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Pushing East - A proposal for a Pushwagner museum

Sindre S Fredriksen


Arkitektur og kultur
Høst 2017
Institutt for arkitektur

Lisbeth Funck

Where is the mind when the body is here? - Pushwagner asks. As Oslo develops its waterfront, consolidating its museal institutions and ribbing its neighbourhoods for cultural content, Pushwagner’s dystopian vision for the future has greater resonance than ever.

The project centers around how new spatial qualities can appear within an exsisting structure. As Edvard Munchs 'Scream' is finally silenced in its new high-security concrete block in Bjørvika, and his treasure chamber in Tøyen will be emptied, the Pushwagner museum is a way to discuss and discover the qualities of a purposemade building in a new context and frame. With traces of the old in combination with the new, the building becomes a structure that could fascilitate new life – a collection of spaces to house the spirit of the artist.


Sindre Steffensen Fredriksen sindre.fredriksen@gmail.com - 47 04 04 04