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70 505 Design studio:

Full course name in English: 
Design studio
70 505
Syklus 2
2017 Høst
2017 Høst
Harald Skulberg
Håkan Edeholt
Mosse Sjaastad
Natalia Lucia Agudelo Alvarez
Einar Sneve Martinussen
Kjetil Nordby

A third semester Master course (only available for students in their final year). Open for all design fields, but students are required to follow up and go in depth within their previous chosen specialisation/field in which they can document advanced design skills.

Recommended prerequisite knowledge

This course builds on the design skills and methods learnt across the previous Foundation and Master courses. In “Design Studio:” students and teachers integrate and push these skills and mindsets to create rich projects with a high degree of professionally. For students who want to take part in “Design Studio:” a strong sense of curiosity, experimental outlooks, and independence are therefore required. “Design Studio:” allows students to tailor their own personal development as a designer in preparation for their diploma.

We recommend “Design Studio:” as an option for students who feel that they are ready for an ambitions course that expects a large degree of self-driven progress.

Om emnet

Course content

“Design Studio:” is a Master course where the projects are in the centre. During the course students will develop one or more projects across themes and partners curated by the Institute of Design. These can be connected to research projects, external partners or emerging problematics within the field of design. The ambition for this course is to develop stand-out projects where students go in depth into the issues they chose to work with, and create high level outcomes. The core values of the course are exploration and professionalism – meaning that the course encourages the development of reflection, criticality, and new knowledge about emerging fields, but also has the ambition of developing high quality deliveries and communication.

In this course students will have a large degree of freedom and responsibility as to how their projects are developed. ‘Design studio’ is a place for students to integrate the knowledge they have gained throughout their education and work towards exploration, professionalism, and specialisation. A central part of the studio course is to develop project-experience and knowledge about how different forms of larger design projects can be structured and executed.

Students work individually or in small groups. Each project will be followed throughout the semester by a supervisor and, typically, a partner. Partners and supervisors depend on the specialisations that the projects take up: interaction design, industrial design or service design. Each track supervisor will be responsible for the students that choose to follow his or her track. The track may consist of one long project or several projects.

The main teaching structure is mentoring on project level, and the ongoing evaluation of progress. There is a common structure for milestones and core-deliverables throughout the course (development of project descriptions and plans, documentation and deliverables, and main presentations). Co-learning is central across the projects and students will be involved in developing research, lectures and course-materials for the whole group.

Projects will come out of curated themes and partners developed by the Institute of design or from research topics across the institute’s research projects. It is also possible for students to suggest their own themes. Projects can both be done as specialisations towards specific fields, or in inter-disciplinary groups where students from industrial design, service design and interaction-design work together.


a. Knowledge:
The core knowledge outcome of the course is to integrate and mature the processes and methods learnt across the Master of Design. Further, students are expected to develop domain-specific knowledge across their projects, as well as knowledge about how large design projects can be structured and organised.

b. Skills:
In “Design Studio:” students develop core project-handling skills. Including scoping, research, project-description, time-management and communication.

c. General competence:
Across “Design Studio:” the goal is to develop the maturity of the students’ design competence. This is done by both focusing on exploration and professionality on a project-level.

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Working and learning activities

The main activities of the course will be project- and specialisation-specific. Across the course there will be a focus on learning project planning, developing and scoping. The course is run in a studio setting, and co-learning across the projects, with some shared lectures and presentations etc, are important. The students will be required to make and present one topic specific “lecture” to the whole “design Studio:”

Work effort:
Students need to present and submit all projects, documentations and presentations in order to be assessed for the course. There is an 80% attendance rate required for all presentations, lectures and workshops etc. Students also need to schedule their own mentoring sessions. Non attendances below 90% need to be accompanied by a doctors certificate.

Obligatorisk arbeidskravPåkrevde arbeidskravOppmøte påkrevdKommentar
Veiledningssamtaler Ikke påkrevd
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav:Veiledningssamtaler
Påkrevde arbeidskrav:
Oppmøte påkrevd:Ikke påkrevd
ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke bestått Students accepted to the different tracks must define their own learning outcome together with the track responsible, after deciding their focus area. The assessment method, how to make sure the desired learning outcome defined can be met, is to be decided by the track responsible in dialog with the student.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar: Students accepted to the different tracks must define their own learning outcome together with the track responsible, after deciding their focus area. The assessment method, how to make sure the desired learning outcome defined can be met, is to be decided by the track responsible in dialog with the student.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats: