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2016 Vår

Start semester

Vardø - Byplan og deltagende kartlegging

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Vardø - Byplan og deltagende kartlegging
Course code: 
65 602
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått 1. semester studio

Course content

Vardø – Byplan og deltagende karlegging

Vardø er den eneste arktiske byen i Norge. Det ligger på en øy nordøst for Varangerhalvøya, og var inntil for hundre år siden den viktigste byen i Finnmark. Den var hovedsete for Ishavsfisket og Pomorhandelen, og kunne ha flere tusen fiskebåter på vågen under vinterfisket. Den har den største samlingen trebygninger i Finnmark fra 1800-tallet. Byen er i dag forfallen og har mistet halvparten av befolkningen siden 1980-tallet. Det er imidlertid sterke krefter i sving for å bevare den verdifulle kulturarven bestående av kaianlegg, slippen, hotell, barneskole, og unike mindre bygninger.

Forskningsprosjektet Future North har over et par år arbeidet sammen med Svein Harald Holmen og Vardø Restored utviklet en metode for deltagende og social media basert kartlegging av kulturell verdi. Videreføring av dette arbeidet vil være en del av kurset.

Studiokurset vil utarbeide en ny byplan for Vardø i samarbeid med
Vardø Restored http://vardorestored.com, Vardø kommune, Vardø Fylkeskommune og Kulturminnefondet. Planene vil inkludere bystruktur, næringsinteresser, kulturminner, allmenninger og landskapsbruk.

Kurset vil tilbringe flere uker i Vardø, i februar og april/mai. Oppholdet vil i stor grad bli bekostet av de lokale samarbeidspartnere.

Byplanlegging som disiplin ble etableret som respons på den massive urbanisering som fulgte den første industrialisering. Man kan således hevde at byplanen som redskab er tenkt i forhold til håndteringen af kvantitativ vækst. Situationen i Vardø er imidlertid en gangske anden. Her er ikke tale om en massiv byutvikling men om et lokalsamfund under omstilling. Utfordringen er dermed hvordan byplanen kan benyttes som redskab til sikring av en kvalitativ transformasjon, som tilgodeser kulturarv og landskapsmessige forhold.

Kurset involverer et studie av byutviklingen i Nord Norge med fokus på forholdet mellem generiske byplanprinsipper og stedsspesifikke organiseringsforhold.

Working and learning activities


Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activity
Individual problem solving
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving

Start semester

Steder og objekter

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Steder og objekter
Course code: 
40 406
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

The transition from architecture as a material profession to a fluid practice of hybrid sites, digital working spaces and global interconnectivity has rapidly changed not only the tools architects use, but also the way in which they intellectually engage the world they design.

Central to this transformation are some of architecture’s core conventions; the site in which an object sits, the working space in which the architect designs, and the tools which the architect uses, having morphed from the ink of the pen to vectors, meshes, nurbs and projections.

Actively shaping this transition requires the architect to not only command the workflows of contemporary digital practice but also to critically challenge the theoretical context in which the tools are formed.
The course consists of 4 exercises. Each exercise pairs a core design task within the digital realm with a core reading spanning from architecture, critical theory, art, and philosophy specific to the themes of places, objects, and tools.

Students are asked through these exercises to both solve a design task whilst providing their own theoretical argument inspired from the provided texts through their own project descriptions in writing and through verbal presentation. Each exercise lasts 2-3 weeks and concludes with common discourse with invited guests.

Learning outcome

The students will learn a set of core design tools for working in a contemporary architectural environment, including: 3d-model sourcing, 3d-printing, 3d-scanning, VR- modelling, analytical drawings, Photoshop, and physical model making.

The students will familiarize themselves with central texts related to technology spanning from early modernism to the contemporary context.

The students will learn to intellectually reflect upon the theoretical implications of their design work and learn to build a theoretical background in which to expand their own design studies and research.

The students will learn to write short descriptive texts of their design exercises and learn to verbally present their ideas amongst colleagues.

