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2019 Høst

70 700 Pre-diploma Design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Pre-Diplom Design
Course code: 
70 700
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Vera Pahle
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed 240 ECTS in total.

Course content

The PreDip course aims to help students to develop a solid launch pad for their diploma projects, one that will allow them to start their design/research process from a knowledgeable and critical position and with a clear plan.

The choice of theme is primarily in the hands of each student, and the direction in which this subject is to take is mainly the result of consultations between each student and their supervisor, the institute leader, and the course staff.

The course is organized in two main phases. The first phase focus both on the individual student’s own skills and interests and the choice of the actual theme of the project. This first phase will be presented and assessed at a midterm-presentation (after app. 1 month). The second phase deals with designing the actual project with a feasible project proposal as its main and final delivery.


Learning outcome


- A reflective, constructive and critical stance to his or her own disciplinary interests, strengths and weaknesses.

- An ability to pitch concepts for as well peers as for potential tutors and partners.

- An ability to develop a feasible diploma project as required at the Institute of Design at AHO.

- An ability to plan an independent or colloborative project.

- An ability to convey his or her maturity as a designer at a level that make a positive outcome for a diploma project at AHO very likely.

- An ability to conceptualize design ideas into an actionable project proposal

- An ability to propose, discuss and plan an independent study and design project.

Working and learning activities

The course will mix lectures, own research and writing with presentations and tutoring.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
ReportIndividualPass / fail The student is responsible for taking required initiatives to make agreement with both main and secondary tutor. Furthermore, the student should submit the required deliverables and present the given assignments in plenary presentations according to the timetable of the course. The final submission consists of a final written project description and a final plenary presentation, which both are compulsory. Passed course requires approved written project description and oral presentation.
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment: The student is responsible for taking required initiatives to make agreement with both main and secondary tutor. Furthermore, the student should submit the required deliverables and present the given assignments in plenary presentations according to the timetable of the course. The final submission consists of a final written project description and a final plenary presentation, which both are compulsory. Passed course requires approved written project description and oral presentation.

Start semester

40 316 Plan-drawing in Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Plan-drawing in Architecture
Course code: 
40 316
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Neven Mikac Fuchs
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Course content

Plan drawing represents the horizontal section through the building as orthogonal, parallel projection on a single plane, showing all necessary information  for understanding, imagining and production of architecture. The way the plan drawing is made tells something about the content and evolution of architecture. Therefore, the technique of making the plan should be used precisely and efficiently, in keeping with its specific potential. Actually, the plan drawing is “analytical tool”, so that certain aspects of architecture could be investigated and developed in depth. The precision of information and the way the plan is drawn gives the possibility to read and interpret it both emotionally and mentally. The lines are not just lines; we always imagine them as translated in objects and spaces. The precision tells about the level of architectural content, which allow us to imagine the experience of space, light, atmosphere and material, and even how the people could live there.  

The course is imagined in two overlapping parts, which will run parallel to each other through the whole semester. In the more theoretically grounded first part, the students will briefly learn about the importance, development and structure of plan drawing during the history of architecture, from Renaissance to today. The more practically oriented second part will be concerned with discussion, study and redrawing of the case study plans of architecture by Norwegian architect Sverre Fehn, in connection with the new book project on the architect.

Learning outcome

1. Formulating the independent and prejudice-less knowledge about development, structure and potential of representing architectural ideas, specifically about the plan drawing.

2. Stimulating the awareness of one's own architectural position and attitude toward the representation of architecture and architectural space.

3. Learning about Sverre Fehn’s architecture and his art of making spaces.

4. Stimulating the individual awareness of today’s positions in architecture.

After finishing the course, the student should:

- be able to develop and consciously use his/her own way of working with plan drawings.

- be able to develop principles for structuring the plan drawing and technical skills to develop them into a project.

- be able to understand, develop and structure the architectural knowledge on the base of a specific architectural themes, given during the course.

Working and learning activities

The aim of the course will be:

- by acquiring knowledge about plan drawings and representing spatial ideas, to create motivation for deepening the personal understanding of architecture, space and experience of space.

- to stimulate, cultivate and articulate personal discussions with teachers, through the different tasks during the course.

