Admission to AHO and successful completion of 270 ECTS.
The pre-diploma semester at AHO is an independent research task on a theme chosen by the candidate. In consultation with an supervisor, the candidate is to produce a report that details a topic to be studied, an approach or methodology, a spatial program and a plan of work. This report is the foundation of the diploma semester.
The pre-diploma semester is an independent study, undertaken in consultation with an supervisor, whose result is a program for the following diploma semester.
Read more about the program here: Pre-diploma | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (
Vurderingsform | Gruppering | Karakterskala | Kommentar |
Rapport | Individuell | Bestått / ikke bestått | The report (diploma program) is assessed by supervisor and course responsible. The program should contain: 1. abstract 2. architectural program 3. functional program (if applicable) 4. strategy/working method 5. schedule diploma semester 6., formats/specifications of material to deliver |