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Politecnico di Milano

Politecnico di Milano

Type of agreement: Erasmus +
Level of studies: Master
Responsible: AHO, Institute of Architecture


Host institution contacts: exchange-leonardo@polimi.it, +39 02 2399 4480

Number of places available



Language of instructions: Italian and English
Certification of language proficiency is recommended but not necessary. All courses and studios have limited places and will be assigned on the “first come first served” criteria. Due to the high demand for popular courses (e.g. English taught studios and courses), it is not possible to guarantee access to a specific lecture and studio. Most professors are however available for English language support during the classes that are taught in Italian, and study materials are often available in English as well.
Extra-curricular Italian courses are offered in both semestered for a fee. 

Which courses can I take?

The titles and content of the courses for each semester may change from year to year.
Please find an updated list of courses on the university’s website
More information about course selection

What is the duration of the semester?

Usually the autumn semester begins in the middle of September and finishes by end of January.
The spring semester begins at the end of February or at the beginning of March and finishes at the end of June or early July.


Student housing is available in Milan, and there is also an ESN organization that helps students find appropriate accommodation in Milan. Read more on the school's website.

What does it cost? 

As an exchange student you pay only the AHO semester fee. 

Who can apply? 

Architecture students who are in their 6th, 7th or 8th semester at the time of application.

How to apply?

Apply for exchange studies through AHO by 1 February / 15 September through the application form found here

If you are nominated for exchange, you must submit an online application to Politecnico di Milano
Read about the application procedure.

The host institution application periods

From April 1 to May 15 for autumn arrivals
From October 1 to November 15 for spring arrivals

Further questions? 

Do not hesitate to contact international-office@aho.no
About the university
Country: Italy
City: Milan