-The teaching will consist of individual discussions and desk critiques,  collecting and re-drawing the case studies on Fehn’s and other architecture, and info lectures structured in-between 2 beamer reviews.

  • Robin Evans: The Projective Cast: Architecture and its Three Geometries
  • Robin Evans: Translations from Drawing to Building
  • Laurent Stalder, Valerio Olgiati
  • Projects 2009 – 2017 by Valerio Olgiati
  • Per Olaf Fjeld: Sverre Fehn The Pattern of Thoughts
  • Per Olaf Fjeld: The Thought of Construction
  • Sverre Fehn The Poetry of the Straight Line, Exhibition catalogue
Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required RequiredActive participation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is mandatory
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:Active participation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is mandatory
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / failAssessment criteras:

- the active presence and work on the task during the whole semester
- architectural sensibility and awareness of the architectural problems and clarity of argumentation and choices during the research work
- the quality of prepared material at 2 beamer reviews
- the quality and precision of redrawing the case-studies and presenting them at the final presentation
- the studio-work is evaluated with Passed ‚or Not passed, jf. Regulation for Master Studies at AHO
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Assessment criteras:

- the active presence and work on the task during the whole semester
- architectural sensibility and awareness of the architectural problems and clarity of argumentation and choices during the research work
- the quality of prepared material at 2 beamer reviews
- the quality and precision of redrawing the case-studies and presenting them at the final presentation
- the studio-work is evaluated with Passed ‚or Not passed, jf. Regulation for Master Studies at AHO

12 701

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Diplom arkitektur
Course code: 
12 701
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Thomas McQuillan
Marianne Skjulhaug
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of 300 ECTS including 12 400 Pre-diploma (6 ECTS).

Course content

The diploma semester at AHO is an independent research and design task on a theme chosen by the candidate.

In consultation with his/her advisor, the candidate is to produce a complete work of exceptional quality.

Learning outcome
  • An ability to give form to architecture through artistic and scientific research
  • An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that govern architectural work
  • A mastery of the methods, tools and media inherent in architectural design
  • An awareness of architecture’s historical, societal and theoretical underpinnings
  • An ability to communicate ideas and results to professional and laypersons
  • An independent and responsible attitude to individual learning
  • An understanding of one’s own individual position with the discipline
Working and learning activities

The diploma semester is an independent study whose methods and topics are to be outlined in an approved pre-diploma brief.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / failYou are assessed on the submitted material, conveyed through presentation and exhibited project. Diploma is assessed by at least 3 external examiners.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:You are assessed on the submitted material, conveyed through presentation and exhibited project. Diploma is assessed by at least 3 external examiners.

12 400 Pre-diploma

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Course code: 
12 400
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Thomas McQuillan
Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Marianne Skjulhaug
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of 270 ECTS.

Course content

The pre-diploma semester at AHO is an independent research task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with an advisor, the candidate is to produce a report that details a topic to be studied, an approach or methodology, a spatial program and a plan of work. This report is the foundation of the diploma semester.

Learning outcome
  • An understanding of the complexity of a chosen architectural program
  • An ability to frame artistic and scientific research
  • An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that govern architectural work
  • An awareness of the topic’s historical, societal and theoretical ramifications
  • An ability to communicate ideas and plan work
  • An understanding of one’s own individual position with the discipline
Working and learning activities

The pre-diploma semester is an independent study, undertaken in consultation with an advisor, whose result is a program for the following diploma semester.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
ReportIndividualPass / failAssessed by supervisor and head of institute
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Assessed by supervisor and head of institute

Start semester

40 310 Practice

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Course code: 
40 310
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Jonas Johansen Lippestad
Hans-Kristian Hagen
Required prerequisite knowledge

Opptak til AHO og vellykket gjennomføring av tre års bachelor nivå studier (180 studiepoeng)

Course content

Hva må man beherske for å drive en liten arkitektpraksis i Norge i dag?

Kurset tar utgangspunkt i dette spørsmålet og søker å besvare det gjennom kontorbesøk og forelesninger av praktiserende arkitekter, representanter fra den offentlige forvaltningen samt andre viktige aktører.

I tillegg til deltagelse i den informative delen av undervisningen skal studentene bidra til en kritisk diskurs som tar for seg emnet i hver forelesning.

