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2024 Høst

60 526 Edge landscape: Roles of parks and park systems in the contemporary city

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Edge landscape: Roles of parks and park systems in the contemporary city
Course code: 
60 526
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2024 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2024 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Karin Helms
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and successful completion of three years bachelor level studies (180 ECTS). 

The course is mandatory for master students in Landscape Architecture, and open for Architecture students.

Course content

The studio aims to explore how to design new landscape typologies at the EDGE of the city through a classic park structure process. The studio also aims to understand the contemporary role of parks in connection to their ground, the existing urban landscapes, and the actual social demands. The studio will explore policies, such as "Park systems", "Green infrastructure", and landscape notions such as: "Edge landscape", "Landscape as a prerequisite for the urban" and "Ecologic urbanism" concept. The studio calls for active and creative modes toward design research for urban landscapes through a landscape design process.  

The site will be in Oslo's suburban area, combining a macro perspective and local area development. This Edge Park aims to provide a space for recreation, to be productive (food production for the community), and pedagogic for sharing activities with the local community, as well as an activator for more biodiversity in the suburban context.

Learning outcome


  • On completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate an advanced level of design based on clear anlytical and conceptual thinking at different scales.
  • The studio presents the students with a theoretical understanding and a framework for assessing the landscape issues in an urban and suburban context.
  • Learnings of critical concepts for designing and evaluating interventions in public spaces and large-scale urban landscapes.
  • Over the semester, we engage in theoretical discussion, focusing on applying different theoretical perspectives to specific cases.
  • At a large scale, students will learn to: Understand landscape dynamics and methods to work at this scale. Learn to observe, investigate, and transcribe landscape data to mappings. Learn to use geologic and geographic maps and layers notions.
  • On a small scale, the studio will support the students in developing their landscape architecture general competencies in understanding the ground and its soil fertility, providing the practical and theoretical tools to design and specify the plantation and the initial maintenance of public spaces.


  • The coursework relies on essential tools, hand drawing and software within landscape design to represent spatial and material conditions. Examples are AutoCAD, Adobe package, 3D modelling programs (Rhino), and GIS.
  • We will apply various tools for mapping, analysing, and assessing sites, and capture insights about needs, challenges, and opportunities for design. Models will be a tool to understand contourlines and topography in landscape projects as founder of a long term project. Through the creative group process of integrating insights from mapping into feasible designs, you learn fundamental principles and tools for designing and running creative processes, individually and in groups. 

General competence

The course aims to develop the students’ ability to combine and integrate insight about the landscape in a creative process, leading to a specific design that can convincingly contribute to achieving particular development aims for an area. We strive to help the students find their vision and creative language for future landscapes.

When completing the course, students will have developed an awareness of how various aspects and factors affects a specific site, and will be able to describe these factors from a theoretically informed perspective. Using mapping, sections, and model tools, they can derive insights about the specificity of the site and review those insights from theoretical and scientific perspectives. Finally, using a conscious creative process, they can integrate theoretical and applied perspectives to devise designs that consider site-specific aspects and make meaningful interventions. 

Working and learning activities

The studio is organised around three phases: 

1 Group work: Large-scale analysis and diagnosis stage, mapping on landscape and urban dynamics. References and big-data research with support of methodologic lectures. Study trip: park, garden, and green infrastructure visits in town and suburban sites of Oslo. The lecture series on Mondays will be part of the theoretical support. Learnings of digital tools and large-scale mapping will be held during intensive weeks. Large-scale landscape structures and landscape surveys are part of this first stage of the studio. This stage ends with an Interim presentation.

2 Individual work: Selection of an area within the large-scale study area for scenario development. Elaborating a clear concept for a comprehensive design, operating at various scales. Design research and visualisation. Tools: Drawings, digital or hand drawing, conceptual models, ideas expressed in words. Theoretical discussions and debates on the role of parks today. This stage ends with an interim presentation with internal guests from AHO.

3 Individual work: Work through scales, the incidence of the landscape long-term project on the urban development, and proposal for future urban expansions. Small-scale design elaboration and details of planting construction. An intensive week with focus on plant use will be part of the 3rd part of the studio time. Final presentation of the results will be presented to experts from outside AHO.



Attendance and work for all three work stages are expected. Work and discuss the ongoing work with the other students, thanks to attendance at the studio, is part of the studio learning. 

