fbpx 40 413 Architecture and Feminisms | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


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40 413 Architecture and Feminisms

Full course name in English: 
Architecture and Feminisms
40 413
Syklus 2
2021 Høst
2021 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Alma Elisabeth Oftedal
Om emnet

Feminism has been a discipline in the architectural discourse since the 70s. In this course, we will be following the historical development of the discipline from the start and until today, when it is influenced by queer theory and gender-studies as well as by feminist theory.

The course is divided in two parts. The first part is focused on critical discourse analysis and its relevance for discussions on architecture. Through the study of  feminist and queer theory, traditional power-relations will be challenged, and ethical and political awareness increased. In the second part, the theoretical material is actualized within a creative and architectonic frame, through drawing-exercises based on a fictional text related to the course's topic.

The theoretical part of the syllabus will be taken from anthologies focusing on architecture and feminism / gender, and from architectural magazine's special issues on the topic. The fictional text we are going to study, will most probably be the novel Orlando (1928) by British author Virginia Woolf. 

  • Knowledge of central directions in modern cultural theory.
  • Knowledge of the field feminism in architecture.
  • Knowledge of how to write a reflection paper.
  • Knowledge of how to explore the relationship between literary, cultural and architectural themes through drawing.
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Reading, discussion, academic writing, artistic research / investigative drawings.

  • Architectural Review 2019. No. 1459. Theme: «Sex+Women in Architecture».
  • Architectural Review. 2020. No 1469. Theme: «Masculinities».
  • Archithese. 2002. No. 2. Theme: «Queer».
  • Chee, Lillian. 2011. «Materializing the Tiger in the Archive: Creative Research and Architectural History». In: Lori A. Brown (ed.). Feminist practices, p. 155-168. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Colomina, Beatriz. 2010. «A House of Ill Repute: E 1027». In: Tanja Jordan and Rikke Lequick Larsen (ed.) Female forces of architecture, p: 68-85. København: Kunstakademiets arkitektskole [Orig.published in: Agrest, Diana (ed.). 1996. As: «Battle Lines: E 1027». The sex of architecture. p. 167-182. New York: Harry N. Abrams].
  • Hayden, Dolores. 2000. «What Would a Non-sexist City Be Like? Speculations on Housing, Urban Design and Human Work». [Orig. published in 1981] In: Jane Rendell et al.(ed.) Gender Space Architecture, p: 266-281. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Kuhlmann, Dörte. 2013. «Women in the history of art and architecture». In: Gender studies in architecture. Space, power and difference, p. 14-31. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Kuhlmann, Dörte. 2013. «The tradition of psychoanalysis». In: Gender studies in architecture. Space, power and difference, p. 67-88. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Rendell, Jane. 2011. «Critical Spatial Practices. Setting Out a Feminist Approach to some modes and What Matters in Architecture». In: Lori A. Brown (ed.). Feminist practices, p. 17-56. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Woolf, Virginia. 2016. Mrs Dalloway (excerpts). [Originally published in 1925]. Vintage Classics
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