Learning outcome

Hovedmålet er at studentene skal lære å orientere seg innenfor de gjeldende rammevilkårene praktiserende arkitekter har i dag, og dermed gi mulighet til å reflektere over og påvirke egen profesjon.

Ved endt semester skal deltakerne ha kunnskap om gjeldende lovverk med tilhørende forskrifter og normer. De skal også ha oversikt over den politiske, historiske og økonomiske bakgrunnen for regelverket, forvaltningen av det, og hvordan det former arkitekturen.

Læringen vil knytte seg til, og gi nødvendig kunnskap for, oppstart og drift av en liten praksis og hvordan arkitekter samhandler med de viktigste aktørene i et byggeprosjekt.

Undervisningen er avhengig av at deltagerne vil bidra til felles læringsutbytte på grunn av emnets kompleksitet og omfang.

Working and learning activities

Hver fordypningskursdag begynner med organisert undervisning ved forelesninger om et avklart emne. Resten av tiden er satt av til studier relatert til neste forelesning. Dette arbeidet blir også organisert, men i en friere form hvor den enkelte deltaker kan fokusere på egne interesser og synspunkt.

Fordypningskursuken organiseres som en workshop hvor kunnskapen som er tilegnet i løpet av semesteret skal få en praktisk anvendelse.

Deltakerne skal til sammen bidra til at stoffet som formidles, debatteres og produseres i løpet av kurset blir samlet og publisert i en form som kan nyttiggjøre læringsutbyttet etter endt utdanning.


Pensum oppgis ved kursstart.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Oppmøte og deltagelseRequired The course requires 100% attendance and active participation in the discourse the subject is related to. Specific tasks will be given to satisfy the work requirement.
The course's different theme is taught by a category per teaching day.
Attendance and participation are therefore crucial for achieving full learning outcomes.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required: Oppmøte og deltagelse
Presence required:Required
Comment: The course requires 100% attendance and active participation in the discourse the subject is related to. Specific tasks will be given to satisfy the work requirement.
The course's different theme is taught by a category per teaching day.
Attendance and participation are therefore crucial for achieving full learning outcomes.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / failThe student is assessed to pass / fail after an assessment of active participation in the course. Participation consists of attendance in addition to the execution of project assignments.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The student is assessed to pass / fail after an assessment of active participation in the course. Participation consists of attendance in addition to the execution of project assignments.
Workload activityComment
Written assignments
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Workload activity:Written assignments
Workload activity:Workshops

60 307 GIS, mapping and analytical methods

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GIS, kartlegging og analysemetoder
Course code: 
60 307
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Espen Aukrust Hauglin
Required prerequisite knowledge

 The course requires general computer skills.

Course content

The course provides an introduction to the use of geographic information systems (GIS) as a tool to understand and interpret the built environment and landscapes. The student will be introduced to the subject through exercises, current practices and theoretical discussions. The course emphasize techniques and data sources, interpretation and presentation, as well as theoretical reflections on the role that GIS have in architecture and urban planning.

Learning outcome

A wide range of professions require geographic data and spatial oriented information to visualize existing urban environments and as basis for visualizing new projects. The course aims to develop skills in the use of GIS which enable the student to analyze a site and its spatial relations, and develop new knowledge based on processed data. The student learns to communicate any findings through graphic and cartographic visualizations.

Working and learning activities

Each student will work with and explore a subject of geographic relevance during the semester. The work will require collection / organisations of geographic data, interpretation and analysis, as well as visual presentation. In the semester, the student will regularly present the subject for the teachers and fellow students for input and feedback. At the end of the semester the result will be exhibited in a given format. The examination is based on how the subject is visually displayed and orally presented, as well as processed and developed through the semester.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment fieldIndividualPass / fail In the semester, the student will regularly present the subject for the teacher and fellow students for input and feedback. At the end of the semester the result will be exhibited in a given format. The examination is based on how the subject is visually displayed and orally presented, as well as processed and developed through the semester.
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment: In the semester, the student will regularly present the subject for the teacher and fellow students for input and feedback. At the end of the semester the result will be exhibited in a given format. The examination is based on how the subject is visually displayed and orally presented, as well as processed and developed through the semester.

