fbpx 40 554 Speculative futures #1 Europe in transition: Venice case | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


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40 554 Speculative futures #1 Europe in transition: Venice case

Full course name in English: 
Speculative futures #1 Europe in transition: Venice case
40 554
Syklus 2
2023 Høst
2023 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Anderson

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS).

Part of course series: Speculative futures

The course is open to students from: Architecture and Landscape architecture

Om emnet

Studio Positions propose an ongoing program of research and studio teaching within the framework of Speculative futures, through work based and theoretical research. Over four semesters the studio aims to question and develop innovative critical and sustainable approaches to architecture, positioning ourselves in relation to: 

  • Cases studies – including art, architecture, and places, 
  • Language – to frame architectural concepts and reflection, 
  • Philosophy – ecological theory, aesthetic theory, gender/queer theory,  
  • Ethics

In autumn 2023, the studio is part of a European collaboration project (BIP) with five other architecture schools in Europe. The program will focus on  "the mutation of the built types and unbuilt spaces with regard to upheavals in uses and practices, climate change or new materials and construction techniques, cultural and political revolutions. This sharing of inter-university knowledge will allow students, researchers and teachers to become aware of the place of architecture in the face of the various crises that Europe is going through, a critical position inscribed in the architectural discipline. The work will thus aim at the search for architectural contributions to the transformation and quality of habitat in the broad sense of the term." 



  • practice knowledge through case studies,  
  • practice knowledge through architectural design (semester project), 
  • material and structural knowledge


  • work based and theoretical research skills, 
  • conceptual architectural thinking, 
  • interpret and convert theoretical data into disciplinary interpretation

General competence: 

  • critical thinking, and 
  • ability to develop an argument through an architectural project and written reflection. 
Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

How it is organized (brief description of content and teaching): 

With these starting positions, students work towards an architectural project through three phases: 

  1. Framing an architectural concept 
  2. Imagining a life (scale, materiality, activity, accessibility, structure) 
  3. An architectural project 

This work is accompanied by continuous written reflection (words) to be discussed in workshops. 

The studio emphasizes and facilitates peer-review of works and words as a vital aspect of the learning environment. 


Study trip and workshop in Venice in October. The students will receive a travel grant (financed by the BIP program).

At the end of the workshop, the students will be able to: 

  • make a diagnosis and motivate an intervention on foreign territory, 
  • work in international and multidisciplinary teams to present a common design, 
  • synthesize pluridisciplinary and multicultural opinions in a coherent discourse, communicated through drawing, written and oral speech 
  • defend an innovative project by argumentation before an international jury. 

Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Øvinger Ikke påkrevdIt is compulsory to hand in work on given dates stated in the semester calendar. Mandatory work requirements must be met for the project assignment to be assessed.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Øvinger
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Ikke påkrevd
Kommentar:It is compulsory to hand in work on given dates stated in the semester calendar. Mandatory work requirements must be met for the project assignment to be assessed.
Prosjektoppgave-Bestått / ikke beståttThe students work on a given/selected project throughout the course and the assessment is based on an assignment that counts for 100% of the grade.

The students present the final project work orally to the examiners and the oral presentation itself is part of the assessment.

Final project can consist of, among other things drawings (sections and plans), models, illustrations and text. Final submission requirements are detailed on Moodle.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:The students work on a given/selected project throughout the course and the assessment is based on an assignment that counts for 100% of the grade.

The students present the final project work orally to the examiners and the oral presentation itself is part of the assessment.

Final project can consist of, among other things drawings (sections and plans), models, illustrations and text. Final submission requirements are detailed on Moodle.
OppmøteParticipation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
EkskursjonThose who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Participation and attendance in lectures, supervision at the desks in the studio, seminars and workshops is expected.
Kommentar:Those who do not have the opportunity to participate in an excursion will be given an assignment/a project that replaces this.