The students will familiarize themselves with current design work engaging architectural heritage, 3d-archiving, VR environments and 3d-prototyping and will be asked to provide a personal speculation upon the future of digital technologies in architecture and design

Working and learning activities

Short 2 – 3 week continuous design exercises paired with a text.

Deliverables each week spanning from screenshots with a short description to larger models, images and drawings.

Lectures, tutorials and discussions as required.

An optional expansive syllabus will be provided and students are encouraged to read it.

Mandatory courseworkPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltetNot requiredAlle øvelser er obligatoriske.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Alle øvelser er obligatoriske.

Start semester

Re-store: Systemer

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Re-store: Systemer
Course code: 
80 606
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

Dette studiokurset handler om systemer. I løpet av semesteret skal vi avdekke hvilken rolle de ulike systemene har hatt gjennom arkitekturhistorien, vi skal undersøke deres teknologiske, sosiale og metafysiske egenskaper og bruke denne kunnskapen i utvikling av konkrete arkitekturprosjekter. Kurset skriver seg inn i rekken av eksperimentelle bygningsvernskurs på FTH de siste årene.

Arkitekturen etter 1945 består i stor grad av systemer: ventilasjonskanaler, fasadesystemer, heiser, himlingsplater, datagulv, søppelsjakter, varmeanlegg, vann- og avløpsrør, isolasjonssystemer, foldevegger, alarm og overvåkningsanlegg osv. Systemene tilfredsstiller våre grunnleggende behov: de hjelper oss til å puste, de holder oss varme, gir oss lys, gir trygghet, tar hånd om vårt avfall etc. De er mer eller mindre usynlige, de er masseproduserte, de tilhører en global markedsøkonomi og er sjelden betraktet som en del av arkitekturen. Hvis du fjerner systemene, er det paradoksalt nok ikke mye arkitektur tilbake.

Innenfor det tradisjonelle bygningsvernet er systemene som regel betraktet som en trussel mot kulturminneverdiene. Et stadig strengere lovverk stiller krav til energiøkonomisering og universell tilgjengelighet, og våre bygninger vil i økende grad bli preget av ut- og innvendig etterisolering, nye vinduer, store ventilasjonsanlegg, varmeanlegg, rullestolsramper mm. Strengt opptrukne grenser mellom profesjonene hindrer nyskapning, og forholdet mellom arkitekter, ingeniører, myndigheter og oppdragsgivere må åpenbart redefineres. Vi trenger nye ideer for hvordan nye systemer skal innføres i eksisterende bygg, og studiokurset ønsker å bidra gjennom en eksperimenterende, tverrfaglig og mangeartet tilnærmingsmåte. Vi ønsker å bringe systemene inn i arkitekturens kjerne. Vi vil inkludere systemene bygningsvernet, vi vil utrede hvordan de på best mulig måte kan hjelpe og beskytte vår bygningsarv, og ikke minst; utforske systemenes potensial som generatorer for ny arkitektur.

I begynnelsen av semesteret vil hver student få utdelt et system, og får oppgaven med avdekke dets arkitektoniske potensial gjennom en utforskning av dets teknologiske, sosiale og metafysiske karaktertrekk. Undersøkelsene vil lede til konkrete og individuelle arkitekturprosjekter. Det er et mål at kurset skal romme ulike perspektiver: fra mer spekulative eksperimenter til konkrete undersøkelser. Detaljeringsnivå og omfang vil bli tilpasset bygningenes størrelse, kompleksitet og studentenes konseptuelle utgangspunkt.

En forelesningsrekke vil løpe gjennom hele semesteret som tematiserer bygningsvern, transformasjon og gjenbruk generelt, og systemene spesielt: deres historie, deres strukturelle og teknologiske egenskaper og den betydning de har i arkitekturen. Kurset vil knytte til seg en rekke norske og internasjonale fagpersoner som vil bidra med forelesninger, kritikk og sensur.

Målet er å produsere en bok og en utstilling som formidler resultatet fra kurset.

