fbpx Isi river and Vøien bridge | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


Isi river and Vøien bridge

Fredrik Van Der Horst


Vår 2023
Institutt for urbanisme og landskap

Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica
Marja Skotheim Folde
Infrastructure conceived as landscape and architecture
The proposed intervention for the underpass at Vøien bridge aims to transform this fragmented relationship between infrastructure and landscape into a cohesive and poetic design. It seeks to create a new sense of everyday spaces by integrating the underpass with the riverine landscape, while also treating the runoff water to minimize its negative effects on water quality and fish life. The project draws on the understanding that the river is not merely a passive element but a dynamic force that adapts to the terrain. By embracing this logic, the design aims to minimize flood risks and create better breeding conditions for fish. The scale of the infrastructure, and its effect as a border in the landscape is intended rescaled treating it as landscape and architecture disintegrating and celebrating its construction with the use of reflections in water and with the use of utilitarian treatment of contaminated water and  the function of the river put into display showing the aesthetics and symbolism of water in different stages of pureness, contamination, flow, erosion and reflection of light.







Fredrik van der Horst / fredrik.vdh@gmail.com