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2019 Høst

60 150 GK5 City and Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK5 By og arkitektur
Course code: 
60 150
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Andreas Kalstveit
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått alle emner i GK1 og GK2. Bestått studiodelen av GK3 og GK4. Gjennomført (dvs. fått  godkjent eventuelle arbeidskrav, ha oppfylt eventuelle krav til oppmøte og levert inn besvarelse til vurdering) i øvrige emner GK3 og GK4.

Course content

GK5 By og arkitektur har Osloregionen som studieobjekt. Kurset er todelt, bestående av en prosjekteringsoppgave, med en eller flere flere forstudier, samt en forelesningsserie tematisert direkte til innholdet i de ulike kursmodulene.

Prosjekteringsoppgave: Byutvikling
Forelesningsrekke: Urbane praksiser

Studentene introduseres til byen som tema og urbanisme som fagområde i arkitekturen gjennom en oppgave, forelesninger og diskusjoner. 

Oppgaven er et større transformasjonsprosjekt i et gitt område, med forankring i aktuelle byutviklingstema og relevant fagdiskurs. Oppgaven utvikles gjennom analytiske forstudier som skal hjelpe gruppene å danne seg et bilde av hvilke strukturelle og arkitektoniske potensialer som kan utvikles, og hvilket konseptuelt rammeverk oppgaven bør baseres på. Prosjektet som utvikles skal manifestere de intensjoner og lesninger studentene definerer i arbeidet med tomten. Målet er å skape et utgangspunkt for et planprosjekt. Forløpet deles opp tematisk og avsluttes med en sluttgjennomgang med ekstern gjestekritiker. Prosjekteringsppgaven er et gruppearbeid.

Disiplinen urbanisme/byplanlegging er faglig sett sammensatt og henter kunnskap fra ulike fagtradisjoner. Forelesningsrekken på GK5 adresserer relevante problemstillinger innenfor urbanismefaget i dag, og gjør rede for fagets ulike tilnærminger og betraktningsmåter. Pedagogisk sett gjøres dette gjennom å presentere forskjellige teorier, prosjekter og praksisformer innenfor urbanismefaget. Forelesningene skal så langt det er mulig knyttes direkte opp mot studioundervisningen.

Learning outcome

GK5 skal samlet gi basisopplæring i teori, metode og praksis innenfor urbanisme. Studentene skal etter endt kurs ha tilegnet seg grunnleggende kunnskaper om problemstillinger og arbeidsmåter innenfor urbanismefaget.

Videre skal studentene ha vært med på å utvikle og presentere et komplekst byplanprosjekt med reelle rammer og forankring i et aktuelt byplantema. Hovedfasene vil inneholde byanalyse, plan/prosjektutvikling samt presentasjon.

Endelig skal studentene i studiokurset oppøve evne til å arbeide overlappende i ulike skalaer og å etablere en grunnleggende forståelse av sammenhengen mellom arkitektur, landskap og samfunn.

Working and learning activities

Kurset er basert på prosjekteringsprosesser knyttet til en gitt problemstilling og kontekst. Studentene vil tilnærme seg prosjekteringsoppgaven gjennom analyse og tematiske studier, og basert på dette utarbeide et planprosjekt. Hovedoppgaven og flere av introduksjonsoppgavene vil være gruppearbeid.

Undervisningen vil bestå av forelesninger fra lærerteam og inviterte gjester i tillegg til prosjektveiledning i grupper, workshops, delgjennomganger og avsluttende gjennomgang med eksterne kritikere. 

Parallelt med dette kurset følger studentene det forelesningsbaserte kursopplegget 60 151 By- og byplanhistorie. Her introduseres studentene til historisk og teoretisk kontekst og til verktøy og referanser som er relevante for prosjekteringsarbeidet.

Det gjennomføres en studiereise i løpet av semesteret, se semesterplan for datoer. Målet med reisen er å gi studentene konkret erfaring med by og byutviklingsprosjekt av høy kvalitet. Erfaringene skal gi grunnlag for løpende diskusjon og refleksjon om aktuelle og relevante problemstillinger i urbanisme og planlegging.


