fbpx 40 417 Transformation in Practice | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Start semester

40 417 Transformation in Practice

Emnenavn på English: 
Transformation in Practice
40 417
Syklus 2
2024 Vår
2024 Vår
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Amandine Kastler
Erlend Skjeseth

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Part of course series: Transformation in Practice

The course is open to students from: Architecture

Om emnet

The field of preservation and transformation has long been consigned to the fringes of contemporary architecture, but a paradigm shift is occurring across the discipline. In the age of climate change and circular economy the value of everything that already exists increases. The need for a more sustainable building industry is orientating architectural practice towards the reuse and renewal of our existing building stock.


This seminar will provide a framework for general practice as an architect, with a focus on working with existing buildings. Students will be introduced to practitioners that work with our existing building stock, both in Norway and internationally, from the restoration of listed buildings to the transformation of existing buildings, to the reuse of building elements.  


The building industry and the laws that govern it have traditionally been geared towards the construction of new buildings, but in this seminar, students will also learn about the regulatory and legal frameworks that govern the reuse of existing buildings. Gaining a knowledge of these frameworks is integral to general practice and key to the realization of an architectural project.

Transformation in Practice courses are part of the research project “Provenance Projected. Architecture Past and Future in the Era of Circularity”, run by Mari Lending and Erik Langdalen.




Introductory knowledge of 

  • The role of regional cultural heritage authorities 
  • Building regulations, particularly in relation to existing buildings  
  • Drawing scales and types in relation to project stages 


Basic skills in:  

  • Documenting and surveying existing buildings 
  • Assessing historic significance  
  • Locating and understanding planning documents  
  • Writing planning dispensations

General competence:

Students will be introduced to the processes required to work with existing buildings in general practice and encouraged to situate the emerging field of building transformation in relation to their own aspirations for future practice. 

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The seminar will be organized in modules covering the topics listed in the learning outcomes guided by lectures and discussions with professionals from the field. Students will produce a report speculating on the potential future transformation of a case study. Coursework will include survey work and resolving fictional scenarios drawn from real situations in practice. 


The seminar is not only relevant for students wanting to work with existing buildings but also those wanting to gain knowledge of general practice. During the duration of the semester students will engage with contemporary architects, conservation architects, planning authorities, heritage authorities, and others working within the building industry. Lectures and excursions will support and supplement students' individual case study analysis. 


The Transformation in Practice (TIP) electives and studios are run by Amandine Kastler and Erlend Skjeseth. The course series focuses on working with existing structures and places and is closely linked to the practice work of Kastler Skjeseth Architects. http://www.kastlerskjeseth.no/.  Examples of previous TIP studio work can be seen @tip_archive



The elective course will meet every Tuesday. The seminar requires a full day of attendance on Tuesdays and a full week of attendance during the elective week. In addition, students are required work on independent research and complete assignments in their own time.


Course literature is be available in Leganto.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Oppmøte til undervisning Påkrevd
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Oppmøte til undervisning
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Påkrevd
Prosjektoppgave-Bestått / ikke bestått As per the course description, each student will be required to produce and present a concise report on a given case study. Reports will include drawn and written material required when developing an architectural project in practice. Areas of study will include several of the topics listed in the learning outcomes. Students are expected to execute the assignment with care, precision and professionality. Assignments will be evaluated on the level of research and quality of the execution, as well as an ability to synthesize knowledge gained in the seminar and apply it to a case study. In preparation for the final submission, students will be required to submit several shorter assignments during the semester. Each submission will contribute to the final report and assessment. The final review will take place during elective week. At the final review, students give a public presentation of their report. There will be no assessment of reports not presented at the final review.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: As per the course description, each student will be required to produce and present a concise report on a given case study. Reports will include drawn and written material required when developing an architectural project in practice. Areas of study will include several of the topics listed in the learning outcomes. Students are expected to execute the assignment with care, precision and professionality. Assignments will be evaluated on the level of research and quality of the execution, as well as an ability to synthesize knowledge gained in the seminar and apply it to a case study. In preparation for the final submission, students will be required to submit several shorter assignments during the semester. Each submission will contribute to the final report and assessment. The final review will take place during elective week. At the final review, students give a public presentation of their report. There will be no assessment of reports not presented at the final review.
OppmøteThe seminar requires a full day of attendance on Tuesdays and a full week of attendance during the elective week. In addition, students are required work on independent research and complete assignments in their own time. Students are expected to attend all meetings and be active contributors to the course.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:The seminar requires a full day of attendance on Tuesdays and a full week of attendance during the elective week. In addition, students are required work on independent research and complete assignments in their own time. Students are expected to attend all meetings and be active contributors to the course.