fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 2 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Karoline Manvik

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Nicholas Ryan Coates
REASSEMBLING THE REJECTED aims to search for qualities in unwanted spaces, by working with adaptive reuse of Paleet Car Park as case—a multi-storey parking and office structure located in the centre of Oslo, Kvadraturen, about to be demolished in favor of a new office building later this year.

It has been an exploratory study in models and drawing to see if a building dimentioned for cars can become a space of comfort and joy.


Edyta Filipczak

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Michał Starzyński
The project, suspended in between two levels of the city of Perugia, is an intimate learning space for the University. The precise insertion of this space within the urban context creates two public spaces, one underneath it and one above it, involving a strong structural idea.

On the street level, it creates a roofed square with a small coffee shop, serving the area. The space gently continues the flow of the street under the street level, and moves up again to the garden. This movement is made possible by the massive structural beam, which is holding the upper floor.

Viktoria Moe Dalen

Lone Sjøli
This diploma, The Atlantic Wall Archive, suggests an archive and research centre for documents from World War II in the coastal dune landscape of Blåvand, Denmark.

The Atlantic Wall, built by German forces from 1940-1944, unified Europe’s coastline militarily, legitimizing antidemocratic ideology. This megastructure of interconnected bunkers, now abandoned, resembles a linear city facing the Atlantic, slowly eroding and highlighting nature’s relentless power over human structures.

Sirin Altinisik

Hilde Angelfoss
Stein Georg Rokseth
What If we use a common whiteboard and share our notes, messages or pictures by hand writings which is a powerful tool for memory loss and enhance communication skills and reduce social isolation for people with Alzheimer’s?

Shreya Bhattacharya

Josina Elizabeth Vink
“Tiny Moments: From Being to Belonging” is an exploratory project that delves into the complexities of belongingness by uncovering the invisible tensions within our daily interactions. Through design, this project addresses micro exclusions embedded in our social structures, transforming them into opportunities for inclusion. The outcome is a set of service interventions that universities can implement to foster a stronger sense of community and belonging among students.

Aleksandra Bratek

Mosse Sjaastad
In February 2024, the Norwegian government released National Recommendations for mobile use in Norwegian schools. The goal is to limit access to digital devices, which may be the reason for increasing numbers of mental health problems among teens and making teaching situations even harder. But is limiting devices a reasonable decision? Most Norwegian schools are highly digitalized and require the use of mobile phones for communication, updates, and managing schedules. Additionally, the recommendations allow plenty of room for individual interpretations.
Sander Bakken Brekke

Mosse Sjaastad
The project’s outcome is three scenarios highlighting possible use cases of emotional and cognitive data inferred from bioelectrical sensors to digital systems. These scenarios aim to demonstrate applications of this technology and stimulate discussion about its future potential rather than providing polished and definitive answers to their respective uses.
Daphne Chan

Josina Elizabeth Vink
Citizenship is so foundational to how we organize the world that we tend to take it for granted. But precisely because it is so ordinary, reimagining it can lead to significant societal transformations—transformations that are necessary amid the intersecting social and environmental challenges we face today.


Lilijean Larbi Comlan

Andrea Caroline Plesner
I et samfunn i stadig utvikling er det flere som opplever at fortid føles som i går og at nåtid innebærer forandring og endring. Flere grupper og enkeltpersoner sliter med å følge med på all nyere og fremtidig utvikling, og ender ofte opp med å ha vanskeligheter med å kunne dra nytte av de varierende digitale tjenestene som finnes.

Dette prosjektet ønsker å kunne hjelpe den aldrende generasjonen. Målet er å belyse de pågående utfordringene og hjelpe de som sliter eller rett og slett står utenfor det demokratisk i samfunnet.
Simon Archer Goulden Dreyer

Diogo Valerió
Mosse Sjaastad
Kristin Tobiassen
Miryam Pippich