Start semester

40 532 SCS Social housing prototype, Nicole neighbourhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
SCS Social housing prototype, Nicole neighbourhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Course code: 
40 532
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Christian Hermansen
Jan Kazimierz Godzimirski
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Most important is to be enthusiastic and positive. Architectural design skills are very important. Skills in Rhino will come in handy. Previous building experience much appreciated.

This is a full-time course, all students are expected to work at the studio from 10:00 AM to 17:00 PM Monday to Friday, in addition to traveling to the building site for a period of around 5 weeks.

Due to the travel requirements of the studio students joining SCS will have to enrol in the 6 credit course, Joints and Jigs, which runs with the studio.

Course content


Architects Without Borders, Norway have invited the Scarcity and Creativity Studio to design and build a social house prototype for the Nicole Neighbourhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The Site:

Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina and has a population of around 16 million inhabitants. In the western outskirts of the city lies the county of La Matanza, with a population of 1.8 million. The Barrio Nicole lies at the western edge of La Matanza, is part of the town of Virrey del Pino, and has a population of around 6000 people. This is the site for the Nicole Neighbourhood, Urban Planning and Social Housing project being led by Architects Without Borders. A site of 3 hectares, has been made available for the construction of 90 houses + recreational and community facilities.

The Project:

The aim of the project is to provide a community center with recreation facilities and 90 houses. Architects Without Borders has designed a uniform urban structure that enriches the neighborhood, providing an homogeneous area but at the same time with sufficient flexibility to create its own identity. This neighborhood layout has been approved by the residents.

Housing program:

There are a total of 90 families / homes of 3, 5 to 8 people that will be organized in 3 cooperatives of 30 families each. Some families currently live in other settlements and others live around the neighborhood where they rent small rooms from neighbors.

Program of community spaces:

  • Cultural Centre for multiple uses (multipurpose room), cafe and plaza.
  • Sport ground  (planned under the line of the high voltage cables)
  • Games for children.

Architects  Without Borders have  been working on this project for some time. At present the urban  residential layout plan for the site has  been designed and approved; SCS’s  role would be to design a social housing prototype to fit in plots within this layout.

The site will contain:

1.  A sector of children's games as a transition between the housing area and the educational area.

2.  The Cultural center with a cafe and piazza on the main street "Juan  Cabot"   as a strategic location  for the use  of all the Nicole neighborhood.

3.  A sports and recreational ground that is formed in the length of the land under the high voltage cables.

4.  The 90 houses arranged in clusters, each with a maximum of 15 families that share a semi-public garden. Private lots are 11x16 m. and should provide private courtyards.

5.  The house prototype is to be designed to be self-built in two phases, the first of around 25 m2 with the capacity to expand to around 50m2 in a second stage. If SCS’s design is approved, the 90 houses will be self-built following SCS’s design, mainly by the women of the neighborhood. Other design criteria is contained in the description of the project that follows.

It is envisioned that the expansion of the house would be of the type designed by Alejandro Aravena in his Elemental housing projects in Chile, nicked named ‘half-a-house’, built so as to facilitate their expansion through self-build.

The School of Architecture of the University of Buenos Aires has also been approached with a view to participating in this project. Their participation could take the form of a collaboration with AHO or they may make their own design contribution. This is still to be discussed.


Reuse of existing materials and possible implementation of new techniques together with CEVE (Center for the economic housing), who teach women, to produce and build with self-construction.


Sustainability. Self-renewable energy. For example, studying the possibility of using wind to generate electricity and sun for warming water.

Learning outcome

On completing the course, the student:

•  will know about, and develop skills and competences related to designing for the needs of a foreign local community, which will be at the site during construction.

•  will know about, and develop skills and competences about detailing and specifications of a small house to be self- built by its eventual occupiers.

•  will know about, and develop skills and competences about  local building regulations and building practices, as well as develop new strategies for economic housing.

•  will understand the requirements of buildings for the local climatic conditions.

•  will know about, and develop skills and competences about  building costs and budget management during construction.

•  will have  acquired the skills in using manual and mechanical tools for building

•  will know about, and develop skills and competences about designing and building in conditions of scarcity.