Anbefalt litteratur: 

  • Designing Cities, Leonard Schenk
  • Prosjektbasert Byutvikling: mot en kvalitativ, prosjektrettet byplanlegging, Elin Børrud, August E. Røsnes
Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Not requiredDet er obligatorisk å levere inn arbeid på gitte datoer opplyst i semesterkalenderen. Obligatorisk arbeidskrav må være oppfylt for at prosjektoppgaven skal bli vurdert.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Det er obligatorisk å levere inn arbeid på gitte datoer opplyst i semesterkalenderen. Obligatorisk arbeidskrav må være oppfylt for at prosjektoppgaven skal bli vurdert.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentGroupPass / fail• Prosjektoppgaven er et gruppearbeid.
• Studentene må møte på 80 % av delgjennomgangene. Ved sykdom på delgjennomgangsdagen må legeattest fremvises for å få godkjent gyldig fravær.
• Studentene må presentere innlevert materiale muntlig på delgjennomganger, midtgjennomgang og sluttgjennomgang.
• Studentene må møte på og presentere muntlig på sluttgjennomgangen.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:• Prosjektoppgaven er et gruppearbeid.
• Studentene må møte på 80 % av delgjennomgangene. Ved sykdom på delgjennomgangsdagen må legeattest fremvises for å få godkjent gyldig fravær.
• Studentene må presentere innlevert materiale muntlig på delgjennomganger, midtgjennomgang og sluttgjennomgang.
• Studentene må møte på og presentere muntlig på sluttgjennomgangen.
Workload activityComment
Excursion Deltagelse på ekskursjon er forventet. Studenter som ikke har mulighet til å delta vil få tildelt en oppgave som skal bidra til å kompensere for det faglige utbytte av ekskursjonen.
Lectures Oppmøte og deltagelse på forelesninger er forventet.
Attendance Oppmøte og tilstedeværelse på sal utover obligatorisk oppmøtekrav er forventet.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment: Deltagelse på ekskursjon er forventet. Studenter som ikke har mulighet til å delta vil få tildelt en oppgave som skal bidra til å kompensere for det faglige utbytte av ekskursjonen.
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment: Oppmøte og deltagelse på forelesninger er forventet.
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment: Oppmøte og tilstedeværelse på sal utover obligatorisk oppmøtekrav er forventet.

80 131

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK 3 Arkitekturhistorie 2
Course code: 
80 131
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Mari Hvattum
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed the studio part of GK1 and GK2. Completed (ie approved work requirements, having fulfilled any requirements for attendance and submitted a response to assessment) in other courses in GK1 and GK2.

The course is compulsory for all architectural students in GK3 and is based on GK2 Architecture History 1.

Course content

Architectural History 2 gives an introduction to European and North-American architectural history from around 1900 until today. We study buildings and their contexts, placing particular emphasis on the origins and development of Modernism. Through a series of close readings of selected works, the course explores Modernist design practices as well as its theoretical and ideological ideals. The course is structured as a lecture series.

Learning outcome

The course gives historical knowledge as well as training in understanding and analysing buildings. At the end of the course, the students will be able to analyse architectural form in a critical, contextual, and historically conscious manner.

Working and learning activities

The course is structured as a lecture series with some short excursions to buildings. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.


Mandatory reading:

William Curtis, Modern architecture since 1900, London: Phaidon 1996.


Additional texts pertaining to each lecture will be uploaded on Moodle

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Written ExamIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Written Exam
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
LecturesAttendance and participation in lectures is expected. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Attendance and participation in lectures is expected. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.

40 131 Structures 1

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Konstruksjoner 1
Course code: 
40 131
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Bjørn Normann Sandaker
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått studiodelen av GK1 og GK2. Gjennomført (dvs. fått  godkjent eventuelle arbeidskrav, ha oppfylt eventuelle krav til oppmøte og levert inn besvarelse til vurdering) i øvrige emner i GK1 og GK2.

Course content

The aim of the course on structures and construction is to offer basic theoretical and practical knowledge of fundamental structural types, how structures behave when subjected to loads, and the relationship between form and the mechanical concepts of strength, stiffness and stability. Moreover, the course illustrates and discusses structural concepts in relation to various architectural works. Furthermore, the course focuses on the similarities and differences between the properties of the different materials and how they are used in actual construction practices. Besides, the most common construction systems for small and larger buildings will be presented and discussed in relation to works of architecture.

Learning outcome

Knowledge and skills The course will contribute to basic knowledge of the design of structures and structural systems, their detailing and construction in the most important structural materials (wood, steel and concrete), as well as train skills to implement such knowledge in actual project design. Moreover will the student develop an ability to reflect on the role of structures in architecture, and to present informed arguments for structural choices in her/his own projects. General competence After having completed the course the student is expected to have an overview of the most relevant structural systems employed in modern Norwegian building tradition.

