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GK6 Design in a System

Full course name in English: 
GK6 Design in a system
70 161
Syklus 2
2016 Vår
Tom Vavik

Passed previous five semesters

Om emnet

The course deals with the professional practice of the design field and the relationship with the client and society. The students collaborate with an external organization/company and they can specialize within industrial, interaction and/or service design. The course starts with a module in systems oriented design. Individual portfolios will be prepared.
Industrial design involves the development, planning and design of industrially manufactured products. An aim is to improve the products' aesthetics and usability. The discipline involves activities from concept development to production drawings and the students may use physical and/or digital (CAD, CD, video) tools for modeling and communication. Industrial design covers a wide range of design processes and approaches depending on the context and client from the manufacturing industry, through high-tech products to extreme industry as marine/offshore. The projects are often realistic and research-based.
Interaction design is about the analysis, development and design of the interface between people and technology. For example, web design, smart phone apps, electronic toys and games, control panels and installations.
In service design one goal is to create great user experiences over time in several different touch points. For example, solutions for public transport, services within the health sector or new communication and library services.
In the field of systems oriented design the goal is to give the designer skills to handle a greater degree of complexity. By bringing in a comprehensive, long-term and holistic perspective in the projects, systems oriented design seeks to contribute to responsible, robust and sustainable solutions.
Each student will present themselves and their work through the foundation program by a portfolio.


The main learning outcome is: Students will learn the basics of Systems Oriented Design and further develop their specialisation into one or more of the three specialities.
DESIGN COMMERCIAL APPROACH: Provide the student with knowledge about how a design related practice can be understood and executed.
AESTHETICS: Give a more conscious understanding of the concept of aesthetics with emphasis the organizations corporate identity.
SUSTAINABILITY: Give knowledge about how a system-oriented approach can provide a holistic view on a sustainable development.
ETHICS: Provide a general understanding of ethical issues.
CULTURAL AND SOCIAL UNDERSTANDING: Provide a greater understanding and general knowledge about the relationship between client, society and designer.
PROCESS, TOOLS AND METHODS: To develop the student's ability to complete an independent design project , as well as in a professional way to document the project process and results using appropriate tools. The course provides a thorough introduction to Systems Oriented Design.
COMMUNICATION: Provide general knowledge and skills to communicate the process and results in a professional manner. The development of a personal digital portfolio is on task in this. Basic competence in collaboration with businesses and in facilitation of Giga-mapping workshops
MATERIAL AND TECHNOLOGY UNDERSTANDING: Provide general expertise to evaluate new materials and technologies.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Systems Oriented Design is tought through lecture series, workshops with given tasks, visiting a company, project work in collaboration with a company and in group work.
The specialisation will be developed through tutoring and group work.
DESIGN COMMERCIAL APPROACH: Through project work with external partners, lecture, tutorial and a reflective internal dialogue.
AESTHETICS: Students are given the opportunity to develop their own aesthetic skills and understandings through the different context projects inserted in and by receiving feedback from external partners that often have different aesthetic preferences.
SUSTAINABILITY: Through the introduction and approach to system-oriented design is given an overall perspective with opportunities for discussion and reflection.
ETHICS: Possibility for project-related discussions depending on the partner organization.
CULTURAL AND SOCIAL UNDERSTANDING: Through introductions and tutorials in the specialized directions given students’ knowledge of the overarching issues.
PROCESS, TOOLS AND METHODS: Through lecture and project-related discussions. Individual projects are trained in cooperation with external partners combined with internal guidance. Through workshops and group work the students will learn SOD and Giga-mapping.
COMMUNICATION: Through students' presentations for partners and supervisors.
MATERIAL AND TECHNOLOGY UNDERSTANDING: Through independent project and collaboration with external partners. Presentation and communication of complex design solutions.

In this course it is compulsory attendance at lectures, tutorials and presentations.

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Annen vurderingsform, definer i kommentarfelt-A-Fn this course it is compulsory attendance at lectures, tutorials and presentations
Vurderingsform:Annen vurderingsform, definer i kommentarfelt
Kommentar:n this course it is compulsory attendance at lectures, tutorials and presentations