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Elisabeth Ulrika Sjödahl


Institutt for urbanisme og landskapsark

Arkitekt DPLG & Landskapsarkitekt

Undervisning på AHO

GK 5 & 6 og Diplom


  • Arkitektur og landskap
  • Landskapsurbanisme

Curriculum Vitae - CV


2000 Architect at École d’Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires, Marne la Vallée Paris -exchange student at the Technical University of Dresden TU Dresden-.
Master Landscape architecture Arquitectura del Paisaje, UPC Barcelona

Teaching experience:

2005-12 Teacher in Urbanisme and Landscape at the Architectural school CEU Herrera, UCH Valencia, Escuela Superior de Enseñanzas Técnicas. Valencia.

2005-08 Teacher-assistant at the Technical University Valencia UPV.

Reasearch groupe, urban planning OUR, at the Technical University, UPV, Valencia, Spain.

2001 Teacher-assistant at KTH-School of Architectur. Stockholm at Large creation of ”The New Planning Department” , a colaboration between the Stockholm School of Architecture and the museum Färgfabriken.
Own office: WORKSONLAND, a project colaboration with Agustin Sebastian. www.worksonland.com