Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).
Part of course series: A queer look at architecture
Queer theory has influenced a branch of the architectural discourse since the 90s. In this course we will investigate what queer space might be by reading relevant texts and by doing artistic research.
The course is divided in two parts. The first part is focused on critical discourse analysis and its relevance for discussions on architecture. Through the study of queer theory, traditional power-relations will be challenged, and ethical and political awareness increased. In the second part, the theoretical material is actualized within a creative and architectonic frame, through drawing-exercises based on a fictional text related to the course's topic.
Literature studies, discussions, academic writing, investigative drawings.
Vurderingsform | Gruppering | Karakterskala | Kommentar |
Prosjektoppgave | Individuell | Bestått / ikke bestått |