Working and learning activities

Form of Examination

The assessment will be based on submissions, performance and levels of participation in the studio.

Students will be asked for specific submissions during the semester. These submissions are part of the development of the project in Buenos Aires. As much of the work is done in groups, participation is of the utmost importance and will play a big role in the final assessment.

The final assessment will be made by the sensor and will be based on:

1.  The individual submission for stage one of the project.

2.  The level of participation and contribution to the collective work.

3.  The assessment of the work achieved by the studio as a whole.

4.  An individual report describing the contributions that each student made to the overall project.

The minimum attendance to the studio activities is 80% of organized events.

The final decision as to the performance of each student will be taken by the external examiner (sensor) on the basis of both group performance, the report on individual participation done  by the teachers, and a portfolio showing  the extent  of individual and collective contributions to the studio.  The assessment of participation and contribution of each student to the studio will count for 60% of the final mark while the submission of the group and individual work will count for 40%.

Working and learning activities

The development of the work during the semester will follow a pre-determined path which has been thought out in order to provide the pace and logistics which the studio needs to follow if it is to fulfil its aims.

We will work as if we were one architectural studio fulfilling a commission, some of the work will be individual, mostly architectural design, but much of the work will be done in groups. Everyone is expected to contribute to this joint effort performing those tasks that are for the benefit of the whole studio.  Except for the start of the semester the studio will focus on joint production rather than individual expression. At the end of the design phase the project chosen to be built will be the product of all of the members of the studio, regardless of the individual roles each may have played. This set-up very much reflects the way in which contemporary architecture is produced.

Work Effort:

This is a full time studio and an elective course that will supplement it. It relies both on individual and group effort. The studio compresses a rather complex design and build project into one semester. This requires full participation of every individual in the course. All absences during the semester that are not justified by medical certificates or equivalent will not be tolerated. This is not a studio for those that are not fully committed or that have responsibilities outside AHO which get in the way of a full commitment to the studio.

Teaching Methods:

The studio will be based mainly on one-to-one and group discussion of student work supplemented by discussions, workshops, and lectures.

Students who join this studio will have to also enrol in the Joints and Jigs elective course because its contents and scheduling are linked to the studio program development.

It is a requirement of the course that students spend the time needed to construct the house prototype in Argentina. Although it is difficult at this stage to determine the length of the period of construction our estimation is around five weeks. Students will have to fund their own travel and subsistence costs in Argentina.  Insurance which covers each student during the time abroad is required and will be the responsibility of each student. It is expected that the trip to Argentina will be around November 2019.  EHS rules regarding student safety at construction sites  will apply during the period in Argentina.

The development of the project:

Step one:  Each student will develop individual proposals for the project.

Review one: review of the individual projects and choice of projects which continue. Individual contributions must meet minimum design development standards that one would expect for an AHO graduate student.

Review 1: Review of the individual projects and choice of projects which continue.

Step two: Students will form teams of two or three. The composition of the teams will be based on similar/compatible/complementary characteristics of the individual projects delivered in Step One. Each of these teams will develop one joint design initiated by others, which will bring together characteristics of the individual designs.

Review 2: Review of the team projects and choice of projects which continue.

Step three: Students will form teams of four or five. The composition of the teams will be based on similar/compatible/complementary characteristics of the individual projects delivered in Step  two. Each of these teams will develop one joint design initiated by others, which will bring together characteristics of the individual designs.

Review 3: Review of the team projects and choice of the project  which continues.

Step four: The Studio will choose one project to build for which it will develop a complete set of architectural drawings, a detailed list of all materials required for the construction, assembly instructions, and costs.

Review 4: Review of the mock-ups, lists of materials, cutting schedules, assemblies, and construction phasing with a view to discussing construction difficulties that may arise during the construction period.

Step Five: Production information development, prepare all the construction information needed to be able to build the project. Students will be divided into teams and allocated specific tasks related to the construction of the building.

Step Six: Construction, period of four or five weeks will be spent in Buenos Aires. Students will have to pay for all travel to and from the site and for food and lodging while there. Students must also take out insurance that covers them while abroad. Norwegian students will get a grant from Lånekassen which is likely to cover travel and lodgings.

Step seven: Preparing the work for the AHO WORKS exhibition.

