fbpx Use of workshops in courses | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design


Use of workshops in courses

The workshops have limited space and resources. In order to provide the best possible services to all courses and student groups, it is important that all workshop activity is carefully planned. Activities that are not reported in accordance with this description risk not being implemented. 

Reserved weeks

At the beginning of each semester, the workshop will be closed during the day to provide training for new students. During these periods, it will instead be open in the evening, with somewhat limited capacity.

This applies to weeks 1-3 in the winter and weeks 31 to 39 in the summer. 

December and May are very busy periods due to student assignment work, so there is limited access to help and instruction from workshop attendants.

PLEASE NOTE! Demanding activities cannot be planned for these periods. 

Are you planning a course in a workshop?

Fill in this form and send it to the head of the workshop department by the deadline: 
  • Autumn semester: 1 July
  • Spring semester: 10 December

Once the semester plan for all workshops is ready, the head of department will provide feedback on whether the requested activity can be organised. 

What information should you provide?

  • Responsible institute and subject teacher(s)
  • Number of students
  • Tasks to be solved
  • Requested materials
  • Services required (CNC milling machine.)
  • Dates and expected duration (check reserved weeks, avoid December and May)

The workshop attendants can help to prepare tasks, choose materials and help with purchasing, and adapt the assignments to the amount of time the workshop users plan on using. 
For courses with many participants and demanding tasks, the course leader must anticipate the need for extra staff. The course/institute budget will cover this expense. 

Materials and services

  • We have some materials for sale and can help you to purchase materials. 
  • If the course/institute is to cover the costs of the materials, the course leader must order the materials through the workshop. 
  • Services such as the CNC milling machine, cutter, oscillating knife cutting machine and 3D printing must also be booked through the workshop. An order is created for each individual course. 

Implementation of activity

  • Before the project begins, the teachers and students must carry out a ‘safe job analysis’.
  • We expect the teacher to actively participate in the workshop and help the students during the whole project period. 

Health, safety and the environment

  • When planning and implementing projects, emphasis shall be placed on preventing undesirable incidents. 
  • The Working Environment Act must be complied with. 
  • Undesirable incidents shall be reported.