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2017 Vår

GK6 By og Arkitektur

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK6 By og Arkitektur
Course code: 
60 160
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Kreves bestått GK5.

Course content

6.semester utgjør overgangen til masterstudiet, som i større grad enn grunnundervisningen preges av individuelle valg og faglig spesialisering. Dette skal reflekteres både i oppgavestilling og undervisningsform på GK6. Studioet inneholder aspekter fra de øvrige semestrene i grunnundervisningen, og er ment å samle og videreutvikle allerede tilegnet fagkunnskap. I tillegg skal studioet styrke studentenes teoretiske kompetanse og evne til fagdiskusjon som del av et individuelt prosjektforløp. Studioet reflekterer kompleksiteten i arkitektfaget sett som praksisform, hvor en gitt oppgave kan være preget av ulike faglige innfallsvinkler og ha mange mulige formsvar. Oppgaven som stilles vektlegger undersøkelse og avveining av til dels motsetningsfylte faktorer i en kompleks bykontekst, hvor møtet mellom program, struktur og morfologi skal formuleres i et større arkitekturprosjekt. Prosjekt vil ses i sammenheng med den enkelte students portefolie, som samlet utgjør bedømmelsesgrunnlaget for kurset.
Parallelt med semesteroppgaven løper to tematiske moduler: Profesjonskunnskap og Klimaskallet.

Modulen profesjonskunnskap beskriver den utøvende arkitektens rolle i samfunnet og i typiske oppdragssituasjoner og gjennomgår offentlig- og privatrettslige rammebetingelser for utøvelse av faget. Klimaskallet gjennomgår prinsipper for samspillet mellom utformingen av klimaskallet og urbane og arkitektoniske strategier og gir en oversikt over viktige bygningsfysiske prosesser.

Learning outcome

Etter endt kurs har studentene opparbeidet kunnskap om, og vise ferdigheter i:
1. Å arbeide selvstendig med et designprosjekt i urban kontekst, basert på enn gitt tomt og delvis gitt program.
2. Å utvikle en reflektert og kritisk holdning til plankrav, program og arkitektonisk/urban kontekst.
3. Å generere romlige konsepter og kunne ta avgjørelser basert på komplekse og ofte motsetningsfylte urbane og arkitektoniske behov.
4. Å presentere egne arbeider i en portofolio, der egne styrker og kvalifikasjoner kommer klart frem.

Working and learning activities

Studiet vil være basert på prosjekteringsprosesser knyttet til en gitt problemstilling og kontekst. Studentene vil arbeide med å utvikle en egen innfallsvinkel til oppgaven gjennom analyse og tematiske studier. Basert på dette, vil studentene individuelt utarbeide et designprosjekt.

Det vil gjennomføres delgjennomganger, individuell prosjektveiledning og workshops i tillegg til avsluttende gjennomgang.

Studentene vil ved starten av semestret levere portfolio med de hittil utførte prosjektene, og de vil motta tilbakemelding på struktur og presentasjon. Portfolien leveres igjen ved slutten av semesteret og utgjør en del av bedømmelsesgrunnlaget for kurset.


Pensum vil finnes på kursets hylle i biblioteket ved kursoppstart. Tematisk relevante tekster vil tildeles gjennom semesteret i forbindelse med de ulike oppgavene. 

