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2020 Høst

Start semester

85 301 Objects of Research: Titanium Dioxide

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Objects of Research: Titanium Dioxide
Course code: 
85 301
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Ingrid Halland
Course content

The chemical compound titanium dioxide (TiO2) circulates extensively through our material, biological, and economic systems, most of the time completely unnoticeable: in the food we eat, the paper we print on, the paint on the wall, and our iPhone chargers. The man-made substance is a white pigment that has been used in the mass-production of materials and goods since its discovery around 1900. TiO2 has been called “the whitest white” and its material properties are inextricably related to invisibility, durability, and surface.

Representing the new, the bright, and the clean, TiO2 was discovered and patented by Norwegian chemists Peder Farup and Gustav Jensen, and production for the global market began in the mine Titania AS in Norway in 1918. After a hundred years of mining, the extraction of TiO2 has left an irreversible change in the local landscape: The environmental trace of mining modernism consists of a vast cut through the surface of the earth and a white artificial desert of mining waste.

Once a signature of modernism, TiO2 has now become a signature of innovative materials and smart technologies. Architects, chemists, and building engineers progressively investigate the future prospects of the material as an essential component in renewable and alternative building technology. Today, TiO2 nanopraticles can produce smog-absorbing building surfaces, self-cleaning windows, and antimicrobial coatings for laboratory use.

This course explores TiO2 as an object of research. How can this abstract material be approached from the fields of architecture and design? What methods can be used and what are the implications of various methodological approaches? The aim of the course thus twofold: First, the course takes TiO2 as a starting point, and the course participants will research this material by using methods and theories from their own disciplines. Second, the theories and methods selected by the students will be contextualized by lectures on topics related to research, such as “what is data?”, “what is method?”, and “what is a research hypothesis?” By conducting a small segment of research on TiO2, the course participants will be introduced to topics and issues within research ethics, research mediation, theories of knowledge, and historiography within architecture and design. The course will thus highlight how various research approaches can turn an abstract subject into a concrete object.

Learning outcome

After this course the student will have:

  • Gained knowledge of different means and aims in research discourses (quantitative research, qualitative research, research by design, ethnography, history, theory, and criticism)
  • Learned to apply selected theories and methods to an object of research
  • Practiced searching for relevant literature, writing a brief literature review, formulating relevant discursive research questions, and acquired knowledge on how to write a research proposal
  • Developed the ability for critical thinking in order to reflect on their own discipline from different external academic perspectives, including knowledge of the distinctive character, strengths, and limitations of their own discipline
  • Reflected on the role of a researcher, and the requirements and expectations this entails in terms of social responsibilities and research ethics
Working and learning activities

Each student will approach titanium dioxide rooted in their own discipline (e.g. design, history, landscape) and will formulate relevant research questions that will be used to conduct a segment of a research project on the substance. The research on titanium dioxide can be mediated materially, textually, or visually, and the research activity will be contextualized by seminars on various research methods and theories for the purpose of preparing the students to produce methodologically rigorous research proposals. During the course, the students will write a short text (1000 words) on their research approach, which will include a brief summary of one selected research article. The selected research article needs to contextualize and situate the students’ research approach within a research discourse. As long as the Government’s Covid-19 regulations allow it, there will be a two-day overnight excursion to Titania AS in Sokndal. In addition, the group will (in collaboration) curate, develop, and launch a research platform where the research activity and research results will be published. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and AHO’s regulations to minimize the amount of people inside the AHO’s buildings, half of the course will take place digitally on Zoom.


The elective course builds on a research project by Norwegian artist Marte Johnslien. As a part of her PhD in artistic practice at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (2020), Johnslien explored the Norwegian history of titanium dioxide through ceramic sculptures, written texts, anthropological methods, and photography. Johnslien will participate in the course in three ways: 1) by introducing the topic and her own methods of research, 2) by partaking in the field trip as an expert guide, and 3) as a guest critic. Other participants include Gjertrud Steinsvåg at ROM for kunst og arkitektur and representatives from Titania AS.


Compulsory assignments

  1. Selecting a research approach and defining a research question
  2. Active participation in the seminar
  3. Writing assignment: a 1000-words description of the research approach that includes a summary of one research article
  4. Final project: to conduct and mediate a segment of research either textually, graphically, or materially

More information about how the course will be evaluated will be handed out when the course start. 

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
ReportIndividualPass / failWriting assignment: a 1000-words description of the research approach that includes a summary of one research article. Counts 50 %
Project assignmentIndividualPass / failFinal project: to conduct and mediate a segment of research either textually, graphically, or materially. Counts 50 %
Form of assessment:Report
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Writing assignment: a 1000-words description of the research approach that includes a summary of one research article. Counts 50 %
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Comment:Final project: to conduct and mediate a segment of research either textually, graphically, or materially. Counts 50 %

80 110 Introduction to Architecture

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Introduksjon til arkitektur
Course code: 
80 110
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Jonas Gunerius Larsen
Lone Sjøli
Required prerequisite knowledge

There are no prerequisites beyond admission to the study program

Course content

GK1 is an introductory course to the professional studies of architecture at AHO. The course is organized around design projects and constitutes the larger part of the first semester. The students are divided in two studios, however the teaching is the same for both studios. Students will work individually and in groups. There are three half time teachers in each studio as well as teachers responsible for teaching free hand drawing and computer aided design. In addition to the design work there will be courses in: The use of AHO's work shops Analytical free hand drawing Digital design and representation

Learning outcome

The course establishes a platform for further studies at AHO. After the end of the course the student should have : An understanding of working methods and different approaches towards thinking and communicating within the discipline. Knowledge of two- and three dimensional visualization in connection to concept development and project presentation. Experience in written and oral communication of subjects related to the discipline. Knowledge of the school workshops. Experience with analytical free hand drawing. Basic knowledge of the use of computer aided design.

Working and learning activities

Teaching will be mainly in the form of weekly tutoring, pin-ups, lectures, seminars and work shops. The contact between teachers and students happens one on one, in groups or in the presence of the whole studio. Common reviews where the student must present his or her work to the studio for open discussion constitutes an important part of the training. There will be an excursion abroad common to all students at the beginning of the semester.The course uses Moodle as it's digital learning platform for communication concerning schedule and program.


Anbefalt litteratur: 

Anne Beim: Tektoniske visioner i arkitektur

Francis D. K. Ching: Architecture: Form, Space, and Order

Andrea Deplazes: Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures

Christian Norberg-Schulz: Mellom jord og himmel

Steen Eiler Rasmussen: Om at oppleve arkitektur

Francis D.K Ching: Architectural Graphics

Ansgar und Benedikt Schulz: Perfect Scale

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / fail
Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)IndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Portfolio assessment (Vurderingsmappe)
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance

80 112 Examen philosophicum

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Examen philosophicum
Course code: 
80 112
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Inga Bostad
Required prerequisite knowledge

There is no admission requirements for the philosophy course. The Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) has a separate entrance exam, where general admission is presupposed.

Course content

Ex.phil er et obligatorisk innføringskurs i filosofi som skal forberede deg som student på en akademisk kultur og arbeidsform og på vitenskapelige tenke-, og skrivemåter. Kurset skal gi filosofiske perspektiver på grunnleggende spørsmål innenfor vitenskap, etikk og samfunn.Ex.phil. skal bidra til at du både forstår og får evne til å se hvilket akademisk fellesskap du nå er en del av. I tillegg vil du på faglig bakgrunn kunne øve deg på å tenke kritisk og selvstendig rundt faget du er en del av, og din egen rolle som student.

Ex.phil.-studiet er knyttet opp til hovedmålsettingen med undervisningen i førsteklasse, nemlig en oppøving av evnen til helhetlig og kompleks oppgaveløsning, og et omfattende sett av metoder og verktøy for idé- og prosjektutvikling. Dette skal legge grunnlaget for videre studier.

Ex.phil. gir en historisk og systematisk innføring i filosofi- og vitenskapshistorie, og i utvalgte vitenskapsteoretiske, etiske og estetiske temaer og problemstillinger. Du vil som student bli kjent med tenkere fra sentrale epoker i den vestlige kulturen frem til vår egen tid. Emnet tar opp ulike syn på natur, vitenskap, håndverk/kunst, moral, politikk, samfunn, kjønn og teknologi fra både en historisk og systematisk synsvinkel.

Det blir lagt vekt på å vise hvordan den filosofiske tenkingen består av en systematisk refleksjon over fundamentale spørsmål uten endelige svar. Filosofien kan betraktes som en vedvarende diskusjon der det ikke er svarene, men spørsmål og argumentasjon som er det avgjørende. Du skal som student bli i stand til å reflektere over de historiske og begrepsmessige forutsetningene for dominerende tenkemåter i den vestlige kulturen. Slik sett ivaretar ex.phil.-kurset ikke bare viktige sider ved studenters utdanning, men også din danning som framtidig profesjonsutøver

Learning outcome

The outcome of the course consist of knowledge and understanding, skills and competence expected of of students at the ex.phil.-level in Norway. Knowledge / understanding: • Knowledge of key concepts and topics in philosophy, including an understanding of key philosophical positions, the differences between them and the objections against them. • Knowledge of the history of philosophy from antiquity through to modernity, i.e. the main trends in the history of science and key thinkers in the history of philosophy up until today. • Knowledge of the main directions in the 20th century theory of science. • Knowledge of key concepts and principles of ethics (moral philosophy), as well as understanding of different ethical positions, the differences between them and the objections against them. • Knowledge of key concepts, issues and positions in aesthetics, as it is understood in the philosophical tradition as "sensuous cognition", as "philosophy of beauty and taste" and as a reflection on the concepts, institutions and practices of art. Skills: • Students learn to render and execute simple discussions of key issues in philosophy and history of science, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics. • In this way, students develops their ability to read academic texts, so that they are able to perform simple analyzes of argumentation in academic texts. • Students acquire basic skills in academic writing, including how to formulate simple arguments and how an academic text is made up of arguments that take part in a larger reasoning. Expertise: • Through the ex.phil. course, students learn to identify and discuss philosophically relevant issues within their own subject (architecture and design) and other subjects. • Students will also be given a general and basic competence in dealing with academic and theoretical issues in an independent and systematic way.

Working and learning activities

On the overarching plane, the educational program in a systematic way ties toghether "lesson" (lectures), "instruction / action" (exercises) and "reflection" (public discussions). The purpose of this is to build basic skills in academic reading, writing and thinking and to give a more comprehensive understanding of this practice as an integral part of the profession as an architect or a designer. The course is given in the form of weekly lectures, 3-4 hours of instruction a week, and 3-4 seminars/work shops during the semester. For the work shops, the students will asked to prepare small papers. Thus, the students will work in groups, 2-3 hours a week, in which they work on preparatory assignments given by lecturer, preparing the students for the seminars. The preparatory assignments will be integral to the individual paper that each student have to write during the semester.


Bondevik, Hilde og Bostad, Inga (2003) Tenkepauser. Filosofi og vitenskapsteori. Akribe forlag. ISBN 82-7950-063-4.  335 s.

Føllesdal, D. & Walløe, L. (2000) Argumentasjonsteori, språk og vitenskapsfilosofi, ss.194-241. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Også gratis tilgjengelig herfra


Klassiske tekster/kompendium:

Aristoteles. Metafysikken. Om sjelen. Den Nikomakiske etikk (ex phil UiO) S 61-71, 77-84)

Augustin. Bekjennelser. Gyldendal. 1961. S, 34-38, 56-59

Beauvior, S.: "Innledning" i Det annet kjønn Oslo: Pax, 1970, ss. 13-29.

Descartes: Meditasjoner over filosofiens grunnlag. Aschehoug forlag. 1980. S.23-50

Gadamer. «The Universality of the Hermeneutical Problem» in Philosophical Hermenutics. (2008) University of Calefornia Press s. 3-17

Platon. Menon. Kap 1, 70a S 19-48 (ex phil uio) (oversatt av Håvard Løkke). Eventuelt Vidarforlaget. 2005.

Sartre. Eksistensialisme er humanisme. Cappelens upopulære. 1963, s. 3-40

Skjervheim, Hans: «Deltakar og tilskodar» i Skjervheim, Hans: Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays (2001) Aschehoug. S. 71-88.


Supplerende litteratur

Studenter som ønsker å finne mer utdypende stoff kan lese følgende litteratur. Merk at dette ikke er alternative pensum.

  • Lars Fr. H. Svendsen, Simo Tuomo Sakari Säätelä (2007). Det sanne, det gode, det skjønne En innføring i filosofi.
  • Stig Hareide, Egil Hjelmervik og Terje Kvilhaug (red.): Lærebok i filosofihistorie (Oslo: Samlaget, 1996)
  • Gunnar Skirbekk og Nils Gilje: Filosofihistorie 1 og 2 (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1996)
  • Hilde Bondevik og Linda Rustad (1999): Kjønnspersektiver i filosofihistorien. Pax forlag
  • Ragnar Fjelland: Innføring i vitenskapsteori (Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1999)Søren Kjørup: Menneskevidenskaberne (Fredriksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag, 1997)
  • Ingemund Gullvåg: Rasjonalitet, forståelse og forklaring. Innføring i argumentasjonsteori, logikk og vitenskapsfilosofi (Trondheim: Tapir, 1990)
  • Arild B. Næss: Å studere, å skrive – Praktisk guide til Examen Philosophicum (Trondheim: Tapir, 2004). En læringsassistent har skrevet en håndbok i studieteknikk for ex.phil.-studenter, om bl.a. skriving av øvingsoppgaver.


Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet EssayNot requiredIndividual assignment / essay. Must be written in order to be eligible for examination.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required: Essay
Presence required:Not required
Comment:Individual assignment / essay. Must be written in order to be eligible for examination.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Home ExaminationIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Home Examination
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
Attendance Attendance and participation in lectures is expected.
Group work
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment: Attendance and participation in lectures is expected.
Workload activity:Group work

80 113 GK1 Writing Excersises

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK1 Skriveøvelser
Course code: 
80 113
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Mari Lending
Required prerequisite knowledge

For førsteårsstudenter i studieprogram Master i arkitektur eller Master i landskapsarkitektur med bestått ExPhil eller lignende emne.

Course content

Skriveøvelser gir en innføring i å iaktta og beskrive arkitektur, kunst, rom og landskap, og en introduksjon til ulike akademiske, kunstneriske og stilistiske genre. Vi tolker objekter, materialer og omgivelseskvaliteter gjennom tekster, bilder, film, objekter og rom. Bakgrunnsmaterialet kan være litterært, dokumentarisk eller teoretisk, og hentet fra filosofien eller historien, fra romaner, poesi, billedkunst, installasjoner, utstillinger eller museumssamlinger. Skriveøvelsene er ment å åpne opp en verden av arkitektur, kunst og landskap innenfor litterære, historiske og kunstneriske sammenhenger.

Learning outcome

Kunne beskrive rom, arkitektur, objekter og landskap fra filmer, kunstverk og litterære verk. Studentene lærer å beskrive arkitektur i mange genre. Skriveøvelsene er innrettet mot å høyne genreforståelse og -kompetanse.

Working and learning activities

Hver uke får studenten utdelt en tekst, et bilde, en film, e.l., eller vi drar og ser et sted eller en utstilling. Oppgaveformatet varierer noe fra uke til uke, men besvarelsen vil normalt bestå av en kort tekst. 

Besvarelsen skal lastes opp på Moodle og presenteres i plenum i seminaret.

Hver oppgavetekst inneholder detaljert instruks om hva som skal leveres og hvordan. Kurset er ikke forelesningsbasert, men tar utgangspunkt i tekstpresentasjoner, diskusjon og samtale. Etter respons fra faglærer og medstudenter skal den enkelte besvarelsen redigeres. Mot slutten av semesteret skal alle besvarelsene samles i en håndlaget, innbundet bok som leveres til avtalt dato. Endelig eksamen finner sted i desember. Sensuren er muntlig og basert på det innleverte materialet.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required Not required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualA-FThe student will make a selection of all the text handed in during the semster texts, and produce a little book. The final reviews will assess both the quality of the written texts and the book design.
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:A-F
Comment:The student will make a selection of all the text handed in during the semster texts, and produce a little book. The final reviews will assess both the quality of the written texts and the book design.
Workload activityComment
Individual problem solvingThe course runs every Monday and the students hand in one text each week.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Individual problem solving
Comment:The course runs every Monday and the students hand in one text each week.

40 130 Urban residence

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Byboligen
Course code: 
40 130
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Espen Surnevik
Hans-Kristian Hagen
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått studiodelen av GK1 og GK2. Gjennomført (dvs. fått  godkjent eventuelle arbeidskrav, ha oppfylt eventuelle krav til oppmøte og levert inn besvarelse til vurdering) i øvrige emner i GK1 og GK2.

Course content

Andre året, i Arkitekturprogrammet, bygger videre på forkunnskapene gitt i førsteårets; Introduksjon til Arkitektur, og skal forberede for tredjeårets; By og Arkitektur. Læringsmålene i andre året er å oppøve evne til integrasjon av hovedelementer i arkitekturprosjektering av komplekse byggverk. Gjennom oppgaven må studentene utvikle et prosjekt for offentligheten, men samtidig en bolig hvor man selv kan bo. Prosjekteringen strekker seg gjennom hele semestret, og tilstreber en lineær utvikling fra oppgavestilling og frem til komplett besvarelse. Det blir lagt særlig vekt på utvikling av egen arkitektonisk idé, og dens forhold til rom, konstruksjoner, materialer og teknikk.

GK3-oppgavene omhandler utvikling av bybolig-typologer der sosiale hensyn, byplankontekst, historisk kontekst, byggeteknikk og økonomi er elementer som samvirker i utviklingen av semesterbesvarelsene. Gjennom kurset skal studentene undervises i bygnings fysisk prosjektering og detaljering av byggverk. Kurset diskuterer kulturell/sosial kvalitet, så vel som fysisk kvalitet, holdbarhet og bærekraft, i morgendagens boligarkitektur.  

Learning outcome



∙ Kunnskap om Boligtypologier (boligplaner, bygningsorganisering, sirkulasjon - konsepter)

∙ Kunnskap om Tomteanalyser (bebyggelsesstruktur, historisk kontekst, arkitektonisk kontekst - etc.)

∙ Kunnskap om Konstruksjoner (prinsipper for konstruksjoner i boligarkitektur)

∙ Kunnskap om Klimaskall (bygningsfysikk, dagslys, energi, bærekraft)

∙ Kunnskap om Materialer (arkitektoniske roller, konstruktiv rolle, egenskaper/holdbarhet og bærekraft)



∙ Ferdigheter i Projeksjonstegning (videreutvikle nødvendig evne til å projisere korrekte plan, snitt og fasader)

∙ Ferdigheter i Framstillingsteknikker (videreutvikle manuelle og digitale illustrasjonsevner)

∙ Ferdigheter i Modellbygging (videreutvikle evne til modellbygging, i ulik målestokk, og av komplekse bygninger)

∙ Ferdigheter i Prosjektering (videreutvikle evne til å sammenstille informasjon fra oppgave til ferdig prosjekt)

∙ Ferdigheter i Kuratering (videreutvikle evne til å velge ut/evaluere eget prosjektmateriale til presentasjon)

∙ Ferdigheter i Argumentasjon (videreutvikle evne til å begrunne løsninger og berettigelse av eget prosjekt)


Generell kompetanse

∙ Ferdighet til å føre en kompleks tildelt boligoppgave frem til et ferdig studentprosjekt. Dette på et nivå som kan sammenlignes med et komplett konkurranseutkast, eller et forprosjekt (uten kostnadskalkyle) i arkitektprofesjonen utenfor skolen.


Working and learning activities

Andre året arbeider med et hovedprosjekt som strekker seg gjennom hvert av de to semestrene. Det legges til grunn at studentene benytter tilgengelige deler av arbeidsuken på tegnesalen, viet utvikling av sitt prosjekt. Høstsemesteret (GK3) arbeider studentene individuelt. Vårsemesteret (GK4) samarbeider studentene i par.

I veiledningsituasjoner legges det også opp til oppøving av «sidemannskritikk» der studentene fungerer som diskusjonsparter for hverandre. Mellomgjennomgang avholdes i mindre eller større grupper gjennom semesteret. I slutten av semesteret avholdes «sluttgjennomgang». Her legger studentene frem sitt prosjekt, og får en dyptgående muntlig felles tilbakemelding fra lærer-teamet på kursene.

I GK3 avholdes det ordinært studietur tidlig på høsten, fortrinnsvis til Paris, men den ekskursjonen utgår høst 2020 grunnet koronasituasjonen. Paris turen flyttes til vår 2021 og tema vil være konstruksjonenes historie, samt relevante boligprosjekter med hovedvekt på Baron Hausmann`s Paris og dens byboligkvartaler. I GK3 inngår praktisk murworkshop, mens det i GK4 avholdes praktisk stålworkshop.

Det forventes tilstedeværelse og aktivt engasjement i veiledning, gjennomganger og faglige arrangementer. Kurset benytter den digitale læringsplattformen Moodle til intern kommunikasjon av semesterets innhold og planer.


Kurset har ikke et obligatorisk pensum.

Anbefalt litteratur er:

Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures. Andrea Deplazes. Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2013.

Planning Architecture: Dimensions and Typologies. Bert Bielefeld. Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2016.

Modern Construction Handbook. Fifth Edition. Andrew Watts. Birkhauser. 2018.

Floor Plan Manual. Housing. Oliver Heckmann. Birkhauser, 2017.

Le Corbusier: Houses. Tadao Ando. Toto, 2001.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Workload activityComment
AttendanceAttendance and presence in the studio beyond mandatory requirements is expected.
ExcursionParticipation on excursion is expected. Students who do not have the opportunity to participate will be assigned a task that will help to compensate for the academic benefit of the excursion.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Attendance
Comment:Attendance and presence in the studio beyond mandatory requirements is expected.
Workload activity:Excursion
Comment:Participation on excursion is expected. Students who do not have the opportunity to participate will be assigned a task that will help to compensate for the academic benefit of the excursion.

80 131 Architecture history 2

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Arkitekturhistorie 2
Course code: 
80 131
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Mari Hvattum
Required prerequisite knowledge

Passed the studio part of GK1 and GK2. Completed (ie approved work requirements, having fulfilled any requirements for attendance and submitted a response to assessment) in other courses in GK1 and GK2.

The course is compulsory for all architectural students in GK3 and is based on GK2 Architecture History 1.

Course content

Architectural History 2 gives an introduction to European and North-American architectural history from around 1900 until today. We study buildings and their contexts, placing particular emphasis on the origins and development of Modernism. Through a series of close readings of selected works, the course explores Modernist design practices as well as its theoretical and ideological ideals. The course is structured as a lecture series.

Learning outcome

The course gives historical knowledge as well as training in understanding and analysing buildings. At the end of the course, the students will be able to analyse architectural form in a critical, contextual, and historically conscious manner.

Working and learning activities

The course is structured as a lecture series. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.


Mandatory reading:

William Curtis, Modern architecture since 1900, London: Phaidon 1996.


Additional texts pertaining to each lecture will be uploaded on Moodle

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Home ExaminationIndividualA-F
Form of assessment:Home Examination
Grading scale:A-F
Workload activityComment
LecturesParticipation in lectures is expected. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.
Forventet arbeidsinnsats:
Workload activity:Lectures
Comment:Participation in lectures is expected. Students are expected to read course literature ahead of each lecture.

40 131 Constructions 1

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
GK3 Konstruksjoner 1
Course code: 
40 131
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Person in charge
Bjørn Normann Sandaker
Required prerequisite knowledge

Bestått studiodelen av GK1 og GK2. Gjennomført (dvs. fått  godkjent eventuelle arbeidskrav, ha oppfylt eventuelle krav til oppmøte og levert inn besvarelse til vurdering) i øvrige emner i GK1 og GK2.

Course content

Kursets målsetting er å gi en introduksjon til de fundamentale konstruksjonstypene vi benytter i arkitekturen; hvordan konstruksjoner reagerer på belastning, forholdet mellom form og konstruktive begreper som styrke, stivhet og stabilitet, likheter og forskjeller mellom konstruktive egenskaper til ulike materialer. Videre vil kurset gi en oversikt over byggeteknikken i de mest vanlige konstruksjonssystemene i små og store bygninger, samt illustrere og diskutere konstruktive konsepter i anerkjente arkitekturverker. Kurset Konstruksjoner 2 (vårsemesteret) vil utdype disse emnene.

Learning outcome

Kunnskaper og ferdigheter: Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten forstå grunnlaget for konstruktive systemers formgivning og detaljering, forskjellene mellom ulike materialers respons på belastning og hvilke konsekvenser dette har for konstruksjonsformen, samt anvende denne kunnskapen til å utvikle og fremstille prosjekter. Videre skal studentene kunne reflektere over konstruksjonens betydning for arkitekturen.

Generell kompetanse: Ved gjennomført studium skal studenten ha fått et overblikk over de mest vanlige konstruktive systemene brukt i moderne norsk byggetradisjon.

Working and learning activities

Kurset består av et antall forelesninger via digital platform. Praktisk forståelse av stoffet skal vises i øvingsoppgaver og i prosjektoppgavene til tilhørende emne, GK3 Byboligen.

Kurset er litteraturbasert og forutsetter aktiv lesning parallelt med deltagelse på forelesninger. Diskusjoner om konstruksjoner og byggeteknikk som studenten forutsettes å delta aktivt i, vil dessuten være sentrale elementer ved prosjektveiledninger og gjennomgåelser i kurset GK3 Byboligen.


Obligatorisk pensum

Sandaker, B. N., Eggen, A. P., & Cruvellier, M. R. (2011);

The Structural Basis of Architecture. 3rd. ed. (2019) Routledge. Utvalgte kapitler.


Anbefalt litteratur

Konstruksjon og byggteknologi

Bovim, N. I., Sund, H., Holmestad, Å., & Stenstad, V. (1984). Limtreboka. Moelv: Moelven limtre A/S.

Bygging med betongelementer (1995). Betongindustriens landsforening

Dahl, T. (2003). Facaden: teori og praksis. [København]: Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag.

Deplazes, A. (2005). Constructing architecture: materials processes structures : a handbook. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Eggen, A. P., & Sandaker, B. N. (1995). Stål, struktur og arkitektur. [Oslo]: Cappelen.

Friis Mathiasen, H., & Reitzel, E. (1999). Grundtræk af bærende konstruktioner i arkitekturen.

[København]: Kunstakademiets Arkitektskoles Forlag.

Gauld, B. J. B. (1995). Structures for architects. London: Godwin.

Herzog, T., Krippner, R., & Lang, W. (2004). Facade construction manual. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Hopp, J., & Alexander, S. (1995). Avstivning og kraftoverføring.

Kaltenbach, F. (2004). Translucent materials: glass, plastics, metals. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Kurrer, K.-E. (2008). The history of the theory of structures: from arch analysis to computational mechanics.

Berlin: Ernst & Son.

Macdonald, A. J. (2018). Structure and architecture. 3rd edition  Oxford: Butterworth Architecture.

Macdonald, A. J. (1997). Structural design for architecture. Oxford: ArchitecturalPress.

Murkatalogen (1985). [Oslo]: Mursentret. (Se Byggforsk Kunnskapssystemers nettside).

Natterer, J., Herzog, T., & Volz, M. (2001). Holzbau Atlas zwei. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Schittich, C. (1999). Glass construction manual. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Schlaich, J., & Bergermann, R. (2003). Leicht Weit: Jörg Schlaich, Rudolf Bergermann. München: Prestel.

Schulitz, H. C., Sobek, W., & Habermann, K. J. (2000). Steel construction manual. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Sivertsen, J., & Nordgård, L. (2003). Konstruksjonslære for arkitekter: lastberegning, likevektslære, fasthetslære, konstruksjoner av tre, stål og betong. Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag, Kompendieforlaget.


Arkitektur og konstruksjon

Balmond, C., & Smith, J. (2002). Informal. Munich: Prestel.

Brookes, A. J., & Poole, D. (2004). Innovation in architecture. London: Spon Press.

Buchanan, P., & Piano, R. (1993). Renzo Piano Building Workshop: complete works. (Vol.3) London: Phaidon.

Buchanan, P., & Piano, R. (1993). Renzo Piano Building Workshop: complete works.(Vol.4) London: Phaidon.

Chareau, P., Futagawa, Y., Bauchet, B., & Vellay, M. (1988). La maison de verre:Pierre Chareau. Tokyo: A. D. A. Edita.

Colquhoun, A. (1992). Rafael Moneo: 1986-1992. Madrid: AviSa.

Davies, C., Frampton, K., & Hodgkinson, P. (1993). Hopkins: the work of Michael Hopkins and partners. London: Phaidon.

