Building Art understands the discipline of architecture as an intellectual and material practice and seeks to safeguard and develop the discipline’s technical and artistic dimensions through teaching. Our teaching reflects the breadth of the concept of building art, and is engaged with both architectural works, architecture's and architects' relationship to society and the environment, the teaching tradition that we take care of and develop, and the forms of architectural practice the students learn with us.
The staff, which consists of architects and artists, is responsible for teaching in the first year of study, for master's courses in architectural design, for pre-diploma and diploma supervision, and for the architecture programme's drawing courses and seminars in practice-related theory.
The first-year teaching (
GK1/2) provides students with insights into the discipline of architecture and skills in architecture’s methods and tools, including competence in
analogue and digital drawing. The teaching of practical and theoretical architectural practice is continued in the master's programme. Building Art has four master studios that alternate offering courses:
Body & Space Morphologies, Positions, The Architectural Project and
Universals. We also offer profiled master's seminars from one or more seminar series:
Rethinking the Architecture Board, Drawn to Architecture, Colour Reflections, Speculative Ideation and
A Queer Look at Architecture.
Building Art aims to engage in outstanding education and has an innovative approach to learning. The teaching alternates between the practice in the group's research and architectural development work, which is located within four main areas of focus: architectural practice, architectural philosophy, pedagogy and artistic activity. We conduct publication and dissemination activities nationally and internationally, publishing of works, lectures, exhibitions, films, articles and media contributions.
The group supervises the pilot project PhD by Practice. Two candidates are currently associated with this project.
Disciplinary group leader:
Rolf Gerstlauer