Working and learning activities

The course consists of a number of weekly, compulsory lectures and compulsory exercises. A practical grip of the theoretical knowledge accumulated should be demonstrated in the design projects. The course is literature based and takes as a prerequisite that the student actively read in addition to following the lectures. The exercises are analytic tools that train the student in recognizing and understand structural aspects in specific works of architecture. Discussions on structures and construction technologies are central topics at project tutoring and reviews. The course is assessed by Pass/Not Passed on the background of presence at lectures (80%), as well as submitted and accepted exercises.


Obligatorisk pensum

Sandaker, B. N., Eggen, A. P., & Cruvellier, M. R. (2011);

The Structural Basis of Architecture. 3rd. ed. (2019) Routledge. Utvalgte kapitler.


Anbefalt litteratur

Konstruksjon og byggteknologi

Bovim, N. I., Sund, H., Holmestad, Å., & Stenstad, V. (1984). Limtreboka. Moelv: Moelven limtre A/S.

Bygging med betongelementer (1995). Betongindustriens landsforening

Dahl, T. (2003). Facaden: teori og praksis. [København]: Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag.

Deplazes, A. (2005). Constructing architecture: materials processes structures : a handbook. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Eggen, A. P., & Sandaker, B. N. (1995). Stål, struktur og arkitektur. [Oslo]: Cappelen.

Friis Mathiasen, H., & Reitzel, E. (1999). Grundtræk af bærende konstruktioner i arkitekturen.

[København]: Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag.

Gauld, B. J. B. (1995). Structures for architects. London: Godwin.

Herzog, T., Krippner, R., & Lang, W. (2004). Facade construction manual. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Hopp, J., & Alexander, S. (1995). Avstivning og kraftoverføring.

Kaltenbach, F. (2004). Translucent materials: glass, plastics, metals. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Kurrer, K.-E. (2008). The history of the theory of structures: from arch analysis to computational mechanics.

Berlin: Ernst & Son.

Macdonald, A. J. (2018). Structure and architecture. 3rd edition  Oxford: Butterworth Architecture.

Macdonald, A. J. (1997). Structural design for architecture. Oxford: ArchitecturalPress.

Murkatalogen (1985). [Oslo]: Mursentret. (Se Byggforsk Kunnskapssystemers nettside).

Natterer, J., Herzog, T., & Volz, M. (2001). Holzbau Atlas zwei. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Schittich, C. (1999). Glass construction manual. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Schlaich, J., & Bergermann, R. (2003). Leicht Weit: Jörg Schlaich, Rudolf Bergermann. München: Prestel.

Schulitz, H. C., Sobek, W., & Habermann, K. J. (2000). Steel construction manual. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Sivertsen, J., & Nordgård, L. (2003). Konstruksjonslære for arkitekter: lastberegning, likevektslære, fasthetslære, konstruksjoner av tre, stål og betong. Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag, Kompendieforlaget.


Arkitektur og konstruksjon

Balmond, C., & Smith, J. (2002). Informal. Munich: Prestel.

Brookes, A. J., & Poole, D. (2004). Innovation in architecture. London: Spon Press.

Buchanan, P., & Piano, R. (1993). Renzo Piano Building Workshop: complete works. (Vol.3) London: Phaidon.

Buchanan, P., & Piano, R. (1993). Renzo Piano Building Workshop: complete works.(Vol.4) London: Phaidon.

Chareau, P., Futagawa, Y., Bauchet, B., & Vellay, M. (1988). La maison de verre:Pierre Chareau. Tokyo: A. D. A. Edita.

Colquhoun, A. (1992). Rafael Moneo: 1986-1992. Madrid: AviSa.

Davies, C., Frampton, K., & Hodgkinson, P. (1993). Hopkins: the work of Michael Hopkins and partners. London: Phaidon.

Engel, H. (1968). Structure systems. London: Iliffe Books.

Foster, N., Jenkins, D., & Abel, C. (2007). Norman Foster: works. (Vol. 3). Munich: Prestel.

Foster, N., Jenkins, D., & Abel, C. (2004). Norman Foster: works. (Vol. 4). Munich: Prestel.

Gerkan, M. v. (1997). Architektur für den Verkehr: von Gerkan, Marg und Partner. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Herzog, T. (1993). Thomas Herzog: Bauten 1978-1992 : ein Werkbericht. Stuttgart: G. Hatje.

Jean Prouvé: "constructeur" (1990). Paris: Editions du Centre Pompidou.

Lyall, S. (2002). Masters of structure: engineering today's innovative buildings. London: Laurence King.

Lyall, S., & Herron, R. (1992). Imagination headquarters: Herron Associates. London: Phaidon.

Mainstone, R. (1998). Developments in structural form. Oxford: Architectural Press.

