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70 405 Design drevet innovasjon i offentlig sektor

Full course name in English: 
Design Driven Innovation in the Public Sector
70 405
Syklus 2
2020 Vår
2020 Vår
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Simon Clatworthy
Manuela Aguirre Ulloa

Passed foundation level (BA-level) courses at AHO or equivalent, 180 ECTS.

Recommend for Service Design students. 

Om emnet





Students will gain an understanding of how design is influencing public service development today, and how this differs from the development of commercial services. You will learn the role design can play in supporting policy making processes and in developing effective, sustainable and citizen-centred services.

You will also learn about branding and how it can be applied to public services.

Specifically you will gain:

  • An overview of how designers can work together with the public sector in Norway
  • An in-depth understanding of branding
  • Specialised knowledge regarding branding in the public sector
    • The ability to transform public service values into brand propositions
  • The ability to understand and identify public service values and meaning

Skills of critical reflection

Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

The course is made up of lectures, cases and discussions with a broad variety of case owners from the public sector, and from designers and others working within the public sector. Follow the Moodle for the course for dates and details.

There will also be individual and group tasks+ reading between lectures + reflecting through writing and visualising.

During the course week, you will get the chance to design and evidence branding artefacts for a public service offering.

A typical Tuesday:

Most Tuesdays we will have a guest lecture from an expert about design and public service.

After the presentation, you will get a chance to discuss the theme of the course with the guest. We expect you to use your knowledge of branding to move the discussion with the guest onto the theme of brand and public service.

Then, there will be a break, and time for you to reflect about what it means (most likely lunch break).

After that, a follow up session, to discuss together what we learned about design and public service, and branding and public service. Two of you will act as facilitators for this session, and you will have time to plan how to facilitate the discussion, in advance. You are free to choose how to facilitate and document the discussion - this is your chance to practice your skills.

You then have time to update your notes and blog for the week. It is compulsory that all of you have notes and a blog that is updated each week. This forms part of your coursework.

Your blog (and notebook)

You are each expected to reflect through a blog and through a physical notebook. You are to keep this updated each week with your thoughts, reflections and questions. A combination of visualisations and written reflection is preferred, but you are free to choose how you do this.


Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

You will be evaluated on the deliverables listed beneath, and your contribution to discussions throughout the course. You should show your understanding of design and public service in your work. Your final piece of work shall be communicated so it highlights the unique characteristics and potentials of the public sector


We will upload links and documents to Moodle. Here are some things to get you going.

  1. Design for Policy (Christian Bason, 2014)
  2. Transforming Public Services by Design (Sabine Junginger, 2017)
  3. Civic Service Design Tools + Tactics (City of New York, 2017): http://www1.nyc.gov/ assets/servicedesign/index.html
  4. Designing for Public Services (IDEO, Design for Europe & Nesta, 2016):

http://5a5f89b8e10a225a44ac-ccbed124c38c4f7a3066210c073e7d55.r9.cf1.rackcdn.com/files/ pdfs/Nesta_Ideo_Guide_DesigningForPublicServices_100117.pdf

VurderingsmappeIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttStudenten blir vurdert på alle mindre innleveringer, deltakelse og bidrag i diskusjoner gjennom hele kurset. Det vil være en avsluttende presentasjon og skriftlig refleksjon på selvvalgt tema. Innholdet skal formidles med bruk av riktig vokabular og med fremheving av hva som er karakteristisk og hva potensialet er for design i offentlige tjenester med målgruppe.

Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Studenten blir vurdert på alle mindre innleveringer, deltakelse og bidrag i diskusjoner gjennom hele kurset. Det vil være en avsluttende presentasjon og skriftlig refleksjon på selvvalgt tema. Innholdet skal formidles med bruk av riktig vokabular og med fremheving av hva som er karakteristisk og hva potensialet er for design i offentlige tjenester med målgruppe.

OppmøteDet er forventet tilstedeværelse og aktiv deltagelse på sal, forelesninger, og gruppearbeid. Det er forventet oppmøte på presentasjoner, workshoper og formelle veiledninger
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Kommentar:Det er forventet tilstedeværelse og aktiv deltagelse på sal, forelesninger, og gruppearbeid. Det er forventet oppmøte på presentasjoner, workshoper og formelle veiledninger