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2015 Høst

Start semester

Eiendomsutvikling – sett i et kritisk perspektiv

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Eiendomsutvikling – sett i et kritisk perspektiv
Course code: 
60 305
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

The course will deal with real estate both in a historical and contemporary perspective. The last 30 years planning, urban development and the architect’s working conditions have changed radically. In particular, the professionalization of real estate has been an important premise for these changes. Increasingly larger urban projects are developed by major international actors and processes are becoming more and more complex. This is putting the architect’s role under pressure.

The course will be based on an ongoing research project that examines how urban development projects are planned, organized, financed and implemented. It will be based on concrete cases. Simultaneously, the course will address the critical literature to the impact of a real estate based urban development. The students shall write a paper with a critical analysis of a case study.

Learning outcome

Students will acquire an understanding of real estate development significance for urban development processes and practice their ability to search relevant information and critical reflection.

Working and learning activities

The course consists of lectures, literature studies and search for relevant information about the various case studies. Individual tasks /alternative group work will aim to describe a urban development and the real estate developer's role in the project, at the same time the students should be able to set the project into a more comprehensive understanding of the city's contemporary development


Will be available when course starts

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Deltakelse og en skriftlig oppgave.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Comment:Deltakelse og en skriftlig oppgave.

Start semester

Park, Samling, Botanisk Hage

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Park, Samling, Botanisk Hage
Course code: 
60 504
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

Kurset tager udgangspunkt i Oslo Botaniske have, og ser på hvordan haven over tid kan forandres, fornyes og udvides.

Gennem studie af andre botaniske haver undersøges hvordan plantesamlinger botaniske haver kan indgå i byens rekreative muligheder samtidig med at de som videnskabelig basis har betydning for fagområdet.
Mange botaniske haver i Europa er ved at være udlevede store dele af plantematerialet skal fornyes. Vores ændrede brug af haverne til rekreation, betyder at den rumlige struktur bær ændres.
Haverne skal understøtte bærns viden om planter, især spiselige planter der skal etableres skole nyttehaver hvor alle børn får fingrene i jorden, lærer og smager på det de selv har dyrket.

Oslo botaniske have har mulighed for udvidelse i forbindelse med Munch Museets flytning, det er tanken udvide parken på eksisterende parkeringspladser og det er en del af kurset at designe et nyt væksthus.

Learning outcome

Studentene skal forstå hvordan oplevelses parker er opbygget, få viden om plantematerialet, udvikle parkbegrebet og fremkomme med forslag til formgivning af parken og dens ændrede funktion i byen. Målet er at formgive Oslo nye Botaniske have, give en rumlig forståelse og arbejdet i alle skalaer fra 1:10.000 til 1:1

Working and learning activities

Kurset indeholder både forelæsninger og et seminar. Forelæsninger vil fokusere på specielle temaer i landskapsarkitekturen: analyser, prosjekt udvikling, designproses, struktur og systemer, indføring i europæisk havekunst.

1.Studiet indledes med feltarbejde hvor de studerende foretager kortlægning og etablerer fælles kundskabsbase.
2.Derefter udarbejdes rumlige strategier for parken, udvidelsen og sammenhæng med byen
3.Tematiske workshops arrangeres undervejs i forløbet med nøglepersoner i fagområdet
4 Udformning af det langsigtede landskabsprojekt er kursets hovedfokus, kurset er opbygget som et kontinuerlig projekterings proces, hvor de forskellige faser er tematisk definerede for at bridrage til udvikling af projektet.

Udenlandske referencer indrages.