Mandatory courseworkPresence requiredComment
Presence requiredNot requiredInnlevering, oppmøte og presentasjon er obligatorisk på avsluttende gjennomgang, og på minst 80 % av delgjennomgangene.
ExcursionsDet gjennomføres en studiereise i løpet av semesteret, se semesterplan for datoer. Erfaringene fra turen skal gi grunnlag for løpende diskusjon og refleksjon om aktuelle og relevante problemstillinger knyttet til urbanisme og storskala arkitekturprosjekter.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Innlevering, oppmøte og presentasjon er obligatorisk på avsluttende gjennomgang, og på minst 80 % av delgjennomgangene.
Mandatory coursework:Excursions
Presence required:
Comment:Det gjennomføres en studiereise i løpet av semesteret, se semesterplan for datoer. Erfaringene fra turen skal gi grunnlag for løpende diskusjon og refleksjon om aktuelle og relevante problemstillinger knyttet til urbanisme og storskala arkitekturprosjekter.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualA-FKurset evalueres på bakgrunn av innleveringer og presentasjoner, samt tilstedeværelse og engasjement gjennom semesteret. Individuelle prestasjoner bedømmes kontinuerlig både ved tegnebordet, gruppesamtaler og delgjennomganger.
IndividualA-FInnlevering, oppmøte og presentasjon er obligatorisk på avsluttende gjennomgang, og på minst 80 % av delgjennomgangene. Fraværet må være gyldig begrunnet (ref til regleverk for fravær ved AHO) og dokumenteres til studieadministrasjonen.
Kurset bedømmes etter karakterskalaen A-F, der E er laveste ståkarakter. Jf. Forskrift for masterstudiene ved AHO § 6-14.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:A-F
Comment:Kurset evalueres på bakgrunn av innleveringer og presentasjoner, samt tilstedeværelse og engasjement gjennom semesteret. Individuelle prestasjoner bedømmes kontinuerlig både ved tegnebordet, gruppesamtaler og delgjennomganger.
Form of assessment:
Grading scale:A-F
Comment:Innlevering, oppmøte og presentasjon er obligatorisk på avsluttende gjennomgang, og på minst 80 % av delgjennomgangene. Fraværet må være gyldig begrunnet (ref til regleverk for fravær ved AHO) og dokumenteres til studieadministrasjonen.
Kurset bedømmes etter karakterskalaen A-F, der E er laveste ståkarakter. Jf. Forskrift for masterstudiene ved AHO § 6-14.

SPA: Studio for Potential Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
SPA: Studio for Potential Architecture
Course code: 
80 603
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level

Course content

The main objective of Studio for Potential Architecture is to produce projects where the instrumental framework for development of architectural form is investigated and explored.

The brief will be a small museum for a fictitious art collection in an urban context.

At the beginning of the semester the student will be presented with a brief and a site for the project. Initial studies of the relation between exhibition space and exhibition object will establish the ground for the individual design project that is to be developed until it reaches completion in a relevant scale.

Learning outcome

At the end of the studio the student will have acquired knowledge on design methodology, building design and tectonics.

The student will have improved his/her skills in conceptual design development and architectural representation.

Working and learning activities

Teaching will be in the form of studio tutoring, reviews, lectures and seminars.

SPA requires full time studies and the workload is expected to be substantial.

There will be a study trip to Spain.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / failThe student need to submit work to all mandatory presentations and be present at 80% of the common studio activities to pass the course. A portfolio assessment of the whole coursework (presentations, final project and work effort) will be carried out in the end of the semester. A written explanation will be given to all students at the end of the semester.

The student will be assessed passed/not passed, assessment is done by an external critic and the teachers of the studio.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The student need to submit work to all mandatory presentations and be present at 80% of the common studio activities to pass the course. A portfolio assessment of the whole coursework (presentations, final project and work effort) will be carried out in the end of the semester. A written explanation will be given to all students at the end of the semester.

The student will be assessed passed/not passed, assessment is done by an external critic and the teachers of the studio.

GK2 Materialteknologi

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK2 Materialteknologi
Course code: 
40 120
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Det kreves ingen forkunnskaper utover opptakskrav i studieprogrammet.

Course content

Kurset materialteknologi introduserer ulike materialegenskaper for studentene, som for eksempel fasthet, elastisitet, hardhet, densitet, holdbarhet, evne til å varmeisolere, evne til å magasinere varme, evne til å lede elektrisitet etc.

Videre belyses disse materialegenskapene i presentasjonen av et knippe materialer som er relevante for arkitekter og designere:
- mineralske materialer (betong, glass, tegl, andre keramer),
- naturlige materialer (tre, papp, ulike tekstiler/membraner),
- metaller (stål, aluminium, kobber etc.),
- kunstige materialer (plaster og kompositter).