Ekskursjon: New York

Learning outcome

Studentene skal gjennom semesteret erverve seg en omfattende kunnskap om systemene og forstå hvilken rolle de spiller i arkitekturen, både i en historisk, teknologisk og romlig sammenheng. Kurset vil gi en innføring i strategier for vern, gjenbruk og transformasjon og gi kunnskap om hvordan å omsette disse i konkrete arkitekturprosjekter. Kurset vil gi studentene omfattende prosjekteringserfaring.

Working and learning activities

Den viktigste formen for undervisning vil skje i form av ukentlig veiledning på salen og en rekke gjennomganger gjennom semesteret. En forelesningsrekke vil løpe gjennom hele semesteret. I utgangspunktet vil undervisningen foregå to hele dager i uken. Det vil også holdes jevnlige kursmøter for diskusjon og innspill.


-          Rem Koolhass/La Biennale de Venezia: “Elements of Architecture”, 2014

-          Anne Lacaton et Jean-Philippe Vassal: ” Lacaton & Vassal”, 2009

-          Reyner Banham, The Architcture of the Well-tempered Environment”, 1969

-          Aggregate Architectural History Collaborative, website: http://we-aggregate.org/piece/excerpts-from-goverening-by-design


Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scale
Project assignment-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activity
Planning assignment
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Planning assignment

Start semester

Eksternt kurs (UiT)

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Eksternt kurs (UiT)
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Learning outcome

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten;

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

Landscape Urbanism in Practice

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Landscape Urbanism in Practice
Course code: 
60 401
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Course content

The contemporary city, with its processes of upscaling and rapid mutation, produces, together with great possibilities also great contradictions and risks that question the very idea of a city. Emerging are new forms of spatial inequalities and injustice, new problems of metabolism related with the management of in-out flows (such as water, energy, goods, people) and their carrying structures. These processes are related resulting in a more difficult and uncertain condition.

This condition challenges the role of designer and design practice as a specific means of knowledge production. Does this condition, “between chaos and potentials” (Koolhaas 2014) make the project of the contemporary city and territory possible? What are the constitutive features of a project that is able to absorb these contradictions and create new conditions of possibilities in the framework of a meaningful order?

The praxis and reflection of different agents are today reframing the fields of urbanism and landscape architecture; new concepts and principles replace others at the centre of these disciplines and guide the construction of new discursive as well as spatial forms. Landscape Urbanism is one of the successful neologisms. In the notion of Landscape Urbanism, positions converge that have in common the retrieval of concepts such as memory, social utility and ecology. A depth that leads to new forms of description and prefiguration.

As cultural construct, landscape is made and remade. The interpretation of landscapes imply - using the terms of Umberto Eco - the distinction between the “intentionality of the author”, that is what the author wants to communicate; the intentionality of the “reader”, that is what the reader interpret and use. And the “intentionality of the work itself”, that is what - independently from the intentionality of the author – the constructed landscape suggests remaining open to new interpretations.

Learning outcome

The scope of the course is improving the interpretative and projective toolkit of the designer as reflective practitioner. The course will explore themes, approaches and tools (conceptual and practical) throughout a sequence of critical operations that complement each other and take place both in the studio and as fieldwork. In particular, the students will be engaged in three types of critical reading; reading of essays by relevant authors (rhetorical analysis), reading of real-world-space (film and photography) and reading of spatial projects (mapping).

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

Diplom design

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Diplom design
Course code: 
12 802
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått pre-diplom og 270 studiepoeng totalt

Learning outcome

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten;

Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten;

Generell kompetanse
Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten;

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

Diploma Landscape Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Diplom Landskapsarkitektur
Course code: 
12 803
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Successful completion of 90 ECTS, successfully evaluated portfolio of the master level, successful completion of a pre-diploma report, approved by an advisor and the head of department.

Course content

The diploma semester at AHO is an independent research and design task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with a chosen advisor, the candidate is to produce a complete work of exceptional quality contributing to the discipline’s dis-course.

Learning outcome

∙ An ability to give form to architecture through artistic and scientific research
∙ An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that govern architectural, urban and landscape design work
∙ A mastery of the methods, tools and media inherent in architectural, urban and landscape design
∙ An awareness of architecture’s, urban and landscape design’s historical, societal and theoretical underpinnings
∙ An ability to communicate ideas and results to professional and laypersons
∙ An independent and responsible attitude to individual learning
∙ An understanding of one’s own individual position with the discipline

Working and learning activities

The diploma semester is an independent study whose methods and topics are to be outlined in an approved pre-diploma brief. Interim presentations and a final presentation is mandatory.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

Pre-Diploma (A, FTH)

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Pre-Diploma (A, FTH)
Course code: 
12 400
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Successful completion of 270 credits (ECTS)

Course content

The pre-diploma semester at AHO is an independent research task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with a chosen advisor, the candidate is to produce a report that details a topic to be studied, an approach or methodology, a spatial program and a plan of work. This report is the foundation of the diploma semester.

Learning outcome

∙ An understanding of the complexity of a chosen architectural program
∙ An ability to frame artistic and scientific research
∙ An understanding of the given natural, social, cultural and technological conditions that govern architectural work
∙ An awareness of the topic’s historical, societal and theoretical ramifications
∙ An ability to communicate ideas and plan work
∙ An understanding of one’s own individual position with the discipline

Working and learning activities

The pre-diploma semester is an independent study, undertaken in consultation with a chosen advisor, whose result is a program for the following diploma semester.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
GroupingGrading scaleComment
IndividualPass / failAssessed by supervisor, approved by head of institute
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Assessed by supervisor, approved by head of institute

Start semester

Bygninger og deres territorium

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Bygninger og deres territorium
Course code: 
40 615
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Neven Fuchs-Mikac
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

The Studio for Research and Production of Architecture offers a research-oriented master studio in architectural design. In spring semester 2016 the guest-professor in the studio will be English architect Tony Fretton from the London based Tony Fretton Architects. www.tonyfretton.com
"Whenever I am in Oslo I am struck by the quality of the Rådhusplass ensemble as public building and territory. However this studio is not about city halls but urban mixed-use apartment buildings like those behind the City Hall, and how they can also establish public territory. It is also about challenges and opportunities of designing larger urban apartments as places to live and about learning how the repetitions they impose have to be handled to give convincing public facades while providing enough intimacy and identity for those who choose to live there. As an English person my style of thinking and teaching is associative and empirical. It provides encouragement and a critical response to your development as a young architect." Tony Fretton
Buildings and their Territories is a theme that comprises a large number of architectural ideas and techniques. Buildings hold a wealth of constructional and social knowledge, while territory is both the physical area and space in which buildings have a positive effect, but also the fields of ideas with which they engage.
For the studio project we suggest to design a building in the centre of Oslo that should engage with the qualities of Oslo's urban architecture, as for example with the Rådhusplassen and its formal setting, so that the formal and urbanistic issues of the buildings and their programs could be addressed. The program could be a mixed-use block of generous apartments, ranging in size from 100 to 250 sqm. The projects will be developed on several critical sites in the very centre of Oslo.
In introduction to the design task students will be asked to make a research study on the urban buildings and their territories. Successful buildings of this type exist at all scales, from the building by Tony Fretton's practice at Tietgens Grund in Copenhagen and the Red House in London www.tonyfretton.com, to Le Corbusier's Maison Clarte in Geneva. The messages from classicism has also a lot to teach us, for example the four Palaces around an octagonal plaza in Copenhagen near Tietgens Grund, Edinburgh New Town, Place Stanislaus in Nancy France and a great deal of Haussman's Paris.

Learning outcome

- formulating an independent and prejudice-less thinking about architecture, its spatial organization, its constituent elements, construction and materiality, and about the territory it engages.
- stimulating the individual awareness of todays positions in architecture and its relationship to the city
- stimulating the awareness of one's own architectural position and one's own attitude toward the work with architecture
After finishing the course, the student should:
- be able to develop his/her own clear and consistent working method in working with the theme of urban appartment houses typology.
- be able to develop principles for structuring of both basic and complex housing typologies and develop them through different scales into a final project
- be able to develop and apply the architectural knowledge about the specific project themes chosen to work with during the studio
- be able to creatively combine the architectural research in the project
- be able to develop and draw precisely his/her own project through different scales, from the conceptual design to its final constructive and material stage.
- be able to comprehensively present and communicate his/her architectural idea and his/her final project through the appropriate forms of representation, with drawings, models, diagrams, photos, 3D renderings, etc.
- benefit from the work with a foreign guest-teacher and from the confrontation with his architectural thinking, knowledge, experience and imagination.
General competence
The general goal of the Studio is to rethink and reinterpret themes, concepts and tools of architecture through a collaborative project with the guest teacher in the studio. In working with architecture architects use various tools. Construction, space, program, site, context, form, sustainability, materiality and atmosphere offer just some of them. The choice of ideas, themes and tools and ways to work with them vary from one architect to another, from one project to another. Sometimes they are more recognizable identities, sometimes less. Developing ones own clear, consistent and creative attitude towards the things one chooses to work with within the given assignment is what studying architecture is all about.
Also, the idea is to focus on development of the individual working method through the research-based architectural design. In parallel to the main project “another project” would go on: the individual investigation of means and processes necessary for research and production of an architectural project. By organizing the semester work in a matrix-like structure that combines both the conceptual, analytical and intuition-based approach, the studio would like to disclose the individual potential that usually remains hidden behind the end-result of the project. By pursuing the research within a partly self-defined, partly given framework, we would like to question the preconceived images and norms of traditional design work, in this case the design of urban appartment houses, and to initiate the processes revised by new cognitions, opened to unexpectectural solutions.

Working and learning activities

The underlying aims of the teaching in the studio will be:
- to create motivation for the analytical thinking and causal architectural decision-making and expression
- to stimulate, cultivate and articulate personal discussion with teachers, as well as open public discourse within the studio, on the base of architectural ideas developed through the project
The studio-work during the semester will be conducted in 4 steps. The duration of each step will be approximately 1 month.
- the first part of the semester: individual research with open public discussions in the studio
- the second part of the semester: individual work on the project structured in 3 steps in-between 3 public reviews in the studio
During the semester, each step would be discussed both independently, as combined with each other and connected into the main project as a whole. In this way, each of the steps will hopefully leave clear traces onto the final project. Weaving the research in and around the main project would lead students to make visible another story, the story of their own position and understanding of architecture. The short assignments or workshops will be introduced during the work.
Our particular interest will be to investigate the relationship between architectural structure, materiality and the concept, starting from an idea of architecture that coherently fuses representation and its internal spatial and tectonic qualities. Therefore, beside the drawings, the projects will be investigated and developed with the help of architectural models in different scale, specially big models. They will then be photographed to test the anticipated ideas of the project. The final project will be presented with text, big-scale drawings and models, photographs, renderings, etc.
The teaching will consist of the studio-work, the individual and public discussions and table reviews and lectures structured in-between the public reviews. During the semester we could imagine two shorter study-trips: one very short trip to London to the first review with Tony Fretton, and another, a week visit to urban architecture of Berlin.

- texts, drawings and models in different scale, photographs and 3D illustrations
- the prepared public discussions and reviews of the individual projects with projections
- the digital- and hand-production of models in different scale will be one of the primary design tools of the studio
- the final project will be presented with the detailed drawings, big models and renderings

- the active presence and work on the project in the studio during the whole semester
- in the research part of the semester the assessment will focus on:
1. the architectural sensibility and awareness of the architectural problems,
2. the clarity of argumentation, built-up during the process
- in the project part of the semester the assessment will be based on:
1. the evaluation of the quality of the project idea,
2. the strength of conversion of idea into an architectural project,
3. the evaluation of the artistic, intellectual and architectural capacity to confront the creative risk involved in the project
- the prepared project-material and presence at 3 public reviews
- the delivered complete project for the exhibition AHO Works and for the final review 01 – 05.06. 2015
- the studio-work is evaluated with Passed ‚or Not passed, jf. Regulation for Master Studies at AHO‚ pt. 6-14.

The pensum- and literature list will be given later.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / failI forsknings delen av semester vurderingsformene vil fokusere på:
1. arkitektonisk sensibilitet og bevissthet om arkitektoniske problemstillinger,
2. klarhet av bygget argumentasjon
I prosjektdelen av semester vurderingsformene vil fokusere på:
1. vurdering av kvalitet av prosjekt- ide
2. forvandling av ide til det arkitektoniske prosjekt
3. evaluering av den intellektuelle og arkitektoniske styrken ved å konfrontere kreativ risk i prosjektet
I enden av semester skal det vurderes:
- Tilstedeværelse og aktivt arbeid med oppgaven i studio gjennom hele semesteret.
- Innleverte deloppgaver + tilstedeværelse ved 3 fellesgjennomgåelser
- Innlevert komplett materiale for det endelige prosjekt og tilstedeværelse ved utstilling AHO Works
01. -05.06.2015.
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:I forsknings delen av semester vurderingsformene vil fokusere på:
1. arkitektonisk sensibilitet og bevissthet om arkitektoniske problemstillinger,
2. klarhet av bygget argumentasjon
I prosjektdelen av semester vurderingsformene vil fokusere på:
1. vurdering av kvalitet av prosjekt- ide
2. forvandling av ide til det arkitektoniske prosjekt
3. evaluering av den intellektuelle og arkitektoniske styrken ved å konfrontere kreativ risk i prosjektet
I enden av semester skal det vurderes:
- Tilstedeværelse og aktivt arbeid med oppgaven i studio gjennom hele semesteret.
- Innleverte deloppgaver + tilstedeværelse ved 3 fellesgjennomgåelser
- Innlevert komplett materiale for det endelige prosjekt og tilstedeværelse ved utstilling AHO Works
01. -05.06.2015.

Start semester

Integrert og assosiativ computational design i arkitektur

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Integrert og assosiativ computational design i arkitektur
Course code: 
40 405
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Working knowledge in Rhino.
NOTE: The course is only open to studentes on the RCAT /ACDL studio course

Course content

The elective course will be on associative modelling in Rhino / Grasshopper / structural analysis by Karamba, virtual reality and Arduino based technology. The course is only open to students of the RCAT / ACDL studio course.
The teaching will be based on a design project that acts as a vehicle for learning methods, tools and skills.
The associative modelling component introduces beginners to associative design and those that already know Grasshopper to a series of generative tools within the software.
Students will be introduced to augmented and virtual reality visualization and the making of data-collection setups in Arduino.

Learning outcome

At the end of the course the student will have gained knowledge in associative modeling and virtual reality visualization and working within the Arduino environment.
The student will have skills in data driven computational design processes that integrate associative modelling, advanced visualization and data collection.
General competence:
After passed course the student will have knowledge and skills related to the studio course.

Working and learning activities

1. Lectures and workshops on selected topics regarding computational design.
2. Tutorials on an individual and group basis concerning skill building
3. Workshop sessions that introduce specific themes and skills
Note: All instructions are based on active participation by the students and 90 % attendance.




Ayres, P. ed. (2012) Persistent Modelling. London: Routledge.

Frazer, J. (1995) An Evolutionary Architecture. London : AA Publications. PDF Online: http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/publications/ea/intro.html

Kolarevic, B. Ed. (2003) Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing. London. Taylor and Francis.

Kolarevic, B. and Malkavi, A. Eds. (2005) Performative Architecture – Beyond Instrumentality. London: Spon Press.

Kolarevic, B. and Klinger, K. Eds. (2008) Manufacturing Material Effects: Rethinking Design and Making in Architecture. London: Routledge.


Additional litterature wil be introduced during the course on individual basis

Online resources:

Grasshopper :


Presence requiredComment
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / failIndividual or group work
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Individual or group work
Workload activity
Individual problem solving
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving
