fbpx 40 415 Climate Design | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Start semester

40 415 Climate Design

Emnenavn på English: 
Climate Design
40 415
Syklus 2
2022 Vår
2022 Vår
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Tine Hegli
Kristian Edwards

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Om emnet

Climate at multiple scales as a contextual condition for design.

In Climate Design we study external climate conditions at specific locations. We disseminate available data and we examine methods of generation of absent data – we critically analyse the value and validity of this information and apply experience to personify data. We look at the operation of translation between external climate conditions and desired internal climate conditions through building physics, the function of aperture and envelope in terms of daylight, energy and ventilation. Similarly we analyze and discuss multiscale external climates pre- and post- intervention.

We will learn to simulate and evaluate internal climate conditions and understand how design and specification can influence internal climate bot positively and negatively.

Responses will be discussed in the context of both contemporary climate and scenario-based climates of the future: A dedicated lecture series will examine the role of the built environment in climate and climate change the indicators and the drivers.



  • Accessible and applicable methodologies for forecasting or projection of climate, harvesting and application of information and experience.
  • Knowledge through exposure and use, enables critical appraisal of various platforms and methods that students will come in contact with throughout their careers in design disciplines.
  • Interventions in climate conditions wether contemporary or projective, require a valid response, the multidisciplinary approach allows for knowledge generation that broaches building physics, energy, daylight and ventilation as well as application of relevant strategies to create desired external and internal spatial conditions.


  • Climate Design aims to equip the student with skills to generate actionable information through simulation, visualization. Application of findings and argumentation for inclusion in a considered design-based response is a primary indicator of understanding and a valuable record for further design work and pedagogic development.

General competence:

  • The student will obtain broad based, practice- applicable approaches to integration of climate of varying resolutions in design tasks. The student will gain a broad knowledge of the importance of location-based data, including long and short term temporal values, seasonal change and values for any location. The student will also be able to present an argument for design direction based on relevant accrued climate information.
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

A multidisciplinary team including practicing expertise are responsible for the pedagogy. Relevant strategies will be discussed and presented, Tutorials in various methodologies both computational and analogue are integral to the course. The course culminates in a self-programmed extended study of a specific aspect of climate relating to specific programmes from individual studio courses. A compendium of collected findings is generated for each elective course.

Students are asked to apply a chosen method relevant to aspects of their own design for concurrent studio courses and present findings.

Guidance for self-programmed studies will be offered in the closing stages of the elective course once focus areas are chosen.

Climate design targets expansion of the design toolkit.

Report material for elective course compendium will be a valuable documentation of the development of climate information as design conditions, thus offering indicators as to the level and uptake of climate as context in further studies and / or practice. Directly, Climate Design aims to create relevant Input to studio course design tasks, aswell as the generation of visualized climate information relevant to studio course and the development of the elective course over time.

RapportIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttEvaluation of individual report on project-based findings and presentation
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Evaluation of individual report on project-based findings and presentation