Kurset tar også for seg intelligente materialer, bærekraftig materialbruk og materialvalg i designprosessen.

Vi ser også på ulike produksjonsmetoder knyttet til de ulike materialene, samt hvilke muligheten man har til å formgi eller på andre måter påvirke det estetiske uttrykket.

Learning outcome

Etter endt kurs skal studentene ha kunnskaper om og forståelse for ulike materialers egenskaper og anvendelsesområder. Viktige materialegenskaper studentene skal ha kunnskap om er bl.a. styrke, stivhet, vekt, holdbarhet etc. Studentene skal også vite hvordan man vurderer ulike materialer ut fra et bærekraftig perspektiv.

Studentene skal være i stand til å vurdere og sammenligne ulike materialer med tanke på spesifikk bruk. De skal bl.a. kunne vurdere egnethet med tanke på mekaniske, funksjonelle, produksjonsmessige, bærekraftige og estetiske egenskaper.

Studentene forventes også å kunne beregne et materiales E-modul, flytespenning og strekkfasthet basert på et strekkforsøk.
Studentene vil også få trening i å være oppmerksomme og kritiske når de finner og bruker informasjon fra nettet. De må bl.a. forholde seg til ulike formler, enheter og symbolbruk.

Working and learning activities

Kurset kjøres som et forelesningskurs med teoretiske og praktiske øvingsoppgaver. I starten av kurset er det vanligvis en intensivuke hvor man kun konsentrerer seg om dette faget. I løpet av denne uken har man forelesninger, praktiske øvinger og innleveringer. Videre utover i semesteret er det vanligvis en forelesning i uken og øvingsinnlevering en til to gang i måneden.

Presence required
Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Written ExamIndividualA-FKurset avsluttes med en eksamensoppgave. Karakter i kurset gis på basis av denne. Eksamen er vanligvis skriftlig med avkrysningsoppgaver som teller til sammen 70% og en resonneringsoppgave som teller 30%. For å få bestått på eksamen må man vanligvis ha mer enn 55% riktige svar, da avkrysningsformen vil gi poeng også om man setter kryssene helt tilfeldig.
Form of assessment:Written Exam
Grading scale:A-F
Comment:Kurset avsluttes med en eksamensoppgave. Karakter i kurset gis på basis av denne. Eksamen er vanligvis skriftlig med avkrysningsoppgaver som teller til sammen 70% og en resonneringsoppgave som teller 30%. For å få bestått på eksamen må man vanligvis ha mer enn 55% riktige svar, da avkrysningsformen vil gi poeng også om man setter kryssene helt tilfeldig.
Workload activityComment
LecturesDet forventes at studentene deltar på det praktiske øvingsopplegget og at de leverer de teoretiske øvingene.
Eksamen bedømmes med karakterene A til E.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Det forventes at studentene deltar på det praktiske øvingsopplegget og at de leverer de teoretiske øvingene.
Workload activity:
Comment:Eksamen bedømmes med karakterene A til E.

Body and Space Morphologies : Architecture and Film

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Body and Space Morphologies : Architecture and Film
Course code: 
40 301
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Rolf Gerstlauer
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level (bachelor in architecture) and a desire to conduct your own experimental artistic research on moving images producing and containing architectural phenomena and conditions

Course content

Body and Space Morphologies is a research based teaching program that offers a series of elective courses and master studios in explorative architectural design, sensing and thinking. The aim of the studio course series is to work and deeper investigate primal architectural phenomena and conditions, and to develop those into experienced distinct architectural sensations or interests. The elective courses on Architecture & Film are for students that wish to create their own architectural problem(s) through studies in film-making and the production and discussion of moving imagery; for students who have an urge to seek deeper into particular architectural issues and who want to challenge their own creative process and to get to know themselves better in the making and understanding of an architecture. Beyond the success of a mere problem-solving and/or established architectural critique, Body and Space Morphologies studios and elective courses prepare and try to enable students to conduct their own architectural artistic research.

