Open Access journals and books.

Support can also be given to hybrid journals at level 2. Applications that meet the criteria will be processed on an ongoing basis. Note that the publication fund has limited funds that apply per calendar year.
Articles and books that receive support must be available openly online without barriers to access such as login or IP filtering.
The journal or book publisher must have clear guidelines for open access and the price of author payment, and this information should be available on the publisher's website.
The applicant must be an employee or student at AHO and be a corresponding author for articles, or author of a monograph or editor of an anthology. The corresponding author is the author/authors responsible for submitting the article and follow-up of the publication process at the publisher. The affiliation must appear in the publication's indication of institutional affiliation.
The maximum amount covered per article, anthology chapter or monograph is NOK 30 000. Support is not given to cover expenses for color printing, extra illustrations, large volumes and the like.
Support is only given to cover author payment for articles that have been accepted for publication. Support is not given to articles that have been submitted but not accepted, or to articles that have already been published.
Article/monograph/chapter that receives support must be registered in Cristin at the time of publication.
Supported articles or books must meet the criteria for a scientific publication according to the Norwegian publication indicator. The journal must be on level 1 or 2 in NSD's register of publication channels. The same requirement applies to publishers of monographs/anthologies.

The library and Prorector for Research manage the publication fund.

The guidelines may be changed without notice, but without retroactive effect for applications that have already been processed.

Send application by e-mail to Annette Medhus 


Research leave

Application form for research leaves

Apply in the online form below. Note that the form is only open when funds are available.

Reports from Completed Research Leave

Here you will find reports from completed research leaves, provided for your information and inspiration. Please note that these reports must not be shared without the authors' permission. The reports listed here have been made public with the consent of the respective authors.

Read the reports:

Research leave – guidelines for awarding leaves

1. General

The purpose of the Research Leave is to provide permanent employees in teaching and research positions exempt from teaching and administrative tasks in order to be able to concentrate on research activities (including artistic creative activities).

Research Leave is an offer that employees in teaching and research positions can apply for and be awarded according to specific guidelines, not a right employee accrues automatically after a certain number of years. It is a precondition that the employee has had normal teaching and administrative duties.

All permanent employees in a minimum 50% position can apply for 1 year of Research Leave after a minimum of 6 years of service, or ½ year after a minimum of 3 years of service.

2. Application

All applicants must complete the application form for Research Leave. The applicant shall provide a description of the research project, specify goals and outline the work plan for the Research Leave. Four main criteria shall be fulfilled and documented in the application.

  • The application should consist of a project with expected results that can be presented or documented. The project can be research project, teaching project or development project.

  • The application's professional quality and realism must be elaborated and explained

  • The application must document relevance to AHO

  • A written recommendation or approval from the head of Institute must be attached when the application is submitted. Here it must be stated that the Institute supports the application and that the application is connected to the Institute's strategic goals for research and education.

Furthermore, previous work efforts and previous research results should be discussed, as well as academic networks and any connection to major research projects. Applications for Research Leave should include a project that the researcher or employee will not be able to carry out in their regular working day.

3. Rights and duties during the Reserach Leave

The employee receives full pay during the Research Leave, and is exempt from the teaching obligation, attendance obligation and administrative duties unless something else has been agreed upon by granting a Research Leave. The person who is given the Research Leave is obliged to concentrate his / her efforts on the project that forms the basis for the application for Research Leave. It is not allowed to undertake other kinds of work or other things that may hinder the planned research tasks without the consent of AHO.
The department is responsible for arranging temporary temps for its employees.

4. Reporting

The Institute are responsible to monitor the research leave. Anyone who has had a Research Leave, shall within one month after the termination of the term, submit a concise report to the Institute, and copy  FU about goal achievement etc. in the period. The report is public and will be made available to other employees at AHO. This is done to inform about what has been achieved, but to be used as inspiration for later applications for Research Leave.

5. Award criteria

When awarding a Reserach Leave, emphasis is placed on the following:
Assessment criteria

  • The application must contain a concrete project where the objective is a concrete result that can be described, documented or presented.

  • The application's professional quality and realism

  • The application must be relevant to AHO 

Additional criteria to be taken into account in the assessment of the applications

  • Competence building at AHO

  • Gender equality, including women's opportunity to qualify for promotion.

  • Special workload and effort for AHO

  • Service time and previous Research Leaves (and result of this) 

6. Service time

When calculating the service time for Research Leave, the number of semesters / years in ordinary service is based on the previous term. For permanent employees with reduced working hours, the time is converted to the entire earning year.
When calculating the service time, time in a temporary scientific position with teaching duties, which is followed by direct appointment in a permanent position same place, shall count on the same basis as service time as a permanent employee.

Leave without pay is not included in the service time, nor buy-out from all or some part of the permanent position. Sickness and pregnancy, welfare permits etc. in accordance with the wage regulations' common provisions are included in the service time period.

Reserach Leave with full pay is normally limited to one year's duration.

7. Procedure for application and case processing

Applications for Research Leave are processed once a year with a fixed application deadline on 10 October

The earliest starting point for Reserach Leave is the spring semester in the following year.

It must be clarified in advance who covers any costs associated with the application before it is passed on to FU. This can be the cost of travel, infrastructure, equipment etc.

The Research Committee makes a prioritized recommendation to the Rector who makes the decision in the case.

AHO has established a guiding upper limit of 2 full-time Research Leaves per year.