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Espen Aukrust-Hauglin


Institutt for urbanisme og landskapsark


Tel: +4722997053

Espen Aukrust-Hauglin is an architect and assistant professor at AHO where he obtained his master degree in 2001, and is currently finishing his PhD. His research focuses on ways to utilize Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for teaching in architecture and in the conduct of urban morphology studies. In teaching, Espen has in recent years been involved in an elective course series mapping and investigating fishing villages from the arctic circle to the North-Eastern border between Russia and Norway.

Current project
PAV, Interreg VB North Sea Region Programme

Recent publications
Ellefsen, Karl Otto; Aukrust-Hauglin, Espen, WANG Wei (2022) ‘The Imprint of Fisheries on Land: The Logics of Settlement Structure and Place in an Arctic Landscape’. Landscape Architecture Journal, 29 (11), 91-103.
Rokseth, Lillian Sve; Heinen, Eva; Aukrust-Hauglin, Espen; Nordström, Tobias; Manum, Bendik (2021).
‘Reducing private car demand, fact or fiction? A study mapping changes in accessibility to grocery stores in Norway’. European Transport Research Review, 13 (1), 1-11.
Ellefsen, Karl Otto; Ellefsen, Halvor Weider; Garnåsjordet, Per Arild; Aukrust-Hauglin, Espen (2020) ‘Mot en grønn areal- og regionplanlegging : tendenser i det norske plansystemet’. Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo.
Ellefsen, Karl Otto; Garnåsjordet, Per Arild; Aukrust-Hauglin, Espen (2020).
Begrepet Grønne Grenser som et middel til planlegging i en storbyregion. AHO Rapport, 1 (2), 12-25.
Ellefsen, Karl Otto; Garnåsjordet, Per Arild; Aukrust-Hauglin, Espen; Ellefsen, Halvor Weider (2020) ‘Mot en grønn areal- og regionsplanlegging: Tendenser i det norske plansystemet’. Oslo: Arkitektur og designhøgskolen i Oslo.
Rokseth, Lillian Sve; Aukrust-Hauglin, Espen; Nordström, Tobias; Manum, Bendik (2020) ‘Reducing private car-demand, fact or fiction? Results from a study mapping changes in accessibility to grocery stores in Norway’. European Transport Conference past papers repository.
Barton, David Nicholas; Aukrust-Hauglin, Espen; Horvath, Peter; Ellefsen, Halvor Weider (2017) ‘Blue-Green Factor (BGF) mapping in QGIS. The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research.
Aukrust-Hauglin, Espen; Kampevold Larsen, Janike (2017) ‘The Grorud Valley: Borderline Suburbia’. Infinite Suburbia. Princeton Architectural Press, 146-161.
Horvath, Peter; Barton, David Nicholas; Aukrust-Hauglin, Espen; Ellefsen, Halvor Weider (2017) ‘Blue-Green Factor (BGF) mapping in QGIS. User Guide and Documentation’. NINA rapport, 1445.