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Christian Eidsmo

Halvor Weider Ellefsen
Marja Skotheim Folde
This diploma focuses on exploring the future development of Kvitsøy Municipality in light of a national infrastructural project that will establish a direct connection to the Stavanger metropolitan area. By documenting the growth of cities into peripheral areas and studying its impact on the landscape, the project aims to identify structures and thresholds within the cultural landscape to utilize. The objective is to examine how these structures and boundaries can coexist harmoniously with a future neighbourhood on the islands.
Fanny Ingeborg Mediaas Wiese

Colm Obrien
Loneliness is the feeling of being alone. Some people feel alone even though they are surrounded by others, but most people feel alone because they experience social isolation. Being social is a fundamental component for feeling happy. Studies have shown that mental health is greatly affected by social and spatial surroundings. Taking action to relieve loneliness, can better the quality of life, good mental health and can even prevent premature death. 

Gustav Louis Bjørhus Askhaven

Lone Sjøli
The diploma WELCOME TO DRAMMEN! works with the Port of Drammen, located mainly on the island of Holmen close to the centre of the city. Situated about 40 kilometres south-west of Oslo, Drammen is home to one of the biggest ports in Eastern Norway. As in other Northern European port cities, for instance Oslo, Drammen is redeveloping parts of its waterfront from logistical to residential, business, and recreational use, in Norway referred to as “Fjordbyen”, leaving less land for port activities.

Helle Holm Søreide

Matthew Dylan Anderson
Lisbeth Funck
This diploma works within a present condition where architecture and context cannot be separated. An approach where architecture manifests itself as diverse interpretations rather than a common order. A cultural landscape is a palimpsest, brought forth by the overlapping of countless different systems. By reading cultural landscapes as states of constant change, it has encouraged an idea of working with architecture as conditions rather than form. 

Ida Messel

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
For all the attention paid to notions of flux in philosophy and architecture in recent years – of the movement and oscillation between seemingly hermetic states, the perpetual becoming of the world – it is surprising how little effort has been devoted to the architectural element most concerned with the dispersal of bodies between static spaces, namely the corridor. 

Einar Helander

Andrea Pinochet
Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Nick Coates
Alena Beth Rieger
Kim Pløhn
Mari Lending
Petter Kveseth
The number of gas stations in Norway is in rapid decline. In central Oslo, only 17 are remaining. Considering the trend of the last decades, these buildings are well under the risk of being demolished. Is there a way for these stations to survive the death of the gasoline era? What are the potentials that exist in the architectural, spatial, and social aspects of these buildings, and how could these be explored as well as valued through a transformation?


Siren Fjærvoll SaltvikJonas Sannerud Kalin

Bente Kleven
The proportion of elderly people in the districts are increasing, and people live longer and have better functional capacity than before. This results in people having to live in their own home for longer, while physical and social needs changes. Among the elderly, loneliness is one of the top three challenges, making neighborloneliness and social relations vital. 

Marie Mork Nielsen

Tine Hegli

Oda Østerås Lobben

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Nicholas Ryan Coates
Alena Beth Rieger
Kim Pløhn
Mari Lending

Ryo ryo sumishi

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
Private bathrooms in new residential buildings in Oslo are predominantly designed for basic-only functionality - an enclosed windowless machine room with a sink, bathtub, shower, washing machine, toilet and dryer, undermining the potential for sociality and ritualistic.
