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2016 Vår

Interaktive rom og miljø

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Interaktive rom og miljø
Course code: 
70 401
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Ståle Stenslie
Required prerequisite knowledge

For students at Master level.

Course content

The course looks at an expanding overlap between interaction design, architecture and media arts, to explore how the ideas and methods of interaction design can be applied in larger environments and spaces. The course investigates emerging trends in responsive spaces and installations, environments and interactive architecture, focusing on larger scale experiences, using physical spaces as the arena for interaction. These investigations will look beyond the direct point and click‐style interactions to less direct forms: the environment becomes an eco‐system where people are possibly one, but not the only, active ingredient. Environments and experiences can then be considered as responsive systems, and the interactions can be designed as ephemeral, passive, playful and incidental ‐ rather than deliberate, for a specific purpose and with a specific and predictable result.

Interactive Spaces and Environments is aimed at both design and architecture students, working in cross‐disciplinary collaboration, and aims to foster thinking and designing beyond the material object; to understand the space of sensorial range and effect that modulate in a feedback relation our environment.
The course gives an introduction to the following four fields and how they shape and inform our interaction and spaces:

• LIGHT and SPACE – see for example oslolux.no
• INTERACTIVE SOCIAL SPACES – how do immaterial experiences shape our real spaces?
• INFLATABLES – large scale spatial environments and how to manipulate space.
• AUGMENTED/MIXED REALITIES and MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES and their effect on space and experience.

Learning outcome

• get an overview of a broad range of existing work and theories in the fields of sensate space, interactive architecture, immersive environments and digital installation art.
• gain a grounding in basic sensor and interactive technologies and how they can be used to create reactive and interactive experiences.
• build a theoretical and practical framework to begin to predict how people are likely to react to such interventions

be able to use tools and methods for prototyping interaction concepts and problems

General competence:
ability to utilize knowledge and skills (as defined above) in an independent manner in different situations and collaborations, within and across disciplines.

Working and learning activities

Different workshops and projects to be arranged according to activity plan.
• Project: During the final project and exam week, it is expected that the students are participating in a bigger group work building an experimental and interactive room/environment. The project needs to be documented with a short, written report.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

GK4 Mindre offentlig bygning

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK4 Mindre offentlig bygning
Course code: 
40 140
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått første år av grunnundervisningen

Course content

Tema for kurset er en mindre offentlig bygning . Semesteroppgavenes program vil reflektere sosiale behov og en forståelse for stedet og tomten. Tomtene vil finnes i Osloområdet.
Det overordnede mål for 2. år er INTEGRASJON av de emnene som utgjør de viktigste elementene i arkitekturprosjektering og husbygging, slik at resultatet blir en helhetlig, interessant og godt.

Learning outcome

Sortere og anvende relevant kunnskap ved prosjektutvikling
Drøfte og evaluere program
Gjennomføre tomteanalyser og mulighetsstudier
Utvikle konseptuelle hovedgrep for organisering av bygningsvolum og funksjoner
Utvikle og bearbeide ideer om konstruksjon og klimaskall i forhold til en overordnet strategi
Utvikle og bearbeide romlige arkitektoniske kvaliteter med hensyn på dagslys
Tilegne seg ulik basiskunnskap om kursets arkitektoniske- og teknologiske tema
Beherske manuell og digital fremstillingsteknikk og utrykkform egnet for de aktuelle prosjektoppgavene
Formidle eget arkitektfaglig arbeid ved hjelp av muntlige

Working and learning activities

Fokus i 2. år er på teknologi og bærekraft som viktige forutsetninger for gode arkitektoniske helhetsløsninger. Dette vil bli diskutert og utviklet hovedsakelig gjennom studiooppgaver av økende kompleksitet som tar for seg rom for menneskelige aktiviteter, støttet av forelesningsserier.
I hver prosjektoppgave vil målsettingen være å håndtere hele komplekset av emner som er relevante for et arkitekturoppdrag.
4. semester vil som hovedprosjekt studere en liten offentlig bygning i et bymiljø.
Understrekningen av bygningenes sosiale kontekst og deres stedstilhørighet vil knytte 2. år til Urbanismes femte semester.
4.semester vil bli organisert som et stort studio, som deles i mindre grupper ved gjennomføring av workshops og deloppgaver
Det vil bli gjennomført to studioprosjekter i vårsemesteret. Den første semesteroppgaven er kortere og vil tjene som introduksjon til hovedoppgaven. Gjennom semesterets hovedoppgave skal studentene demonstrere sine evner til både å utvikle gode arkitektoniske løsninger og å integrere kunnskapen som formidles i forelesningsseriene.
I løpet av semestrene vil det bli støtteaktiviteter som samtaler, foredrag, workshops, bedriftsbesøk etc. som har til hensikt å belyse forskjellige aspekter ved det aktuelle prosjektet.
Den viktigste undervisningsformen i studioene vil bli én-til-én veiledning på tegnebordet.
Det vil gjennomføres en workshop en workshop som utforsker murverk som konstruksjon og overflate.
Teoriundervisningen vil løpe parallelt med studioarbeidet og har to hovedaktiviteter; Kurset ”Konstruksjonsmekanikk og byggeteknikk 2” (eget program) samt forelesninger i spesifikke arkitektoniske deltema knyttet til semesteroppgavene og arkitekturproduksjon i praksis.
Det vil bli gjennomført en ukes Norgesekskursjon i vårsemesteret.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

GK2 Introduksjon til arkitektur

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK2 Introduksjon til arkitektur
Course code: 
80 121
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

The course starts January 12th and ends june 12th 2014.
The course is a continuation of GK1. The students will continue in two studios, however teaching, tasks and schedule will be the same for both studios. There will be three half time teachers for each studio in addition the teachers of free hand drawing and digital design. The main objective of the course is to give the students experience with the different working methods within the discipline of architecture. The main activity of the course is studio based, project specific design work.

Learning outcome

At the end of the course the student should have:
Knowledge of the design process
Thorough understanding of working methods, disciplinary routines and communication forms
Command of the computer aided design programs
solid experience with free hand drawing as an analytical tool

Working and learning activities

The course will focus on design tasks where the students will mainly work individually.
The teaching will mainly be in the form of weekly tutoring, pin-ups, lectures and seminars. Reviews where the students are expected to present individual proposals and design work for it to be discussed in the class forum constitutes an important pedagogical element.
The course makes use of the digital learning platform Moodle for communication about schedule and program.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail

GK4 Structural Mechanics and Building Construction 2

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK4 Structural Mechanics and Building Construction 2
Course code: 
40 141
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Solveig Sandness
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

The aim of the course on structures and construction is to offer basic theoretical and practical knowledge of fundamental structural types, how structures behave when subjected to loads, and the relationship between form and the mechanical concepts of strength, stiffness and stability. Moreover, the course illustrates and discusses structural concepts in relation to various architectural works.
Furthermore, the course focuses on the similarities and differences between the properties of the different materials and how they are used in actual construction practices. Besides, the most common construction systems for small and larger buildings will be presented and discussed in relation to works of architecture.

Learning outcome

Knowledge and skills
The course will contribute to basic knowledge of the design of structures and structural systems, their detailing and construction in the most important structural materials (wood, steel and concrete), as well as train skills to implement such knowledge in actual project design. Moreover will the student develop an ability to reflect on the role of structures in architecture, and to present informed arguments for structural choices in her/his own projects.

General competence
After having completed the course the student is expected to have an overview of the most relevant structural systems employed in modern Norwegian building tradition, and having aquired a certain knowledge of more specialized structural methods.

Working and learning activities

The course consists of a number of weekly lectures and compulsory exercises. A practical grip of the theoretical knowledge accumulated should be demonstrated in the design projects. The course is literature based and takes as a prerequisite that the student actively read in addition to following the lectures. The exercises are analytic tools that train the student in recognizing and understanding structural aspects in specific works of architecture. Discussions on structures and construction technologies are central topics at project tutoring and reviews.
The course is assessed on the basis of submitted and accepted exercises as well as a written exam.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

Interaksjonsdesign 2: Screens

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Interaksjonsdesign 2: Screens
Course code: 
70 601
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level courses at AHO or relevant and equivalent education (bachelor). The students must have passed Interaction Design 1 or other relevant experience from Interaction Design.

Course content

The second part of the interaction design programme focuses on the complex connected world we now live in, where visual interfaces are increasingly prevalent (from mobile phones to large public information systems, to multiuser and multitouch) and presenting designers with fascinating, complex and highly relevant challenges. The course explores how these interfaces can be effectively integrated into networks and spaces; the information they contain and the messages they impart; and how we, as users, engage and interact with them.

New digital technologies, and the internet in particular, have changed the ways of production and consumption of information. The internet itself has undergone a sea-change in recent years, from primarily static and closed systems to infrastructures where openness, information sharing, collaboration and creativity are key ingredients. Users have become both producers and consumers of content and information. Massive information datasets and structures need to be presented in dynamic, user-friendly and accessible ways, allowing for easy navigation, providing an overview as well as detailed analysis.

These sophisticated design challenges will be explored in a range of workshops and projects.The course will provide students with appropriate practical skills, design methods and design thinking tools, enabling them to tackle advanced screen-based design issues, and leading to the creation of engaging, informative and effective interfaces.

The semester is a compilation of several smaller modules and workshops to introduce the students to the new and more screen specific methods, processes and tools that will form the core of the term. This will be followed by one final project, where students will develop more in-depth conceptual frameworks.

Learning outcome

Students will
• gain an insight and understanding of the fundamental challenges in the design of screen-based
interaction design, and apply this to the design of engaging user-experiences
• understand the roles and opportunities for the designer in a technologically driven environment.

Students will
• improve their screen-based graphical technical and production skills
• be able to use tools and methods to prototype interactive concepts

• get aqainted with the iterative design process through hands-on tasks

• develop their skills at communicating their concepts and ideas in an engaging and convincing manner

Working and learning activities

Many small modules
The semester is divided into many shorter modules, that together will form a comprehensive introduction to the field. Most of these modules will be initiated by lectures and/or workshops, followed by students working on their assignments with mentoring from the staff. Due to the intensity of the whole semester, we pride ourselves on the available supporting staff in many of the modules.

Frequent crit’s and presentations
In addition to mentoring, ‘’the crit’ is the core method for dialogue throughout the semester, and students will engage in progress discussions and presentation 1 – 2 times weekly throughout the whole semester.

Partner collaboration
In the final module the students can choose from a various tasks with external collaborators. These collaborators range from local business and design consultant companies, to design research projects and future envisioning conceptualization.

Group work
Students will be working individually or in groups of two.

Work effort
The course is intensive, and requires a high attendance from the students.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required

GK4 Physical products and production methods

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK4 Physical products and production methods
Course code: 
70 141
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Steinar Killi
William Kempton
Required prerequisite knowledge

The course in mandatory for 4th semester Master of Design

Course content

The course has a focus on physical products, from design brief, via creative and analytical methods to actual production. The most common production methods are covered in projects specially designed for the specific production method.

Learning outcome

Students will learn to adapt and utilise different manufacturing methods like; injection molding, blow molding, extrusion and additive manufacturing/3-d printing in practice.

students should use and practice different methods like gigamapping, forecasting,AICE, 3B and others. Further is it extensive use of freehand drawing and use of CAD all through the course

Working and learning activities

Lectures, short projects over one day and longer over three weks. Individual and group work. Some workshops and computercourse,

Courseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
5Not requiredFive projects are to be delivered, presented and will be evaluated by external censors. The grades are based on the a mean value of all five projects.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Courseworks required:5
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Five projects are to be delivered, presented and will be evaluated by external censors. The grades are based on the a mean value of all five projects.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-A-FFive projects are to be delivered, presented and will be evaluated by external censors. The grades are based on the a mean value of all five projects.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:A-F
Comment:Five projects are to be delivered, presented and will be evaluated by external censors. The grades are based on the a mean value of all five projects.

GK2 Design basics - part 2

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK2 Design basics - part 2
Course code: 
70 120
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Harald Skulberg
Course content

Basic design - Part 2, Design Basics is the second part of the basic course in design. This course continues the introduction to industrial design and informs the student about the other specialization directions interaction design, service design and systems oriented design. The course builds on the tools and methods presented and practiced in Part 1 of the basic course. The course includes an integrated drawing course that focuses on methodological and analytical freehand drawing. The basic course focuses primarily on the design aspects of the industrial design profession through individual design and an aesthetic exploration of two-and three-dimensional expressions. Through a longer design project the student will gain experience with implementing a design process in different phases towards a fully developed product that is presented through the use of visual communication aids in a final presentation.

Learning outcome

Aesthetics; Further develop the student's aesthetic awareness and formal sensitivity , and give the student experience from knowledge and the application of various aesthetic effects in two-dimensional and three-dimensional expressions.
Designerly approach; Provide the student with knowledge of different formal methods in industrial design in a longer design project , as well as knowledge of interaction design, service design and systems oriented design.
Tools and methods; Develop the student's skills in design methods, the use of appropriate design tools in the design process, drawing, ergonomics, modeling and CAD.
Communication; Further develop the student's skills in visual communication and presentation skills, as well as preparing a portfolio.
Material Understanding; Develop the student's experience with the use of various materials through exploration of various materials' intrinsic qualities.
Skills; Give the student the opportunity to practice key skills such as drawing, model making, CAD, visual communication and oral presentation ability in a longer design project.

Working and learning activities

Aesthetics; Through exercises and discussion
Designerly approach; Through lectures, discussions and reviews
Tools and methods; Through introductory lectures and tutorials
Communication; Lectures, tutorials and reviews
Material Understanding; Through exploration and experimentation
Skills; independent work

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / failTraining courses and design assignments are evaluated separately. These evaluations are the basis for the overall semester evaluation.
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Training courses and design assignments are evaluated separately. These evaluations are the basis for the overall semester evaluation.

GK4 Produksjonsteknologi

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK4 Produksjonsteknologi
Course code: 
70 140
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Steinar Killi
Required prerequisite knowledge

Gjennomført kurset materialteknologi eller tilsvarende

Course content

Kurset dekker de viktigste produksjonsmetodene for masseproduksjon av fysiske produkter. Kurset er et supplement til studiokurset "GK4 Metoder og teknologi i design prosessen", men dekker også de metodene som ikke blir øvet i dette kurset. Produksjonsmetodene som dekkes er; Sprøytestøping, formblåsing, rotasjonsstøping, ekstrudering, Additive Manufacturing, smiing og støping av metaller.

Learning outcome

Ved endt kurs skal studenten kjenne til og benytte følgende produksjonsprosesser for fremstilling av fysiske produkter:
Sprøytestøping, metallstøping, formblåsing, rotasjonsstøping.
Plastisk forming av metaller
Additive manufacturing

Working and learning activities

Forelesninger sterkt knyttet opp til prosjektene som går pararellt

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scale
Written ExamIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Written Exam
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activity
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Workload activity:

Tjenestedesign 2: Fremtidens Tjenestedesign

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Tjenestedesign 2: Fremtidens Tjenestedesign
Course code: 
70 602
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Studenter som har tatt Tjenestedesign 1 vil bli foretrukket, men det er ikke et krav for kurset.

Course content

Dette kurset bygger videre på Service Design 1, men med en "research by design" fokus. Det går både dypere og bredere inn i tjenestedesign en tjenestedesign 1 gjorde. Dypere ved å fokusere mer på aspekter som du allerede har lært i tjenestedesign 1. Bredere ved å introdusere nye temaer som tangere service design. Kurset vil anvender metodene som du allerede kjenner og gi deg anledning til å praktisere dem i andre kontekster. I tilllegg vil den introdusere nye temaer og metoder og gi deg mulighet til å finne dit eget fokus innenfor service design.

Semesteret vil ha en tett samarbeid med forskningsprosjekter ved Instituttet: Centre for Service Innovation (CSI), Centre for Connected Care (C3) and Design for Offentlig Tjenester (DOT). Dette betyr at samarbeidspartnerne i senteret vil være involvert i kurset, og at forskningstemaene som AHO arbeider med vil være i fokus. Semesteret vil deles opp i 2-4 deler, og hver del vil ha en forskningsfokus knyttet til relevante forskningstemaer som AHO har. Dette gjelder temaer som f.eks:

Design for spesielle opplevelser (the sacred and the ritual as a material for service design)
Tranformasjonen av merkevarestrategier til kundeopplevelser i tjenester
Prototyping av kundeopplevelser
Fysiske modeller for å utforske forretningsmodeller
Livs-endrende tjenestedesign (Design for Social Change)
Service innovation in Public sector
Pasient sentrisk tjenesteinnovasjon

Endelig valg at tema vil skje ved kursstart.

Learning outcome

Evne til å lese, forstå og bidra til designforskning
Evne til å analysere en tjenestedesign problemstilling i forhold til gjeldende forsknignsmodeller og teorier
Evne til å omsette forskningsmodeller til designverktøy
Refleksjon om tjenestedeisgn i lys av andre discipliner
En forståelse av din eget posisjon innenfor service design

Working and learning activities

Kurset gjennomføres på annen måte enn tjenestedesign 1. Tjenestedesign 2 er i større grad et individuell arbeid som gjennomføres i tett dialog med forskerne fra AHO som deltar i CSI, C3 og DOT.

I tillegg, gjennomføres felles moduler og workshops innenfor nye temaer som design for sosial endring og innovasjon i offentlig tjenester.

Prosjektoppgaver vil være i samråd med partnere i CSI, C3 og DOT.
Du vil også få mulighet til å velge eget samarbeidspartner der det er relevant.

Storytelling, Evidencing, Experience prototyping, Fasilitering, Verktøy for design for sosiale endring, verktøy for design av offentlige tjenester mm.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
GroupingGrading scaleComment
--Kurset bedømmes til Bestått / Ikke bestått, jf. Forskrift for masterstudier ved AHO § 6-14

The assessment will be done based upon the following aspects:
Assessment is based upon participation and performance in the various stages of the course and the final design concept that is developed. 80% participation is required in all lectures, reviews and presentations.
The assessment will be done based upon the following aspects:
- Your ability to understand and contribute to design research within the areas of the course
- Your ability to be creative and challenge accepted truths, hunt for new solutions and communicate professionally
- Your ability to understand what makes services enjoyable and successful
- Your ability to design memorable and economically successful service experiences
- Your ability to work together with other designers and other disciplines
- Your ability to visualize and communicate your service design ideas and concepts
- Your ability to evidence solutions
- Your strategic vision, ability to argue for your decisions and reflect over your work
- Work effort and quality of deliveries through out the course and at the final presentation and the final course exhibition
Grading scale:-
Comment:Kurset bedømmes til Bestått / Ikke bestått, jf. Forskrift for masterstudier ved AHO § 6-14

The assessment will be done based upon the following aspects:
Assessment is based upon participation and performance in the various stages of the course and the final design concept that is developed. 80% participation is required in all lectures, reviews and presentations.
The assessment will be done based upon the following aspects:
- Your ability to understand and contribute to design research within the areas of the course
- Your ability to be creative and challenge accepted truths, hunt for new solutions and communicate professionally
- Your ability to understand what makes services enjoyable and successful
- Your ability to design memorable and economically successful service experiences
- Your ability to work together with other designers and other disciplines
- Your ability to visualize and communicate your service design ideas and concepts
- Your ability to evidence solutions
- Your strategic vision, ability to argue for your decisions and reflect over your work
- Work effort and quality of deliveries through out the course and at the final presentation and the final course exhibition
Workload activityComment
LecturesIntroduksjonsforelesninger og gjesteforelesninger fra spesialister
Group workGruppearbeid rundt et forskningstema
Planning assignmentWorkshops med bedrifter/samarbeidspartnere
CurriculumDesignarbeid knyttet til et forsknings problemstilling
Da dette er et forskningsbasert semester må det forventes en del lesning av fagstoff. Vanligvis er ikke dette så avskrekkende som det høres ut som.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Introduksjonsforelesninger og gjesteforelesninger fra spesialister
Workload activity:Group work
Comment:Gruppearbeid rundt et forskningstema
Workload activity:Planning assignment
Comment:Workshops med bedrifter/samarbeidspartnere
Workload activity:Curriculum
Comment:Designarbeid knyttet til et forsknings problemstilling
Workload activity:
Comment:Da dette er et forskningsbasert semester må det forventes en del lesning av fagstoff. Vanligvis er ikke dette så avskrekkende som det høres ut som.

GK6 By og arkitektur

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK6 By og arkitektur
Course code: 
60 160
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2016 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

There are no prerequisites beyond admission to the program. You have to speak and understand Norwegian

Course content

6th semester constitutes the transition to the Master , to a greater extent than the former basic teaching is characterized by individual choice and specialization . This will be reflected both in the assignment and teaching method on GK6 . The studio contains aspects of the other semesters in primary education , and is intended to collect and develop the already acquired knowledge.

The studio reflects the complexity of the architectural profession. The assignment emphasizes conflicting factors in a complex urban context.

Learning outcome

On completing the course , the student will be able to work independently with a design project in the urban context.
and to develop a reflective and critical approach to planning requirements , program and architectural / urban context .
generate spatial concepts and make decisions based on complex urban and architectural needs.

Working and learning activities

Teaching and learning activities
The study will be based on the engineering processes associated with a given partial program and context . Students will work individually with systematically building up an understanding of the issues through thematic studies and knowledge construction. Students will individually develop a design project .
It will be carried workshop , individual project guidance and delgjennomganger . A final presentation of the project with a final exhibition ( AHO WORKS ) is included in the grading process .

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Workload activityComment
Individual problem solvingalle hel og delgjennomganger er obligatoriske
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving
Comment:alle hel og delgjennomganger er obligatoriske