Moore, R., & Gilbert, D. (1992). Sackler Galleries, Royal Academy, London: architects Foster Associates. London: Wordsearch.

Norberg-Schulz, C., Postiglione, G., & Fehn, S. (1997). Sverre Fehn: samlede arbeider. Oslo: Orfeus.

Piano, R., & Brignolo, R. (1997). The Renzo Piano logbook. London: Thames and Hudson.

Powell, K. (1994). Richard Rogers. Zürich: Artemis.

Rice, P., & Dutton, H. (1995). Structural glass. London: E & FN Spon.

Ron Arad Associates: one off three (1993). London: Artemis.

Sandaker, B. N. (2008). On span and space: exploring structures in architecture. London: Routledge.

Werner, F. (2000). Covering + exposing: the architecture of Coop Himmelb(l)au. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Wigginton, M. (1996). Glass in architecture. London: Phaidon Press.

Wilkinson, C. (1996). Supersheds: the architecture of long-span, large volume buildings. Oxford: Butterworth Architecture.


Sist oppdatert


Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Required
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail

40 130

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK 3 Byboligen
Course code: 
40 130
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Christine Petersen
Espen Surnevik
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått studiodelen av GK1 og GK2. Gjennomført (dvs. fått  godkjent eventuelle arbeidskrav, ha oppfylt eventuelle krav til oppmøte og levert inn besvarelse til vurdering) i øvrige emner i GK1 og GK2.

Course content

Det overordnede mål for 2. år er integrasjon av de emnene som utgjør de viktigste elementene i prosjektering av byggverk, gjennom en konseptuell tilnærming til prosjektarbeid. Det blir lagt vekt på forhold mellom idé, rom, konstruksjon, og materialitet. Semestertema for kurset er boligarkitektur. Semesteroppgavenes program tar for seg boligen som grunnleggende typologi der sosiale hensyn, stedstilhørighet og økonomi spiller avgjørende roller. Boligens program studeres med henblikk på fleksibilitet og ulike boformer. Et viktig aspekt ved programmets tilnærming er hvordan generalitet kan sikre langtidsbruk og innby til endring av boform.

Learning outcome

Kunnskap ∙ Kunnskap om grunnleggende konsepter i moderne og samtidig arkitektur ∙ Kunnskap om konstruktive prinsipper og konstruktiv idéer ∙ Kunnskap om kontekstuell tilnærming og tomteanalyser ∙ Kunnskap om klimaskallets arkitektoniske rolle ∙ Kunnskap om materialenes arkitektoniske roller Ferdigheter ∙ prosjeksjonstegninger ∙ manuelle og digitale fremstillingsteknikker ∙ skala modellbygging Generelle ferdigheter ∙ evne til å utvikle konseptuelle hovedgrep ∙ evne til å ta og argumentere for egne valg ∙ evne til realisere hovedgrep gjennom arkitektonisk form, materialer og løsninger

Working and learning activities

Andre år introduserer studenten for integrert arkitekturprosjektering gjennom en estetisk syntese av romlige grep, konstruktive idéer, materialegenskaper og tekniske løsninger. Disse introduseres gjennom forelesninger og bearbeides gjennom kortere hurtigoppgaver, før de blir iverksatt i prosjektarbeid. Prosjektene gjennomgåes i mindre og større grupper gjennom semesteret. Det legges vekt på utvikling av «sidemannskritikk» der studentene fungerer som kritikker for hverandre.


Kurset har ikke et obligatorisk pensum.

Anbefalt litteratur er:

Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures. Andrea Deplazes. Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2013.

Planning Architecture: Dimensions and Typologies. Bert Bielefeld. Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2016.

Modern Construction Handbook. Fifth Edition. Andrew Watts. Birkhauser. 2018.

Floor Plan Manual. Housing. Oliver Heckmann. Birkhauser, 2017.

Le Corbusier: Houses. Tadao Ando. Toto, 2001.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet RequiredAttendance and participation in workshops, reviews and lectures recorded and is mandatory.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:Attendance and participation in workshops, reviews and lectures recorded and is mandatory.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
AttendanceAttendance and presence in the studio beyond mandatory requirements is expected.
ExcursionParticipation on excursion is expected. Students who do not have the opportunity to participate will be assigned a task that will help to compensate for the academic benefit of the excursion.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Attendance and presence in the studio beyond mandatory requirements is expected.
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment:Participation on excursion is expected. Students who do not have the opportunity to participate will be assigned a task that will help to compensate for the academic benefit of the excursion.

80 113 GK1 Writing Excersises

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Skriveøvelser
Course code: 
80 113
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Mari Lending
Required prerequisite knowledge

For førsteårsstudenter i studieprogram Master i arkitektur eller Master i landskapsarkitektur med bestått ExPhil eller lignende emne.

Course content

Drawing on material spanning from extracts from novels, poems, journalism and criticism to art works, films, buildings or exhibitions, the small writing exercises is about pinning down details and fragments in which a wider world of architecture and design might be mirrored. We look at the way in which architecture and design is evoked and depicted within different literary, historical and artistic contexts. The students will learn to zoom in on particular details, and give precise descriptions of spaces, buildings and objects as presented in different media and genres. The writing exercises aims at cultivating genre sensitivity and help the student to identify the way in which architectural form and design appears outside architectural discourse.

Learning outcome

 The students will learn to zoom in on particular details, and give precise descriptions of spaces, buildings and objects as presented in different media and genres. The writing exercises aims at cultivating genre sensitivity and help the student to identify the way in which architectural form and design appears outside architectural discourse. 

Working and learning activities

Every Monday the students will be presented for a text, an image, a film, etc. The assignments might vary a bit from week to week, but normally the student will be asked to hand in a maximum two pages text, to be reviewed by the teacher and presented for the group. The seminar is not based on lectures; rather it revolves around presentations and discussions in the seminar. After having been revised and rewritten, the student will make a selection of all the text handed in during the semster texts, and produce a little book. The final reviews will assess both the quality of the written texts and the book design.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualA-FThe student will make a selection of all the text handed in during the semster texts, and produce a little book. The final reviews will assess both the quality of the written texts and the book design.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:A-F
Comment:The student will make a selection of all the text handed in during the semster texts, and produce a little book. The final reviews will assess both the quality of the written texts and the book design.
Workload activityComment
Individual problem solvingThe course runs from 11-15 every Monday and the students hand in one text each week.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving
Comment:The course runs from 11-15 every Monday and the students hand in one text each week.

80 112

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Examen philosophicum
Course code: 
80 112
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Inga Bostad
Required prerequisite knowledge

There is no admission requirements for the philosophy course. The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) has a separate entrance exam, where general admission is presupposed.

Course content

Ex.phil er et obligatorisk innføringskurs i filosofi som skal forberede deg som student på en akademisk kultur og arbeidsform og på vitenskapelige tenke-, og skrivemåter. Kurset skal gi filosofiske perspektiver på grunnleggende spørsmål innenfor vitenskap, etikk og samfunn.Ex.phil. skal bidra til at du både forstår og får evne til å se hvilket akademisk fellesskap du nå er en del av. I tillegg vil du på faglig bakgrunn kunne øve deg på å tenke kritisk og selvstendig rundt faget du er en del av, og din egen rolle som student.

Ex.phil.-studiet er knyttet opp til hovedmålsettingen med undervisningen i førsteklasse, nemlig en oppøving av evnen til helhetlig og kompleks oppgaveløsning, og et omfattende sett av metoder og verktøy for idé- og prosjektutvikling. Dette skal legge grunnlaget for videre studier.

Ex.phil. gir en historisk og systematisk innføring i filosofi- og vitenskapshistorie, og i utvalgte vitenskapsteoretiske, etiske og estetiske temaer og problemstillinger. Du vil som student bli kjent med tenkere fra sentrale epoker i den vestlige kulturen frem til vår egen tid. Emnet tar opp ulike syn på natur, vitenskap, håndverk/kunst, moral, politikk, samfunn, kjønn og teknologi fra både en historisk og systematisk synsvinkel.

Det blir lagt vekt på å vise hvordan den filosofiske tenkingen består av en systematisk refleksjon over fundamentale spørsmål uten endelige svar. Filosofien kan betraktes som en vedvarende diskusjon der det ikke er svarene, men spørsmål og argumentasjon som er det avgjørende. Du skal som student bli i stand til å reflektere over de historiske og begrepsmessige forutsetningene for dominerende tenkemåter i den vestlige kulturen. Slik sett ivaretar ex.phil.-kurset ikke bare viktige sider ved studenters utdanning, men også din danning som framtidig profesjonsutøver

Learning outcome

The outcome of the course consist of knowledge and understanding, skills and competence expected of of students at the ex.phil.-level in Norway. Knowledge / understanding: • Knowledge of key concepts and topics in philosophy, including an understanding of key philosophical positions, the differences between them and the objections against them. • Knowledge of the history of philosophy from antiquity through to modernity, i.e. the main trends in the history of science and key thinkers in the history of philosophy up until today. • Knowledge of the main directions in the 20th century theory of science. • Knowledge of key concepts and principles of ethics (moral philosophy), as well as understanding of different ethical positions, the differences between them and the objections against them. • Knowledge of key concepts, issues and positions in aesthetics, as it is understood in the philosophical tradition as "sensuous cognition", as "philosophy of beauty and taste" and as a reflection on the concepts, institutions and practices of art. Skills: • Students learn to render and execute simple discussions of key issues in philosophy and history of science, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics. • In this way, students develops their ability to read academic texts, so that they are able to perform simple analyzes of argumentation in academic texts. • Students acquire basic skills in academic writing, including how to formulate simple arguments and how an academic text is made up of arguments that take part in a larger reasoning. Expertise: • Through the ex.phil. course, students learn to identify and discuss philosophically relevant issues within their own subject (architecture and design) and other subjects. • Students will also be given a general and basic competence in dealing with academic and theoretical issues in an independent and systematic way.

Working and learning activities

On the overarching plane, the educational program in a systematic way ties toghether "lesson" (lectures), "instruction / action" (exercises) and "reflection" (public discussions). The purpose of this is to build basic skills in academic reading, writing and thinking and to give a more comprehensive understanding of this practice as an integral part of the profession as an architect or a designer. The course is given in the form of weekly lectures, 3-4 hours of instruction a week, and 3-4 seminars/work shops during the semester. For the work shops, the students will asked to prepare small papers. Thus, the students will work in groups, 2-3 hours a week, in which they work on preparatory assignments given by lecturer, preparing the students for the seminars. The preparatory assignments will be integral to the individual paper that each student have to write during the semester.


Bondevik, Hilde og Bostad, Inga (2003) Tenkepauser. Filosofi og vitenskapsteori. Akribe forlag. ISBN 82-7950-063-4.  335 s.

Føllesdal, D. & Walløe, L. (2000) Argumentasjonsteori, språk og vitenskapsfilosofi, ss.194-241. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Også gratis tilgjengelig herfra


Klassiske tekster/kompendium:

Aristoteles. Metafysikken. Om sjelen. Den Nikomakiske etikk (ex phil UiO) S 61-71, 77-84)

Augustin. Bekjennelser. Gyldendal. 1961. S, 34-38, 56-59

Beauvior, S.: "Innledning" i Det annet kjønn Oslo: Pax, 1970, ss. 13-29.

Descartes: Meditasjoner over filosofiens grunnlag. Aschehoug forlag. 1980. S.23-50

Gadamer. «The Universality of the Hermeneutical Problem» in Philosophical Hermenutics. (2008) University of Calefornia Press s. 3-17

Platon. Menon. Kap 1, 70a S 19-48 (ex phil uio) (oversatt av Håvard Løkke). Eventuelt Vidarforlaget. 2005.

Sartre. Eksistensialisme er humanisme. Cappelens upopulære. 1963, s. 3-40

Skjervheim, Hans: «Deltakar og tilskodar» i Skjervheim, Hans: Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays (2001) Aschehoug. S. 71-88.


Supplerende litteratur

Studenter som ønsker å finne mer utdypende stoff kan lese følgende litteratur. Merk at dette ikke er alternative pensum.

  • Lars Fr. H. Svendsen, Simo Tuomo Sakari Säätelä (2007). Det sanne, det gode, det skjønne En innføring i filosofi.
  • Stig Hareide, Egil Hjelmervik og Terje Kvilhaug (red.): Lærebok i filosofihistorie (Oslo: Samlaget, 1996)
  • Gunnar Skirbekk og Nils Gilje: Filosofihistorie 1 og 2 (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1996)
  • Hilde Bondevik og Linda Rustad (1999): Kjønnspersektiver i filosofihistorien. Pax forlag
  • Ragnar Fjelland: Innføring i vitenskapsteori (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1999)Søren Kjørup: Menneskevidenskaberne (Fredriksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 1997)
  • Ingemund Gullvåg: Rasjonalitet, forståelse og forklaring. Innføring i argumentasjonsteori, logikk og vitenskapsfilosofi (Trondheim: Tapir, 1990)
  • Arild B. Næss: Å studere, å skrive – Praktisk guide til Examen Philosophicum (Trondheim: Tapir, 2004). En læringsassistent har skrevet en håndbok i studieteknikk for ex.phil.-studenter, om bl.a. skriving av øvingsoppgaver.


Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet EssayNot requiredIndividual assignment / essay. Must be written in order to be eligible for school examination.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required: Essay
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Individual assignment / essay. Must be written in order to be eligible for school examination.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Written ExamIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Written Exam
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
Attendance Attendance and participation in lectures is expected.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment: Attendance and participation in lectures is expected.

80 110 Introduction to Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Introduksjon til arkitektur
Course code: 
80 110
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Anna Røtnes
Jonas Gunerius Larsen
Required prerequisite knowledge

There are no prerequisites beyond admission to the study program

Course content

GK1 is an introductory course to the professional studies of architecture at AHO. The course is organized around design projects and constitutes the larger part of the first semester. The students are divided in two studios, however the teaching is the same for both studios. Students will work individually and in groups. There are three half time teachers in each studio as well as teachers responsible for teaching free hand drawing and computer aided design. In addition to the design work there will be courses in: The use of AHO's work shops Analytical free hand drawing Digital design and representation

Learning outcome

The course establishes a platform for further studies at AHO. After the end of the course the student should have : An understanding of working methods and different approaches towards thinking and communicating within the discipline. Knowledge of two- and three dimensional visualization in connection to concept development and project presentation. Experience in written and oral communication of subjects related to the discipline. Knowledge of the school workshops. Experience with analytical free hand drawing. Basic knowledge of the use of computer aided design.

Working and learning activities

Teaching will be mainly in the form of weekly tutoring, pin-ups, lectures, seminars and work shops. The contact between teachers and students happens one on one, in groups or in the presence of the whole studio. Common reviews where the student must present his or her work to the studio for open discussion constitutes an important part of the training. There will be an excursion abroad common to all students at the beginning of the semester.The course uses Moodle as it's digital learning platform for communication concerning schedule and program.


Anbefalt litteratur: 

Anne Beim - Tektoniske visioner i arkitektur

Francis D. K. Ching - Architecture: Form, Space, and Order

Andrea Deplazes - Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures

Christian Norberg-Schulz  – Mellom jord og himmel

Steen Eiler Rasmussen - Om at opleve arkitektur

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / fail
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Workload activity:Excursion

Start semester

12 804 Diploma Tromsø

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Diplom Tromsø
Course code: 
12 804
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Silje Hjelset Nygaard
Required prerequisite knowledge

Successful completion of 90 ECTS, successfully evaluated portfolio of the master level, successful completion of a pre-diploma report, approved by an advisor and the head of department.

Course content

The diploma semester at AHO is an independent research and design task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with a chosen advisor, the candidate is to produce a complete work of exceptional quality contributing to the discipline’s dis-course.

Learning outcome

∙ An ability to give form to architecture through artistic and scientific research ∙ An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that govern architectural, urban and landscape design work ∙ A mastery of the methods, tools and media inherent in architectural, urban and landscape design ∙ An awareness of architecture’s, urban and landscape design’s historical, societal and theoretical underpinnings ∙ An ability to communicate ideas and results to professional and laypersons ∙ An independent and responsible attitude to individual learning ∙ An understanding of one’s own individual position with the discipline

Working and learning activities

The diploma semester is an independent study whose methods and topics are to be outlined in an approved pre-diploma brief. Interim presentations and a final presentation is mandatory.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Required2 mid term reviews
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:2 mid term reviews
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
ReportIndividualPass / failReport and presentation of diploma project. Three external censors
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Report and presentation of diploma project. Three external censors

70 152 GK5 Identity and Servicedesign

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK5 Identitet og tjenestedesign
Course code: 
70 152
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Vera Pahle
Required prerequisite courses: 
70 110 Design Basics
70 120 GK2 Brukersentrert design
70 130 GK3 Interaktive produkter
70 141 GK4 Industridesign i kontekst
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed courses under prerequisit knowledge or equivalent.

Course content

The course is an introduction to service design and brand identity, focusing on experience design. In the course of the semester, the students will develop a brand in a relevant topic defined at the start of the semester. The students shall develop a design solution in response to the assignment. The goal is to develop their own brand concept, and to communicate values and identity in a new brand through experience, service and touchpoints as a product and/or interaction and visual identity. Emphasis is placed on the process and methods, and the process shall be documented in a written report at the end of the semester.

Learning outcome


After completing the course, the student is expected to have knowledge of:

  • brand theory: strategy, vision, values, competitors etc.
  • how to develop a brand concept
  • how to develop a service concept that translates the brand values into a relevant service experience
  • how to develop and design a visual identity
  • how to develop and design a customer journey
  • how to develop and design other relevant touchpoints
  • how to develop and design a product and/or interaction (prototype)
  • basic knowledge of the AT ONE service design method (Actor, Touchpoints, Offerings, Needs, Experiences)

The students shall:

  • be able to describe their own brand concept
  • have knowledge of what a brand strategy includes
  • be able to use user-oriented methods to develop their own brand and service
  • be able to define possible target groups and competitors for their own brand and service
  • have knowledge of positioning in relation to target groups
  • know methods for developing a service and visualising it through a service journey and in relation to the desired experience
  • have knowledge of how the service journey can be used to map an existing customer experience and as a method of designing and planning a new customer experience
  • know methods for developing a visual identity in line with an overriding strategy


    The students shall learn how to develop brands and services, and what role they play in society today. The students shall then develop critical thinking on a given topic, and master the basic principles involved in the development of a brand concept


Working and learning activities

The teaching is studio-based and centred on a main project to be carried out in the course of the semester. The students work individually. The course consists of lectures, including theory lectures, workshops, excursions, company visits, and individual and group supervision. The course comprises three reviews in addition to a final presentation that includes a report. The students must pass all reviews and the final delivery to be awarded a grade


The course has a compulsory compendium, in addition to the list of recommended literature.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Exercise2Required 2 mandatory deliveries + presentation at two mid-term reviews, must be submitted and presented in order to pass the course
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Exercise
Courseworks required:2
Presence required:Required
Comment: 2 mandatory deliveries + presentation at two mid-term reviews, must be submitted and presented in order to pass the course
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualA-F Final report, presentation at the final reviews and exhibition material will althogether be part of the assessment.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:A-F
Comment: Final report, presentation at the final reviews and exhibition material will althogether be part of the assessment.
Workload activityComment
Attendance The students are expected to be present in the studio daily from 09.00-16.00
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment: The students are expected to be present in the studio daily from 09.00-16.00

70 153 GK5 Design Theory II

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK5 Designteori II
Course code: 
70 153
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2019 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2019 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Lise Amy Hansen
Required prerequisite courses: 
70 142 GK4 Design Theory 1
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed course listed under prerequisited knowledge or equivalent.

Course content

The course builds on Design Theory 1 and concerns how knowledge of design is used in research. The course provides a basis for understanding what design research can be today and how it is relevant to design practice.

The course provides a basis for using theoretical and methodological approaches that are relevant to the design discipline today. Interdisciplinary issues are addressed through practical workshops with design practitioners and theorists in order to motivate the students and encourage them to be independent in relation to the diversity of theoretical perspectives. The course underpins and develops a critical approach to the students’ studio practice and their position as designers over and above their practice. The students will develop a critical and nuanced understanding of design through workshops on criticism and communication, ethics and culture.

The course aims to get students to relate to a complex design practice through exercises in ethics and history, aesthetics and method, communication and cooperation. The design discipline is often practised in close cooperation with other disciplines that build on other theories, priorities and principles. The goal of the course is to strengthen design students’ ability to reflect on and communicate their own practice and discipline.

Learning outcome


• The students shall be able to find information about important underlying topics in the design discipline and important persons, texts, design works and designers relating to these topics.

• A critical approach to the diversity of sources in design and design theory.

• Create an understanding of the students’ own position in the field, and of the underlying principles, systems, attitudes and mechanisms of design.
• The course will strengthen designers’ ability to work with other disciplines and unfamiliar practitioners.
• Use strategies and methods to find out how to design for new situations and unfamiliar practitioners by finding and using relevant research and theory.
• The students shall also be capable of finding references in literature as well as relevant design and designers to form a critical approach to design topics and issues.

• The students shall be capable of formulating good questions and be able to substantiate and justify them based on their own field.


• The students shall be capable of relating to different points of view in the design discipline and seeing their own professional stance and practice in perspective.

• The students shall – through exercises and discussions – have the ability to become engaged in, articulate and discuss design topics.

• The students shall have acquired a repertoire of methods and strategies they can use to actively gain insight into key discourses and theoretical perspectives relating to design today and in future.



Working and learning activities

Preparatory reading, lectures (by internal and external lecturers) with follow-up assignments (individual and in plenary sessions, practical and written), discussions, brief presentations and structured debates. Workshops with design practitioners and theorists.


Compulsory submission of course assignments on Moodle and a written assignment that reflects the student’s learning outcome.


There is a dedicated shelf at the library with selected course literature that students can borrow. The students will also be given essays, articles and book chapters throughout the course, which will also be available in Moodle.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Exercise
Courseworks required:3
Presence required:Required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
AttendanceAttendance, independent work and participation in discussions and presentations.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Attendance, independent work and participation in discussions and presentations.