Der arrangeres studie tur til europæisk Botanisk have

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activityComment
CurriculumThe Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture. Waterman, Tim. AVA Publishing, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2009
CurriculumLandscape of man. J. Jellico
CurriculumDigital Landscape Architecture Now. Amoroso, N. & Hargreaves, G. Thames and Hudson 2012
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Curriculum
Comment:The Fundamentals of Landscape Architecture. Waterman, Tim. AVA Publishing, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2009
Workload activity:Curriculum
Comment:Landscape of man. J. Jellico
Workload activity:Curriculum
Comment:Digital Landscape Architecture Now. Amoroso, N. & Hargreaves, G. Thames and Hudson 2012

GK5 Designteori 2

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK5 Designteori 2
Course code: 
70 153
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Kurset bygger videre på Exphil, Designhistorie og GK4 Designteori 1. Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

Kurset har fokus på områder som markedsforståelse, bærekraft og emosjonell design. Utvalgt litteratur fordeles på grupper som forbereder en presentasjon av det aktuelle tema for hele klassen. Studenten velger et eget fokusområde og bruker referanser blant oppsatt litteratur og avslutter kurset med å skrive en kronikk.

Learning outcome

Etter endt kurs skal studenten forstå utvalgt teori innenfor spesifiserte områder relatert til designfaget. Få innblikk og erfaring med skriving av en kronikk.

Working and learning activities

Kurset består av en forelesningsrekke og skriftlige øvinger med diskusjoner. Avsluttende innlevering av kronikk.


Pensumliste kommer 

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

Start semester

Urban transformasjon i tre

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Urban transformasjon i tre
Course code: 
40 502
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Marius Nygaard
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed basic education / admitted to master level

Course content

New timber technology and solutions for fire protection opens for a broader application of wood-based solutions in urban areas. Stronger focus on the environmental properties and the carbon-sequestrating potential of building materials places wood at the centre of attention. Sustainable buildings must be designed for long lifecycles. They must have a high and durable architectural and technical quality and they must be adaptable to varied use over time. They must combine generality in room forms with possibilities for flexible partitioning and furnishing. This requires tight coordination of constructions, building envelopes and the systems for water supply, sewage, heating and ventilation.

The main aim of the course is to develop strategies for transformations in dense, urban locations using timber as a main material. The design task is a medium-sized project combining new buildings, add-ons and refurbishment. The project shall contain a mixture of dwellings and other functions typical of urban areas. Adaptability to alternate future use shall be explored and documented.
The formability of timber components shall be utilized in studies of how contrasting geometries may interact in architectural design. The solutions shall be developed to a high degree of detail. Site(s) will be selected by the team of teachers before the start of course.

Learning outcome

Knowledge of development patterns and building typologies that are suited for urbanizing areas. Overview of climatic factors that influence site plans and building design. Updated information about wooden materials and structural systems that are applicable in urban settings. Knowledge of possibilities and challenges related to the use of wood in urban building envelopes. Knowledge of relevant systems for natural and mechanical ventilation, utilization of solar energy and water handling on household and urban levels.

Ability to develop architectural strategies related to program, site and technology. To develop design aimed at rational production, climate adaption, energy efficiency and sustainability. Ability to communicate architectural strategies, systems solutions and building design through drawings and texts.

General competence
Ability to independently develop detailed architectural design of a medium-sized urban building.

Working and learning activities

Moodle will be used by the teachers and the students. The students are expected to have access to and skills in the use of digital tools suited for development of detailed presentation drawings.The course is linked to the research project “Increased use of wood in urban areas - WOOD/BE/BETTER.” An interdiciplinary team of architects, engineers and wood technologists will contribute to the course in the form of lectures and individual tutoring. Mini seminars on selected topics will be arranged if needed.

The course will be organized as an ordinary studio course focusing on architectural projects that will be developed individually or by groups of students.
Initial lectures will cover urban development, building typologies and the detailed program of the design task. A special series of lectures will give insight in wooden materials and wood technology. The team of teachers also give lectures about energy and environmental themes related to urban buildings.
Miniseminars on selected themes will be arranged on demand.
At least three intermediate deliveries and plenary reviews and critiques leading up to final delivery commented by the team of teachers and external evaluator.
Clearly defined guidelines will be given for the content of the deliveries aiming at publication as a part of the research project. The course will organise an exhibition of the projects.
The course will be evaluated as passed / not passed according to the rules of the Master studies at AHO, paragraph 6-14. Exchange stuents will be evaluated according to international agreements and standards.
Lectures and student projects from relevant earlier studio courses will be made available.
A list of litterature is under development.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / failForelesninger hours Presence at lecture is mandatory
Individuell veiledning hours Participation in individual tutoring is mandatory. Its amount and character may be adapted to student needs
Workshops hours Participations in workshops and reviews / critiques is mandatory for passing of course
Prosjekteringsoppgave weeks / major part of semester Development, delivery and plenary presentation and critique of project task is mandatory for passing of course
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Forelesninger hours Presence at lecture is mandatory
Individuell veiledning hours Participation in individual tutoring is mandatory. Its amount and character may be adapted to student needs
Workshops hours Participations in workshops and reviews / critiques is mandatory for passing of course
Prosjekteringsoppgave weeks / major part of semester Development, delivery and plenary presentation and critique of project task is mandatory for passing of course
Workload activityComment
LecturesDeltakelse på forelesningene forutsettes.
Individual supervisionDeltakelse i individuell veiledning forutsettes. Omfang og karakter kan tilpasses studentenens behov
Planning assignmentDeltakelse i workshops og prosjektgjennomganger er en forutsetning for bestått kurs
Utarbeiding, presentasjon og gjennomgang av prosjekteringsoppgave er en forutsetning for bestått kurs
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Deltakelse på forelesningene forutsettes.
Workload activity:Individual supervision
Comment:Deltakelse i individuell veiledning forutsettes. Omfang og karakter kan tilpasses studentenens behov
Workload activity:Planning assignment
Comment:Deltakelse i workshops og prosjektgjennomganger er en forutsetning for bestått kurs
Workload activity:
Comment:Utarbeiding, presentasjon og gjennomgang av prosjekteringsoppgave er en forutsetning for bestått kurs

Start semester


Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Course code: 
80 505
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Mari Lending
Required prerequisite knowledge


Course content

In the fall 2015, OCCAS offers a master studio as part of the international research project The Printed and the Built: Architecture and Public Debate in Modern Europe, in collaboration with the Museum of Cultural History.

The studio takes as its point of departure the two most important public institutions debating and presenting architecture to wide audiences in the 19th century: the illustrated press and the museum. On the backdrop of the collections of the former Department of Antiquities in Grosch’s University buildings and their transference to Henrik Bull’s Historical Museum at Tullinløkka around 1900, we will look into the public debates on acquisitions, cultures of collecting, practices of exhibition, installation design and archeological excavations, in short: the public debates surrounding artifacts of the past in changing, contemporary architectural frames. The illustrated press will provide new insights into one of the most important mass media of the 19century. We will study this publication culture in-depth, from typography and images to the international contexts of the debates.

In parallel with studying the historical debates surrounding this collection and acquisition history, we will work with contemporary exhibition design and curatorial deliberations. The Museum of Cultural History is in the process of re-mounting their permanent displays, with an exception for Sverre Fehn’s permanent galleries for the medieval collection. In collaboration with museum staff, we will develop new design schemes for several of the galleries, to be presented at the museum through the semester. An important reference for the new designs will be Fehn’s museum architecture and exhibitions of historical artifacts such as the show “Medieval Art in Norway” at Henie-Onstad Art Center in 1972 and Domkirkeodden at Hamar).

This research based studio will admit maximum 10 dedicated students, interested in visual culture, exhibition curating, as well as singular, fragile antiquities and their mass medial representations.

Learning outcome

After the semester the students are expected to have a good overview of museum, collection, and exhibition history. They will be familiar with historical and contemporary debates on curating and presenting historical artifacts, based on Norwegian and international examples. Further, they should be able to do independent archival studies, and to process and present historical material, including texts, images, and objects. The students will be trained in curatorial practice, in command of different display traditions and strategies, as well as familiar with academic writing and basic research problems.

Working and learning activities

Seminars, lectures, individual studies, archival research, writing and the development of display concepts

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentGroup-Regular assesment of archival findings and exhibition design
Report--Regular assesment of the exhibition design and curatorial concept
--Assesment of the final catalogue essay
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:-
Comment:Regular assesment of archival findings and exhibition design
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:-
Comment:Regular assesment of the exhibition design and curatorial concept
Form of assessment:
Grading scale:-
Comment:Assesment of the final catalogue essay

Start semester


Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Course code: 
80 305
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Victor Plahte Tschudi
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått grunnundervisning.

Course content

Kurset tilbyr et studium av arkitekturtraktaten fra antikken frem til opplysningstiden. Foruten å lese og forstå disse tidlige bygningsmanualene er hovedoppgaven å diskutere traktatenes innvirkning på – og oppfinnelse av – arkitektur som teori, som noe vi kan snakke om, systematisere, kritisere og teoretisere.

Bærebjelken i kurset er en kronologisk gjennomgang av noen av de viktigste traktatene (Vitruvius, Alberti, Serlio, Palladio, Fontana og Pozzo). Det innebærer i praksis en introduksjon til bøkenes oppbygging, retorikk og innflytelse, samt til de historiske, materielle, og konseptuelle betingelsene for at de ble produsert. Teknologi, sponsorvirksomhet, opphavsrett, antikkforståelse er noen av de temaene som vil bli tatt opp.

Learning outcome

Ved gjennomført studium forventes det at studenten har ervervet en forståelse av arkitekturtraktater i et historisk forløp og kan oppvise en kritisk tilnærming til temaene de tar opp. Det forventes også at studenten skal kunne mestre noen av de litterære og visuelle virkemidlene anvendt i arkitekrurtraktatene, overført på problemstillinger i til dagens virkelighet.

Working and learning activities

Kurset består av ukentlige seminarer bestående av presentasjon av tekster og diskusjon, samt forelesninger. Avsluttende oppgave består av skrive- og tegnearbeid.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required1Not requiredSkriftlig/visuelt arbeid leveres ved semesterslutt
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:1
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Skriftlig/visuelt arbeid leveres ved semesterslutt
Mandatory coursework:
Courseworks required:1
Presence required:
Mandatory coursework:
Courseworks required:
Presence required:
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / failStudentene leverer inn skriftlig/illustrert arbeid til evaluering
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Studentene leverer inn skriftlig/illustrert arbeid til evaluering
Workload activity
Written assignments
Group work
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Workload activity:Written assignments
Workload activity:Group work

Start semester

E8 - Infrastructure and Landscape

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
E8 - Infrastructure and Landscape
Course code: 
65 601
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed 1st semester studio and theory course
The subject is a part of the study programme Master in Landscape Architecture and cannot be taken as a single course

Course content

In spite of being a characteristic feature of all landscapes, road networks seldom attract much attention among architects involved in urban planning and landscape architecture. One reason can probably be found in the dominance of the zoning approach to planning, where road networks easily becomes reduced to a matter of traffic management and transport economy. Another possible reason could be, as suggested by Australian landscape architect Christopher Sawyer, that road networks like other infrastructures are conceived ‘outside’ the more visually oriented domain of landscape architecture at a much larger and more abstract territorial scale. This is not to say that infrastructure does not operate within the landscape, it obviously does, but rather that it does not originate there. According to Sawyer, infrastructure is conceptually located elsewhere and thus is not strategically accessible to landscape architects working only in the realm of landscape. As a consequence infrastructure often becomes something landscape architects work around rather than engage with and alter.
If Sawyer is right, how can we as landscape architects engage with road planning and design in profound ways that move beyond the purely visual and pictorial? Is it possible to conceptually re-locate road networks in the landscape? This question will be pivotal in the Spring Studio 2015 at Tromsø Academy of Landscape and Territorial Studies, in which we the main objective is to investigate and explore how the planned extension of the main highway E8 though Ramfjord can be thought as an integrated part of the landscape. The studio will be organised in collaboration with Troms County Municipality and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration together with experts from UiT - The Arctic University of Norway

Specific issues to be addressed in relation to the study of E8:

• Landscape analysis and survey of potential highway alignments
• Concepts for the integration of infrastructure and landscape
• Site-specific solutions in relation to highway design
• Strategic plan for urban development and landscape protection

Learning outcome

After concluding the studio course the candidate should have the following learning outcome:

• Basic knowledge of landscape transformation and urban development
• Extensive knowledge of landscape architecture in relation to infrastructure planning and design
• Specialized knowledge of the subarctic landscape and its specific topology, geology, hydrology and ecology

• Ability to analyse landscape and communicate its specific qualities and transformation processes
• Ability to develop architectural concepts on the basis of case studies and on-site investigations
• Ability to combine overall strategic considerations on a territorial level with design solution addressing the material and spatial qualities of the specific landscape as well as topological, geologic, hydrologic and ecologic conditions

• Critical and reflective attitude towards to study of landscape and territory
• Basic understanding of and experience with concepts, methods and design development in relation to landscape architecture

Working and learning activities

Studio based teaching with lectures and practical exercises. Desktop research in combination with fieldwork. The studio in organised as a collective group work with individual tasks and contributions. Tutoring will be done both collectively and individually.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

Start semester

Practical Concepts

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Praktiske konsepter
Course code: 
40 404
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Thomas McQuillan
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundationlevel courses or equivalent

Course content

Concepts play a number of different roles in architecture, from explanatory models that allow for theoretical discussion to notions that guide the process of making. This course looks at the making side, addressing the way in which concepts can operate practically and productively in architectural design, as pathways for the creation of new objects and spaces. The focus will be on the productivity of concepts in the process of work.

The course is divided into two parts. The first part studies five practical concepts through a weekly lecture followed by a design task. The second part is an analysis by students of the work that they have produced in the first five weeks, resulting in a written and visual document.

Learning outcome


Mandatory courseworkPresence required
ExerciseNot required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Exercise
Presence required:Not required
Mandatory coursework:
Presence required:
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Written ExamIndividualPass / fail5 ukentlig designoppgaver
Other assessment method, define in comment fieldIndividual-
Form of assessment:Written Exam
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:5 ukentlig designoppgaver
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:-

Start semester

Rethinking the Architecture Board

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Rethinking the Architecture Board
Course code: 
80 307
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Ingrid Lønningdal
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

Dette er et kurs i frihåndstegning der vi bruker arkitekturplansjen som utgangspunkt: i den møtes todimensjonale og formale aspekter fra tegning med arkitektoniske problemstillinger og formidlingen av disse. I arkitektkonkurranser og i utstillingspresentasjoner av eksisterende bygninger spiller plansjen en vesentlig rolle i kommuniseringen av idé og realitet. I dette fordypningskurset tar vi et dypdykk ned i eksisterende visuelt materiale og ser på forskjellige tilnærminger til arkitekturplansjen. Vi studerer plansjen som helhet og går også inn i elementene den består av (bilder spesielt). Målet er å avdekke ulike strategier og teknikker innenfor dette formatet, å utvikle tegneteknikker som uttrykker arkitektoniske ideer samt å få kjennskap til visuelle analyseverktøy.

Nærlesninger av arkitekturplansjen vil skje gjennom et sett av ulike tilnærminger, først og fremst gjennom praktisk arbeid – frihåndstegning. Hva skjer når hyperrealistiske rendringer studeres gjennom blyanttegning? Hvordan endrer meningen seg når samme motiv uttrykkes gjennom ulike tegneteknikker? Hva slags meningsinnhold har ulike materialer, og hvilken betydning har format og komposisjon? Hvordan forstår vi bygninger gjennom fotografier, og hvordan kan fotografier fungere som forelegg for bildeproduksjon?

Kurset har en praktisk tilnærming, og frihåndstegning, diskusjoner og presentasjoner blir viktige bestanddeler av undervisningen. Kurset gir også introduksjoner til relevante kunstnerskap, som blant annet diskuterer representasjon av arkitektur og fotografi som forelegg for bildeproduksjon.

Learning outcome

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten:
- ha styrket sine kunnskaper om arkitekturrepresentasjon.
- ha kjennskap til og erfaring med bildeanalyse.
- ha utviklet sine ferdigheter i å tegne på frihånd.
- ha utviklet seg i å beskrive og diskutere egne og andres arbeider/prosess.

Working and learning activities

Kursdagenes innhold spenner fra praktisk arbeid med tegning til forelesninger, atelierbesøk, film, diskusjoner, studentpresentasjoner og arbeid med egendefinert prosjekt.

Presence requiredComment
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activity
Individual problem solving
Individual supervision
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving
Workload activity:Individual supervision

Start semester

Home: Agencies of Domesticity

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Hjemmet: Innsidens betydninger og virkninger
Course code: 
80 306
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2015 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Léa-Catherine Szacka
Mathilde Simonsen Dahl
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level courses at AHO or equivalent

Course content

How does the conception of the “home” transform in a context of global migration? In relation to the “After Belonging: in Transit” theme proposed by the curators of the 2016 Oslo Architecture Triennale, this course aims to investigate the notion of “home” and its (interior) spatial implications to map out the architectural implications, agencies and innovative potentials of domestic space. While raising pressing discussions related to our present condition, this course will propose an historical perspective, investigating notions of “home” and domesticity as a political and architectural battleground.
Having transformed from a notion designating “the inner character and sense of subjectivity” in the Renaissance, to a sense of state territory in the 18th century, the interior space became a scene for political discussions related to issues such as class and gender, mass consumption and mass media in the 19th and 20th century. At the turn of the 20th century, with various literary and visual artworks depicting the city from the private lives of the citizens, the domestic interior emerged as both a refuge from the city and dependent on it. This mutual appropriation and dependence between the private and the public suggested not only a reinterpretation of the domestic space but also of the relation between citizens and the urban space.
In the context of this course, the historical perspective will allow us to question the distinctions between public and private; urban and domestic. Further, we will investigate the interior space as a scene for architectural experimentation in multi sensorial performances, and as images and displays of buildings, furnishing, exhibitions, theatrical scenes and in literature, with a particular eye to object/space relations and the of use of colour, materiality and ornament.

Learning outcome

This seminar pursues a double objective: first, to study the historical and theoretical frame in which notions of “home” and domesticity has developed since the Renaissance. Secondly to explore how the notion of the “home” is subjected to transformation in a time of global migration.

Working and learning activities

Lectures, reading assignments, writing assignments, class discussions, film screenings and invited guest lectures. Each session will include a small lecture or presentation as well as reading and discussing key texts of architectural theory in the morning. In the afternoon, film screenings or excursions might be organised in relation to the session’s thematic.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activityComment
Group work The students will be evaluated on the basis of their participation in seminars, and their performance during the final “jury/critique”.
The final submission is a final research project (in teams of 2 or 3 students). The course is assessed as Pass/Fail, subject to the Regulations for Master’s degree programs at AHO, §6-14.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Group work
Comment: The students will be evaluated on the basis of their participation in seminars, and their performance during the final “jury/critique”.
Workload activity:
Comment:The final submission is a final research project (in teams of 2 or 3 students). The course is assessed as Pass/Fail, subject to the Regulations for Master’s degree programs at AHO, §6-14.