Final Exam: Final examination/review to assess the work of the semester will occur during the last week of the semester. The exact  date  will be determined further on, but please do not plan to leave Oslo prior to the end of the semester.



American  Institute of Architects, The Environmental Resource Guide (ERG)

Blue Evening  Star,  Tipis & Yurts: Authentic Designs for Circular Shelters, 1995.

Bourgeois, Jean-Louis and Carollee Pelos, Spectacular Vernacular: The Adobe Tradition, Aperture,  New York, 1989.

Center for Resourceful Building Technology, A Reference Guide to Resource Efficient Building Elements (GREBE), 5th Edition, Missoula, Montana, 1995.

Cob Cottage Company, Earth Building and the Cob Revival: a Reader, Cottage Grove,  Oregon, 3rd Edition, 1996.

Easton, David, The Rammed Earth House, Real Goods/Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, VT, 1996.

Fathy,  Hassan, Architecture for The Poor, University of Chicago, 1986.

Houben, H., and H. Guillaud, Earth Construction: A Comprehensive Guide, Intermediate Technology Publications, London,  1994.

Lanning,  Bob, Straw Bale Portfolio: A Collection of Sixteen Designs for Straw Bale Houses, 1996.

LeClair, Kim and David Rousseau, Environmental By Design: A Sourcebook of Environmentally Aware Material Choices, Hartley & Marks, 1992.

MacDonald, S.O. and Matts Myhrman,  Build It With Bales  - A Step-by-Step Guide to Straw Bale Construction, Out on Bale, Tucson, Arizona, 1995.

McHenry, Paul G., Adobe:  Build it Yourself, University of Arizona Press, 1985.

McHenry, Paul G.Adobe and Rammed Earth Buildings: Design and Construction, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1987.

Merrill, Robert,  Hybrid Construction: The Art of Building with Recycled and Indigenous Materials, Lost Valley Publishing Company, Dexter,  Oregon, 1994.

Schaeffer, John  and staff, The Solar Living Sourcebook: A Complete Guide to Renewable Energy  Technologies and Sustainable Living, 1996.

Steen, Bill and Athena, and David Bainbridge, The Straw Bale House, Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, VT, 1994.

Thompson, Kim et al, Straw Bale Construction: A Manual for Maritime Regions, Straw House Herbals, Ship Harbour, Nova Scotia, nd.

Tibbetts, Joseph M., The Earthbuilders Encyclopedia, Southwest Solaradobe  School,  1989.

Kjellberg Christensen, Kasper, Elisabeth Kron, and Morten Carlsbæk. Sanitary Aspects of Composting Biodegradable Waste: Towards a Nordic Evaluation Model. Vol. 2000:512, København: Nordisk ministerråd, 2000.

Liddell, Howard.  Eco-Minimalism:  The Antidote  to Eco-Bling.  London: RIBA Publ., 2013.

Mussard, Maxime. A Solar Concentrator with Heat Storage and Self-Circulating Liquid. Vol. 2013:164, Trondheim: Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, 2013.

Proctor,  Rebecca. 1000 New Eco Designs and Where to Find Them. London: Laurence King Publ., 2009.

Schittich, Christian, ed. Small Structures, Detail, 2010.

Smith, Peter F. Architecture  in a Climate of Change: A Guide to Sustainable Design.   Amsterdam: Elsevier,  2005.

Shannon, Kelly. "Eco-Engineering for Water: From Soft to Hard and Back." S. 163-82. Dortrecht:  Springer, 2013.

Stoner, Carol Hupping. Goodbye to the Flush Toilet: Water-Saving Alternatives to Cesspools, Septic Tanks, and Sewers. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, 1977.

Wenz-Gahler, Ingrid. Flush!: Modern Toilet Design. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2005.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required RequiredThe minimum attendance to the studio activities is 80% of organized events.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:The minimum attendance to the studio activities is 80% of organized events.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / failThe assessment will be based on submissions, performance and levels of participation in the studio.

Students will be asked for specific submissions during the semester. These submissions are part of the development of the project in Buenos Aires. As much of the work is done in groups, participation is of the utmost importance.

