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Course lists and studyplan

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Elective courses master level 2024-2025

Elective courses master level 2023-2024



12 400 Pre-Diploma
12 802 Diplom design
12 803 Diplom Landskapsarkitektur
40 130 GK3 Bybolig
40 132 GK3/4 Konstruksjoner
40 328 Restore values: Høvikodden. The Provenance of an art center
40 329 Life Cycle Methodology WALL ASSEMBLIES
40 330 Speculative futures #3: Ecology and Economy
40 331 Exhibiting Architecture: Forensics, Fashion, Ecologies
40 332 Vitruvius – an investigation
40 421 Nordic light in architecture
40 552 Moving Monuments: Rome
40 561 Subject matter:The Stone Building, Reconsidered
40 562 ACDL; Innovation HQ
40 564 Ecoperformance in Architecture: Vessels & Crafts
40 565 TAP - 3 buildings
40 567 Transformation in Practice: Infill
40 568 Circular prototyping: Critical mass
60 150 GK5 By og arkitektur
60 151 GK5 By- og byplanhistorie
60 302 Themes and Concepts in Landscape Architecture
60 308 Exploring the city through walking
60 314 Mapping Rural Norway
60 526 Edge landscape: Roles of parks and park systems in the contemporary city
60 537 Vulcano
60 538 Post-growth: designing for transitional societies in a climate altered world
60 539 Sustainable Architecture and Urban Studies
60 701 Pre-diplom for landskapsarkitektur
61 110 Form - Landskapslaboratorium
61 131 Landskapsmedia: Landskaps- og terrengforming
61 133 Systemer – Naturlaboratorium
61 134 Økologi for landskapsarkitektur – økologiske samfunn og system
61 150 Fellesrom – By og landskap
61 151 By- og byplanhistorie
70 154 Designfordypning 1: Industridesign
70 303 Digital fabrication, technologies and processes
70 304 Design Management: Circular businesses and the design process
70 305 Creative Technologies: games and worldbuilding
70 308 Service Design tools for wicked problems. Mess Mapping to Blueprint
70 504 Systems Oriented Design: Design for Very Complex System
70 505 Design studio
70 509 Digital Commons: Strategic design for society
70 511 Industrial Design 1: Futureproof Industrial Design
70 512 Interaction Design 1: Explore
70 513 Service Design 1: Exploring Design for Experience
70 514 Interaction Design 3: Studio Editorial
70 515 Industrial Design 3: Industrial Design for Profession
70 700 Pre-Diplom Design
80 131 GK3 Arkitekturhistorie 2
80 302 Norske tektoniske tradisjoner
EXFAC Examen facultatum - Teori og praksis for arkitektur, design og landskapsarkitektur
MARV8 Vern, politikk og administrasjon + studietur
MARV9 Forberedelse til masteroppgave
MURB8 Bypolitikk, planlegging og styring
MURB9 Forberedelse til masteroppgave
SOD7 SOD as a method for involvement and implementation of concepts
SOD8 Preparations for the master’s thesis