Students are expected to join studio teaching days and outdoor teaching. Students are expected to be in class on Mondays and Thurdays throughout the semester.



Excursions are outdoor teachings: there will be more of them around Oslo. One outdoor teaching will take place in Sweden. We will visit the Forest Laboratory of the University of SLU Alnarp in Bus – a two-day excursion in Malmö. The course pays for the Bus to Malmö; students must arrange and pay for the accommodation and way back to Norway. In case a student cannot take part due to, for instance, Visa problems, we will give research work on “creative urban forests” thanks to a literature list.


Click here for reading list in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / failProject assignment: Each student works individually with a project in three phases during the whole semester. Deliveries from all three phases are required.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Project assignment: Each student works individually with a project in three phases during the whole semester. Deliveries from all three phases are required.

60 302 Themes and Concepts in Landscape Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Themes and Concepts in Landscape Architecture
Course code: 
60 302
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2024 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2024 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Miguel Hernandez Quintanilla
Required prerequisite knowledge

The course is mandatory for master students in Landscape Architecture, and open for students in Architecture.

Course content

The course will study a selection of landscape architecture projects from the late 19th century and onwards.

We will discuss the spatial qualities of these projects and the link between spatial qualities, and the intellectual context in which projects are developed. By redrawing, 3D-modelling, reading, and writing, we will investigate them in order to understand how they have been created through design choices and the evolution of design techniques. This explorative work will allow us to also determine how they relate to and learn from past work and contribute to renew traditions, as well as how projects in themselves are a form of knowledge and derive into principles.

The projects will be placed in a historical and theoretical context. We will also explore the role they play in the dynamic interplay between design and theoretical and historical interpretation, aiming to derive landscape design positions for the present. 


Learning outcome


  • Knowledge of the spatial qualities of a representative selection of landscape architecture projects designed since the late 19th century until today.
  • Knowledge of the dominant design history and theory that influenced and frames the development of a selection of projects from the 19th century until today.
  • Knowledge on the design principles and techniques that were employed at the time the selected study projects were designed and built.
  • Knowledge about cases in which certain projects derive into principles and design theories.


  • Capacity to read and synthesize texts related to the landscape and architecture disciplines and use it as part of precedent study research.
  • Capacity to reconstruct and model the main spatial qualities of a landscape architecture precedent.
  • Capacity to express the spatial qualities of landscape architecture projects through conventional representaton methods.
  • Capacity to conduct historical research through designer’s methods, such as drawing iteration and diagramming.

General competence:

The history of landscape architecture through the study of precedents.



Working and learning activities

The course will alternate between sessions where projects are discussed and sessions where projects are re-drawn and re-modelled. The discussions will be accompanied of lectures and reading workshops.

Re-drawing and re- modelling will be partially done during the elective time and independent work. The work includes visual representations and text.

Students are expected to be at class every Tuesday. 

There might be some outdoor teaching activities, always within the vicinity of Oslo. 


Course literature will be available in Leganto.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)-Pass / fail Each student works with study precedents during the whole semester individually or in couples. The projects will be assigned at the start of the course.

Assessment folder: The student will make an assessment folder for each project that will be delivered following several stages during the semester. The elements included in the folder will be stated at the start of the course.

Presentation: Oral and/or visual presentation of the work carried out during the semester.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment: Each student works with study precedents during the whole semester individually or in couples. The projects will be assigned at the start of the course.

Assessment folder: The student will make an assessment folder for each project that will be delivered following several stages during the semester. The elements included in the folder will be stated at the start of the course.

Presentation: Oral and/or visual presentation of the work carried out during the semester.

SOD8 Preparations for the master’s thesis

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Preparations for the master’s thesis
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Executive Master
Teaching semester: 
2024 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2024 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Andreas Wettre
Birger Sevaldson
Tobias Luthe
Course content

This module will review the requirements that apply to both the master’s thesis and academic texts, including academic accounts, source criticism, discussions and the expected structure of the master’s thesis as an academic text. The students will work on a topic through specific examples and an outline to produce a project description for their master’s thesis. The module includes lectures on individual topics that have not been sufficiently elucidated, such as ‘Industry as Laboratory’.

Learning outcome
  • Ability to program, structure and start work on an academic thesis
  • Completion of project description for the master’s thesis
Working and learning activities

The module is comprised of two seminars and literature studies. Through the module, the students work on developing a topic, case and structure for the master’s thesis to culminate in a project description. They will receive supervision and engage in discussions with fellow students.

  • Seminar I: Lectures, presentations and discussions
  • Seminar II: Lectures, presentations and discussions

Report (pass/fail)


An updated reading list will be provided at a later date.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
ReportIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:Pass / fail

Start semester

SOD7 SOD as a method for involvement and implementation of concepts

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
SOD as a method for involvement and implementation of concepts
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Executive Master
Teaching semester: 
2024 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2024 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Andreas Wettre
Course content

Many valuable concepts and designs have been developed only to come to a halt during their implementation. After the previous module, where concepts will be thoroughly tested and developed, we will use this module to consider the insights that we have obtained in the project thus far with a particular emphasis on involvement and implementation. In this module, we will use systems-oriented design as a method to prepare a sound implementation of the project. This effort also involves understanding as much as possible about future obstacles and change management that is required to optimise the influence. The module also addresses visualisation.

Learning outcome
  • Insight into use of SOD methods & the rapid learning process to implement developed concepts
  • An ability for visualisation to communicate change and create room for involvement
  • Recognition of a link between innovation and implementation
  • A strong ability of students to implement their own projects
Working and learning activities

The module entails two seminars and a final presentation of students’ own concepts.

  • Seminar I – AHO in Oslo – : Theories/methods for benefit realisation and implementation
  • Seminar II – digital via Zoom – Using systems-oriented design as a method to implement students’ own projects
  • Home exam on the presented theory (pass/fail)
  • Development of a plan/process for implementing the student’s own project (pass/fail)

An updated reading list will be available at the time of admission to the module. 

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Home ExaminationIndividualPass / fail
Project assignmentIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Home Examination
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail


Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Forberedelse til masteroppgave
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Executive Master
Teaching semester: 
2024 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2024 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Even Smith Wergeland
Kolbjørn Nesje Nybø
Course content

Krav til masteroppgaven samt krav til akademisk tekst gjennomgås i denne modulen. Dette inkluderer faglige redegjørelser, kildekritikk, drøftinger og oppbygningen av masteroppgave som akademisk tekst. Studentene arbeider videre med et tema, konkrete eksempler og oppgavens disposisjon fram mot en prosjektbeskrivelse for masteroppgaven. De veiledes i dette og diskuterer med sine medstudenter.

I denne modulen kan vi inkludere forelesninger om enkelttemaer som ennå ikke er godt nok belyst.

Learning outcome

Studentene skal være i stand til å programmere, disponere og begynne arbeidet med en akademisk avhandling. De har utarbeidet prosjektbeskrivelsen for masteroppgaven.

Working and learning activities

Modulen består av to seminarer og litteraturstudier.

I forkant av gjennom modulen arbeider studentene med å utvikle tema, ’case’ og disposisjon for masteroppgaven from mot en prosjektbeskrivelse. De veiledes i dette og diskuterer med medstudentene.

Seminar I:        

  • Forelesninger, presentasjoner og diskusjoner.

Seminar II:      

  • Forelesninger, presentasjoner og diskusjoner

Et oppdatert pensum er klart tre uker før første seminar.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Report-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:Pass / fail


Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Vern, politikk og administrasjon + studietur
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Executive Master
Teaching semester: 
2024 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2024 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Even Smith Wergeland
Kolbjørn Nesje Nybø
Course content

Denne modulen retter søkelys mot den formelle verden av lovverk, forskrifter, forvaltningsapparat og politikk. Temaet er samspill mellom roller, mandat og aktører, men det blir også kastet lys over typiske konfliktlinjer og uenigheter. Det store spørsmålet er hvordan de ulike aktørene håndterer dette, i møte med de formelle dokumentene - men også med hverandre - og hvilket spillerom de har med tanke på å utføre den rollen de innehar. Modulen diskuterer politikkutforming og strategier for gjennomføring der det fokuseres på offentlig og privat samspill i dagens byutvikling, med særlig vekt på vernespørsmål. Vi ser på gjennomføringsstrategier, prosessuelle redskaper, medvirkning, lovverk, roller og rolleforståelse, politiske prosesser, maktstrukturer og uformell makt.

Vi henter fram noen av strategiene, prosessene og verktøyene fra tidligere moduler for å diskutere dem i denne sammenhengen. Dette er den siste rene fagmodulen i studiet (modul 9 er viet forberedelse til masteroppgaver), og det er derfor naturlig å samle trådene fra studiet i oppsummerende diskusjoner

Learning outcome

Studentene skal få nær kjennskap til de berøringspunktene det er mellom offentlig og privat sektor med tanke på kulturminneforvaltning, på mange ulike nivåer. Seminarene understøtter tidligere innsikt i praksisverdenen med skreddersydde forelesninger om forvaltningsprinsipper, håndtering og tolkning av lovverk, mandat og roller i forvaltningssystemet, politiske perspektiver på vern m.m. Studentene skal sitte igjen med god innsikt i dette.

Working and learning activities

Modulen består av to seminarer og litteraturstudier.


Seminar I:         Forelesninger og diskusjoner. Dette seminaret er felles med urbanisme.

Seminar II:        Forelesninger og diskusjoner.


Et oppdatert pensum er klart tre uker før første seminar.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Home ExaminationIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Home Examination
Grading scale:Pass / fail

MURB9 Forberedelse til masteroppgave

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Forberedelse til masteroppgave
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Executive Master
Teaching semester: 
2024 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2024 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Lisbet Harboe
Course content

I modulen ser vi på hva som kjennetegner gode masteroppgaver av ulike typer. Vi ser på oppbygningen av en masteroppgave og dens innhold i form av faglige redegjørelser, kildekritikk, argumentasjon og drøfting. Studentene arbeider videre med å avgrense tema og vinkling på masteroppgaven inkludert problemstilling, disposisjon, litteratur, valg av eventuelle eksempler og steder – med det formål å utvikle en prosjektbeskrivelse for masteroppgaven. Modulen kan i tillegg inkludere enkelte forelesninger om enkelttemaer som ennå ikke er godt nok belyst.

Learning outcome

Studentene kan programmere, disponere og begynne arbeidet med en akademisk oppgave. De har utarbeidet prosjektbeskrivelsen for masteroppgaven.

Working and learning activities

Modulen består av pensumlitteratur, to seminarer, selvstudium og prosjektoppgave

I forkant av seminarene og mellom seminarene arbeider studentene med prosjektbeskrivelse og masteroppgave. De veiledes i dette og diskuterer med medstudentene.

Seminar I:

  • Forelesninger, diskusjoner og gjennomgang av skisse til prosjektbeskrivelse.
  • Gruppediskusjoner om masteroppgavenes innhold og arbeidsprosessen.

Seminar II:

  • Forelesninger, diskusjoner og gjennomgang av prosjektbeskrivelse.

Et oppdatert pensum vil forelegge tre uker før modulen starter.  

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Report-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:Pass / fail

MURB8 Bypolitikk, samspill, styring og gjennomføring

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Bypolitikk, planlegging og styring
Course code: 
Level of study: 
Executive Master
Teaching semester: 
2024 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2024 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Peter Hemmersam
Course content

Modulen diskuterer politikkutforming, lovverk, forvaltning og gjennomføring. Det inkluderer roller og rolleforståelse, prosessuelle redskaper, medvirkning, gjennomføringsstrategier, maktstrukturer og uformell makt. Vi ser på offentlig og privat samspill, eiendomsutvikling og former for offentlig styring. Modulen gir forskningsbasert kunnskap, konkrete erfaringer og ekskursjon til konkrete byutviklingsområder/byer i Norge. Modulen spenner fra store, overordnede diskusjoner til konkrete strategier og styringsverktøy.

Learning outcome

Studentene har kunnskap om aktuelle temaer og diskusjoner om politikkutforming, lovverk, forvaltning og gjennomføringsstrategier, inkludert offentlig og privat samspill. Studentene har utvidet sin rolleforståelse og kjenner flere operasjonelle muligheter for styring. De kan ta et kritisk perspektiv for å diskutere politikk, roller, makt og konsekvenser. De kan anvende kunnskapen i egen praksis samt i faglig-akademiske diskusjoner.

Working and learning activities

Modulen består av pensumlitteratur, to seminarer, selvstudium og prosjektoppgave

Seminar I:

  • Forelesninger, diskusjoner og gjennomgang av pensum.

Seminar II:

  • Ekskursjon, forelesninger og diskusjoner.
  • Sesjon om å skrive og drøfte.

Et oppdatert pensum vil forelegge tre uker før modulen starter.  

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignment-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