Architecture & Film # XII Spring 2017:
An investigation towards a discursive space in video/film. Architectural body and space in film have since the early days of film inspired and influenced architectural practice. New production and representation techniques in 3D-tools, games, film, and video continue to challenge our understanding for, and development of the architectural space.

The elective course Architecture & Film will focus on the morphology of body and space through investigations in photographic and moving images. The aim with the course is to further understand, influence and critically develop the architectural space through a phenomenological and perceptual approach. The course uses the video camera and editing software as creative tools to individually observe, register, and interpret different situations, sensations and phenomena – and with the aim to anew reflect upon and inform architectures spatial properties.

Learning outcome

The ability to prepare and conduct an advanced visual experimental architectural design research through the work on and manufacturing of moving imagery; including process preparation/adaption, development of own working method, critical verbal/written reflection on the basis of ones own visual material (moving imagery), and the conclusion of the research in a final presentation and film-screening. The students learn how to conceive and perceive architectural form, space and body within the autonomous and un-programmed architectural construct produced and discovered on screen, and how to further discuss the occurring architectural phenomena as conditions within a body and space morphology discourse.

The students will receive an introduction to theories of architecture, film, and video connected to the topic of the course. Weekly practical exercises will provide a thorough basic knowledge of the use of digital video camera and editing software (Adobe Premiere and After Effects) as the tools for registration, observation and creative interpretation. Exercises, lectures, and discussions contribute to give the students the opportunity to develop a critical stance on the use of camera/editing software as architectural tools in order to further facilitate an advanced, experimental design based on a current, critical architectural discourse. The students discover, retrieve and nourish architectural ideas from an immediate and impulsive reaction i.e. through intuitive and reflective filmmaking.

In the final workshop week that focuses on approaching “the problem of body”, every student should be able to sense and aware body through architectural space and the making or active on-looking of a video camcorder as their bodily extension and intuitive reflective subjective tool that makes a new reality. In textual works we use the course experience to argue for how a new bodily reality or architectural space is created in the video montage – a body and space that cannot exist outside of the video.

The goal of the studio is to skill students towards independent and self-sufficient artistic architectural research that produces new architectural content, awareness and ideas; preparing them both for their final experimental architectural thesis/diploma but also for an artistic parallel to scholarly research in general (e.g. the alternative PhD as offered by the Norwegian Artistic Research Programme). In general, students are enabled to trust their creative work and seeing/reading ability towards strong and independent yet sufficient architectural content and ideas. They mature in their personal architectural awareness and should be able to make their artistic voice heard, no matter what context they operate in, through the work with moving imagery.

Working and learning activities

The main activity is the artistic research / architectural design based on the individual capacity to produce and read moving imagery with an architectural content. The course starts with a brief historical, theoretical and philosophical discussion on film in general, and on kinetic representation of architectural space in particular. Students will be introduced to the field of investigation through lectures, literature and a series of films and video art.

Exercises in video sketching* and video editing will train the students’ practical skills and insight in the relation between space and the image, and space in the image. Each course day starts with an hour-long talk on the challenge of the day (mandatory lecture). The students manufacture their video individually and then screen and discuss the video work in plenum.

Mandatory reading material is handed out on the respective course days. A literature list is available online and serves as a recommended reading list (not mandatory). *Video sketching: to draw – to doodle – to paint with video.

Work Effort/Demands
A typical course day consists of a lecture, the screening of a film/video and the production and discussion of the video sketches. The students work individually with the tasks and deliver at the end of the day. The material produced is discussed in plenum. Two days are reserved for an in-depth training in the video editing software. Each course day demands 7-8 hours of attendance and work.

The final workshop-week has its own outline and demands daily attendance and work. This year's focus will be on the human body in motion and in the meeting with spatial infrastructures and/or obstacles. The course collaborates for this week together with the French/Swiss Butoh dancer Julie Dind. The results of that collaboration will be published.

