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Designstudenter vinner priser!

Designstudenter vinner priser!

Camilla Monrad-Krohn, Ask Helseth, Taral Jansen og Mikkel Brandt Bugge har vunnet studentpriser ved årets Core 77 Design Awards.
De vant for prosjektene Potential Energy og 2020 Oslo tram i kategoriene "Strategy & Research Award" og "Transportation Award".

Om "Potential Energy sier juryen bl.a.:
We would like to lift and give credit to the eco-system thinking and addressing a very important and critical topic using design methodology and exploring it in a very professional way.

Om "Oslo tram 2020":
Proposes a clearheaded solution and demonstrates a good eye for putting material together for effective visualization.

I tillegg fikk Heidi Hoen (The Future of Journalism) og Liz LeBlanc (In Their Shoes) utmerkelsen Student Notable.
Student Notable gikk også til Camilla Monrad-Krohn og Ask Helseth for Potential Energy, denne gang i klassen Service Design Award.