The final assessment will be made by the sensor and will be based on:
1. The individual submission for stage one of the project.
2. The level of participation and contribution to the collective work.
3. The assessment of the work achieved by the studio as a whole.
4. An individual report describing the contributions that each student made to the overall project.

The minimum attendance to the studio activities is 80% of organised events.

The final decision as to the performance of each student will be taken by the external examiner (sensor) on the basis of both group performance, the report on individual participation done by the teachers, and a portfolio showing the
extent of individual and collective contributions to the studio.

The assessment of participation and contribution of each student to the studio will count for 60% of the final mark while the submission of the group and individual work will count for 40%.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The assessment will be based on submissions, performance and levels of participation in the studio.

Students will be asked for specific submissions during the semester. These submissions are part of the development of the project in Buenos Aires. As much of the work is done in groups, participation is of the utmost importance.

The final assessment will be made by the sensor and will be based on:
1. The individual submission for stage one of the project.
2. The level of participation and contribution to the collective work.
3. The assessment of the work achieved by the studio as a whole.
4. An individual report describing the contributions that each student made to the overall project.

The minimum attendance to the studio activities is 80% of organised events.

The final decision as to the performance of each student will be taken by the external examiner (sensor) on the basis of both group performance, the report on individual participation done by the teachers, and a portfolio showing the
extent of individual and collective contributions to the studio.

The assessment of participation and contribution of each student to the studio will count for 60% of the final mark while the submission of the group and individual work will count for 40%.

Start semester

40 312 Animals

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Course code: 
40 312
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Alma Elisabeth Oftedal
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS)

Students participating in the master studio "Coexistence: An Animal Sanctuary" are given priority in the course registration.

Course content


“Over the past few years, the humanities have been confronting a paradigm shift. After the cultural and linguistic turns of the 1970s and 1980s, ideas about language, meaning, representation, power, agency, othering, and knowledge-production redefined the humanities. Now […] new media, climate change, environmental catastrophe, terrorism, biotechnology, population growth, and globalization are destabilizing the core of the humanities. These forces are larger-than-human—they are seismic and are shifting intellectual terrain. They also require a change of perception—a new, less anthropocentric, vision for a new century.”  

(Vandersommers, Dan. 2016. “The “animal turn in history”. Downloaded 12.03.19 from https://www.historians.org/publications-and-directories/perspectives-on-history/november-2016/the-animal-turnin-history)


We are going to study Franz Kafka ´s animal stories. These stories have inspired thinkers and writers since the 1970s with their destabilisation of accepted notions of human distinctiveness from non-human animals.  In addition to reading and discussing the stories, we will make sketches to explore the possibilities set forth in the stories.

Learning outcome

Knowledge of directions in modern cultural theory. Could use sketches as a method of analysis.

Working and learning activities

Group discussions.

Individual investigation

Final review


Haraway, Donna. 2008. “When species meet. Introductions”. When species meet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Kafka’s short stories, English version:

Kafka, Franz. 1995. The Complete Stories. New York: Schocken:

  • “The Cares of a Family Man” .
  •  “The New Advocate”.
  •  “A Report to an Academy”.
  • Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk”.
  • “The Burrow”.
  •  “The Metamorphosis”.

Kafka’s short stories, Norwegian version:

Kafka, Franz. 1995. Fortellinger og annen prosa. Oslo: Gyldendal:

  • “Husfarens bekymring”.
  • “Den nye advokaten”.
  • “En beretning for et akademi
  • “Josefine, sangerinnen eller musefolket”.
  • “Forvandlingen”.

Kafka, Franz. 1996. Etterlatte fortellinger og skisser. Oslo: Gyldendal:

  • “Hiet”.
Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Not requiredStudents must participate in the exhibition to be considered in the final review, which is an oral presentation.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Students must participate in the exhibition to be considered in the final review, which is an oral presentation.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Oral presentation-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Oral presentation
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
AttendanceParticipation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Participation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.

Start semester

40 313 Gravity of Elements

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Gravity of Elements
Course code: 
40 313
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Angela Deuber
Anita Morvillo
Elena Miegel
Ermioni Garramone
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS)

“Elements of gravity” studio course is mandatory for students that enroll in the elective course "Gravity of Elements”.

Course content

"Gravity of Elements”

The semester title of our ELECTIVE COURSE is titled "Gravity of Elements”. 

Students are given the opportunity to deal intensively with an architectural masterpiece. Each student will get to the bottom of its idea and plastically transforming it into a three-dimensional cast cement model.

At the beginning of the semester, we travel together to study architectural elements in works from João Batista Vilanova Artigas and to learn from nature. Each student will select an element of a masterpiece and build one physical model which represents the thought behind the selected building. With this model, we represent a thought that the building carries. Dealing with such a structure is a conversation with a soulmate that inspires. We can learn from nature or recognised buildings, no matter what era, culture or climate. This process aims at raising awareness on the conscious spatial intentions behind architectural elements and the creative physical manifestation of the information in an element. 

The final result will be an exhibition of approximately 20 massively casts in white cement that will represent thoughts of masterpieces in three dimensions. The scale of the model will be a result with discussion with the assistants.  Each student works individually with plans, text and models.

The "Gravity of Elements" elective course is only available for students that enrol in the studio course Guest master atelier “Elements of gravity”. 

The design course "Elements of Gravity" is mandatory for students that enrol in the elective course “Gravity of Elements”. They influence and strengthen each other. 

Learning outcome

1. Awareness of contemporary position in architecture.

2. Benefit from an international guest-teacher and from the confrontation with their architectural thinking, knowledge, experience and imagination.

Knowledge about:

How to structure a focused study of a masterpiece and creatively manifest it physically.

How to think critically in regards to architectural elements and their capacity to carry thoughts about buildings.

How to abstract a thought in a three dimensional object.


Physical model making; How to plan, build formwork and cast with a reinforcement in cement.

Working and learning activities

Introduction to the course (mandatory): Wednesday, 14.08.2019

Excursion to Amazon rainforest and works of João Batista Vilanova Artigas architecture to visit masterpieces: Friday, 16.08.2019 – Sunday, 25.08.2019.Those who don’t cannot participate in the excursion can do an excursion on their own in agreement with the Guest Studio.

Theme-oriented lectures and seminars in synergy with studio course “Elements of Gravity”.

Mandatory intermediate reviews: 02.09.2019

Daily discussions with assistants.

Cross-critique student pairs critique: Each student will form a team with a fellow student. 

Final review: Monday 09.09.2019

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required RequiredIntroduction to the course (mandatory): Wednesday, 14.08.2019

Daily discussions with assistants in week 35, 36

Mandatory intermediate reviews: 02.09.2019

Final review: Monday 09.09.2019
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:Introduction to the course (mandatory): Wednesday, 14.08.2019

Daily discussions with assistants in week 35, 36

Mandatory intermediate reviews: 02.09.2019

Final review: Monday 09.09.2019
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividual-The final assessment will be based on:
a. The delivered complete project material for the exhibition and for the final review.
b. Your active daily participation within week 35,36
c. The attendance of the introduction, the intermediate and final review.

The elective work is evaluated with Passed or Not Passed, according to the regulations for master’s degree programs at AHO.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:-
Comment:The final assessment will be based on:
a. The delivered complete project material for the exhibition and for the final review.
b. Your active daily participation within week 35,36
c. The attendance of the introduction, the intermediate and final review.

The elective work is evaluated with Passed or Not Passed, according to the regulations for master’s degree programs at AHO.
Workload activityComment
ExcursionExcursion to Amazon rainforest and works of João Batista Vilanova Artigas architecture to visit masterpieces: Friday, 16.08.2019 – Sunday, 25.08.2019.

Those who cannot participate in the excursion can do an excursion on their own in agreement with the Guest Studio.
AttendanceThe requirement for passing the course will be to attend the introduction, all intermediate reviews as well as the final review.

Since the elective course will occur intensively in week 35-36 your daily participation will be mandatory.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment:Excursion to Amazon rainforest and works of João Batista Vilanova Artigas architecture to visit masterpieces: Friday, 16.08.2019 – Sunday, 25.08.2019.

Those who cannot participate in the excursion can do an excursion on their own in agreement with the Guest Studio.
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:The requirement for passing the course will be to attend the introduction, all intermediate reviews as well as the final review.

Since the elective course will occur intensively in week 35-36 your daily participation will be mandatory.