Abraham, A. A new nature: 9 architectural conditions between liquid and solid
Allen, S. Points and Lines
Arendt, H. The Human Condition
Arendt, H. On Violence
Barthes, R. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography
Barthes, R. Empire of signs
Barthes, R, & Heath, S. Image, music, text
Benjamin, W. The work of art in the age of its technological reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media
Benjamin, W. Walter Benjamin’s archive: Images, texts and Signs
Benjamin, W. On HashishB erger, John. About Looking
Berger, J. Why Look at Animals?
Berger, J; with Dibb, M., Blomberg, S., Fox, C. & Hollis, R. Ways of Seeing
Borges, J. L. Labyrinths
Calvino, I. Invisible cities
Deleuze, G. Francis Bacon: the logic of sensation
Deligny, F. The Arachnean and other texts
Descola ,P. Beyond Nature and Culture
Descola, P. The Ecology of Others
Derrida, J. The truth in painting
De Toledo, S. A. Cartes et lignes d’erre / Maps and wander lines: Traces du réseau de Fernand Deligny
Druot, F., Lacaton, A. & Vassal, J-P. Plus
Ellis, B. E. American Psycho: A novel
Fehn, S. The poetry of the straight line_Den rette linjes poesi
Fjeld, P. O.. Sverre Fehn. The pattern of thoughts
Flusser, V. Towards a Philosophy of Photography
Frampton, K. Labour, work and architecture: collected essays on architecture and design
Gissen, D. Territory: architecture beyond environment
Godard, J-L, & Ishaghpour, Y. How video made the history of cinema possible
Hays, M. K. Architecture theory since 1968
Hejduk, J. Architectures in Love. Sketchbook Notes
Hustvedt, S. The blazing world: A novel
Hustvedt, S. What I loved: A novel
Kittler, F. Optical Media
Kittler, F. & others. ReMembering the Body: Body and Movement in the 20th Century
Koestler, A. The Roots Of Coincidence. An Excursion Into Parapsychology
Koestler, A. The Act of Creation, a Study of the Conscious and Unconscious in Science and Art
Koestler, A. The Ghost In The Machine: The Urge To Self-Destruction
Kracauer, S. Theory of Film: the Redemption of Physical Reality
Krauss, R. & Bois, Y. A. Formless – A Users guide
Kwinter, S. Architectures of time: toward a theory of the event in modernist culture
Leatherbarrow, D. Uncommon ground: architecture, technology, and topography
Merleau-Ponty, M. Phenomenology of PerceptionM umford, Lewis. The transformations of man
Kolhaas, R. & Obrist, H. U. Project Japan: Metabolism Talks
Richter, G., & Friedel, H. Gerhard Richter: ATLAS
Scarry, E. The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World
Serres, M., Malfeance: appropriation through pollution
Skinner, B. F. Walden Two
Sontag, S. Regarding the Pain of Others
Sontag, S. On Photography
Stein, E. On the Problem of Empathy
Stein, E. Potency and Act, studies toward a philosophy of being
Stein, E. Finite and Eternal Being: an Attempt at an Ascent to the Meaning of Being
Thoreau, H. D. Walden, Or, Life in the Woods
Vesely, D. Architecture in the Age of Divided Representation. Question of Creativity ...
Viola, B. Reasons for knocking at an empty house: writings 1973- 1994
Woolf, V. Kew Gardens
Mandatory courseworkPresence requiredComment
Presence requiredNot requiredA typical course day consists of a lecture, the screening of a film/video and the production and discussion of the video sketches. The students work individually with the tasks and deliver at the end of the day. The material produced is discussed in plenum. Two days are reserved for an in-depth training in the video editing software. Each course day demands 7-8 hours of attendance and work.

The final workshop-week has its own outline and demands daily attendance and work. This year's focus will be on the human body in motion and in the meeting with spatial infrastructures and/or obstacles. The course collaborates for this week together with the French/Swiss Butoh dancer Julie Dind. The results of that collaboration will be published.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Presence required:Not required
Comment:A typical course day consists of a lecture, the screening of a film/video and the production and discussion of the video sketches. The students work individually with the tasks and deliver at the end of the day. The material produced is discussed in plenum. Two days are reserved for an in-depth training in the video editing software. Each course day demands 7-8 hours of attendance and work.

The final workshop-week has its own outline and demands daily attendance and work. This year's focus will be on the human body in motion and in the meeting with spatial infrastructures and/or obstacles. The course collaborates for this week together with the French/Swiss Butoh dancer Julie Dind. The results of that collaboration will be published.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / failIndividual artistic research work: On each of the ten course days, a new challenge is presented and will be worked on individually and then discussed in plenum at the end of the day. The material handed in consists of a video-sketch and a short concise text.

The final workshop runs from Monday to Friday. Each student works on her/his own finalfilm and installation and is meant to produce a final written critical reflection on the basis of her/his own produced visual material.

Examination: The extern sensor(s) discuss the video-sketches produced in the individual course days and assess the material of the final workshop week. In total 6-8 video sketches plus 1 final edited film with poster (inclusive all text work) are to be produced and reviewed.

Attendance and participation: Minimum 80% attendance of 8 course days w/ lectures, exercises and reviews and 2 course days with seminars and software introduction. The final workshop week is mandatory. A course day lasts from 09:30 to 17:00 or 18:00.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Individual artistic research work: On each of the ten course days, a new challenge is presented and will be worked on individually and then discussed in plenum at the end of the day. The material handed in consists of a video-sketch and a short concise text.

The final workshop runs from Monday to Friday. Each student works on her/his own finalfilm and installation and is meant to produce a final written critical reflection on the basis of her/his own produced visual material.

Examination: The extern sensor(s) discuss the video-sketches produced in the individual course days and assess the material of the final workshop week. In total 6-8 video sketches plus 1 final edited film with poster (inclusive all text work) are to be produced and reviewed.

Attendance and participation: Minimum 80% attendance of 8 course days w/ lectures, exercises and reviews and 2 course days with seminars and software introduction. The final workshop week is mandatory. A course day lasts from 09:30 to 17:00 or 18:00.

Start semester

New Urban Theories

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
New Urban Theories
Course code: 
60 402
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Person in charge
Jonny Aspen
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed foundation level courses or equivalent

Course content

The course focuses on current theories in urbanism, with a special emphasis on how to see and understand the contemporary city in terms of urban design, urban living and new technologies. The overall emphasis of the course will be to read and discuss a selection of texts that present new theoretical perspectives on the current urban condition. Priority is given to cross-disciplinary approaches and to theoretical perspectives that seek to interrelate design issues and social issues. The course can be combined with or prepare for master studios at Institute of urbanism and landscape. The course also has general relevance for architectural students interested in the relationship between architecture and societal development.

Learning outcome

Knowledge: The students shall acquire a general overview over current issues and theoretical positions within urbanism.
Skills: The students shall acquire insight into and ability to critical reflection (both orally and in writing) about current issues and theories in urbanism.
Competence: The students will acquire competence that prepares them to write up a discursive paper about current issues in urbanism in various theoretical perspectives.

Working and learning activities

The course consists of a series of lectures, curriculum readings and seminar discussions related to current theories in urbanism. The students will work in groups of two and prepare digital presentations in relation to seminar discussions. At the end of the semester the students are expected to hand in a written assignment, a paper of 6-8 pages, which discusses at least two current theories that have been treated in the course

Mandatory courseworkPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltetNot requiredStudents are expected to read a selection of the curriculum for each weekly session. The students will also be given the task of preparing seminar presentations (1-2 times) based on the curriculum.
The students are expected to write up a final paper (6-8 pages) over an optional theme within the overall course topic.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Students are expected to read a selection of the curriculum for each weekly session. The students will also be given the task of preparing seminar presentations (1-2 times) based on the curriculum.
The students are expected to write up a final paper (6-8 pages) over an optional theme within the overall course topic.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Report--The students shall write up a final paper which is to be handed towards the end of the semester. The students shall also prepare a short presentation for the final critique.
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:-
Comment:The students shall write up a final paper which is to be handed towards the end of the semester. The students shall also prepare a short presentation for the final critique.

Industrial Design 2: ProtoHype

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Industrial Design 2: ProtoHype
Course code: 
70 600
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2017 Spring
Language of instruction: 
Norwegian / English
Required prerequisite knowledge

Completed foundation level courses or equivalent education (bachelor). Knowledge of 3D modelling techniques.

Course content

ProtoHype is a research oriented studio course that involves new contexts and themes that rather require radical than incremental solutions. The course is organized around two extensive main iterations and phases. The first phase is based on a foresight a few decades ahead and then, as a second phase, the result of the first phase is back-casted and designed for a more contemporary context. The end result of both phases will be physical products conveyed by both digital media and physical models.

The course builds on theories that see innovation processes as a dynamic interaction between different actors with different skills, mind-sets and backgrounds. The course focuses specifically on the active use of various forms of physical and digital prototypes that support and facilitate the innovation process. Traditional sketching and model building will therefore be blended with advanced 3D modelling, video-sketching and other forms of conveying a rich variety of different design concepts.

Learning outcome

The student shall after the course be able to participate in more advanced and complex design processes; and doing so as an independent designer with a creative, aesthetic and designerly approach.

a. Knowledge: The student should after the course have a firm and explicit understanding of the kind of solution driven design process being so inherent in the industrial design tradition. The student will also be introduced to video-based sketching methods and the kind of research methods developed within the industrial design tradition. In addition will the student gain an introduction to Radical Change, Sustainability, Future studies and Foresight.

b. Skills: After the course the student should have a working knowledge of, and skills in, an industrial designer’s toolbox including (but not limited to); sketching through different media, creative methods, team work, foresight and presentation.

c. General competence: The course has a general goal of both individual progression and to wrap up and make sure that the student has sufficient knowledge and skills in industrial design to reach a professional level after another year of practice at IDE/AHO. For each individual student, the curricula might therefore be slightly modified.

Working and learning activities

The work is arranged as a design studio with lectures, presentations and seminars woven in as a natural part of the activity.

Presence requiredComment
Not required80% attendance on all the compulsory moments (lectures, seminars, workshops) and 100% on all compulsory deliveries.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Presence required:Not required
Comment:80% attendance on all the compulsory moments (lectures, seminars, workshops) and 100% on all compulsory deliveries.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / failThe course will primarily be assessed through project work, self-assessments and deliveries submitted as design models, videos and presentations. The first phase is assessed by involved teachers and finally the whole course is assessed by an external supervisor. The student need pass both phases to pass the course.

For students that fail one of the two modules, a portfolio assessment of the whole coursework will be carried out in the end of the semester to finally decide if the student has reached the desired learning outcome.
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:The course will primarily be assessed through project work, self-assessments and deliveries submitted as design models, videos and presentations. The first phase is assessed by involved teachers and finally the whole course is assessed by an external supervisor. The student need pass both phases to pass the course.

For students that fail one of the two modules, a portfolio assessment of the whole coursework will be carried out in the end of the semester to finally decide if the student has reached the desired learning outcome.
Workload activityComment
LecturesTypical 1-2 per week during the first part of the course
Individual supervisionIndividual and/or team tutoring 1-2 times a week
Group workWe prefer to see it as team-work that will be the typical work mode throughout the semester
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Typical 1-2 per week during the first part of the course
Workload activity:Individual supervision
Comment:Individual and/or team tutoring 1-2 times a week
Workload activity:Group work
Comment:We prefer to see it as team-work that will be the typical work mode throughout the semester