Engel, H. (1968). Structure systems. London: Iliffe Books.

Foster, N., Jenkins, D., & Abel, C. (2007). Norman Foster: works. (Vol. 3). Munich: Prestel.

Foster, N., Jenkins, D., & Abel, C. (2004). Norman Foster: works. (Vol. 4). Munich: Prestel.

Gerkan, M. v. (1997). Architektur für den Verkehr: von Gerkan, Marg und Partner. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Herzog, T. (1993). Thomas Herzog: Bauten 1978-1992 : ein Werkbericht. Stuttgart: G. Hatje.

Jean Prouvé: "constructeur" (1990). Paris: Editions du Centre Pompidou.

Lyall, S. (2002). Masters of structure: engineering today's innovative buildings. London: Laurence King.

Lyall, S., & Herron, R. (1992). Imagination headquarters: Herron Associates. London: Phaidon.

Mainstone, R. (1998). Developments in structural form. Oxford: Architectural Press.

Moore, R., & Gilbert, D. (1992). Sackler Galleries, Royal Academy, London: architects Foster Associates. London: Wordsearch.

Norberg-Schulz, C., Postiglione, G., & Fehn, S. (1997). Sverre Fehn: samlede arbeider. Oslo: Orfeus.

Piano, R., & Brignolo, R. (1997). The Renzo Piano logbook. London: Thames and Hudson.

Powell, K. (1994). Richard Rogers. Zürich: Artemis.

Rice, P., & Dutton, H. (1995). Structural glass. London: E & FN Spon.

Ron Arad Associates: one off three (1993). London: Artemis.

Sandaker, B. N. (2008). On span and space: exploring structures in architecture. London: Routledge.

Werner, F. (2000). Covering + exposing: the architecture of Coop Himmelb(l)au. Basel: Birkhäuser.

Wigginton, M. (1996). Glass in architecture. London: Phaidon Press.

Wilkinson, C. (1996). Supersheds: the architecture of long-span, large volume buildings. Oxford: Butterworth Architecture.


Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Exercise Required
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Exercise
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Other assessment method, define in comment field-Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Other assessment method, define in comment field
Grading scale:Pass / fail

Start semester

40 319 Materials: The tree of souls

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Materials: The tree of souls
Course code: 
40 319
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Moritz Groba
Required prerequisite knowledge

Three year foundation course, the course will be taught in English

Course content

Smeaton’s Eddystone lighthouse revolutionised lighthouse design in the 1700s. It was modelled on the physical shape and structure of an oak tree. Yet, three hundred years later, the world’s tallest timber building still stands 10m short of the world’s tallest tree. While advancing industrial timber processing and a rising sustainability agenda have heralded a new age for wood based building materials in the 21st century, much of the traditional knowledge around the material’s strengths and weaknesses has been lost. Simultaniously, new research is opening for a more nuanced utilization and adaptation of wood based products based on parametric design and biomimicry. Yet the full potential of the tree’s inherent structural and physical properties is still not realised.


The course aims to give students a thorough introduction to the design potential and limitations arising from wood’s inherent structural and physical properties. It will run alongside any studio course pursued by the students and provide an opportunity to implement and explore timber based design ideas and solutions within their existing studio projects.


The course will cover:

  • material properties, production and qualities
  • traditional timber knowledge and practices
  • modern timber architecture and engineered timber products
  • structural systems, natural and built
  • timber in low-carbon building design
  • design implications as the result of choice of structural systems
  • responsive design and physiological modelling
Working and learning activities

Weekly lectures and reading assignments. Plenary discussions. Individual writing assigments and presentations. Excursions to timber buildings in Oslo.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet Not requiredOne article and presentation to be handed in prior to elective course week.
During elective course week, each student will develop and hand in an analysis, key detail or elaboration on timber structures as an alternative structural approach for their ongoing studio course.
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Annet - spesifiser i kommentarfeltet
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Not required
Comment:One article and presentation to be handed in prior to elective course week.
During elective course week, each student will develop and hand in an analysis, key detail or elaboration on timber structures as an alternative structural approach for their ongoing studio course.
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail

60 308 Urban Theory: Exploring the city through walking

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Urban Theory: Exploring the city through walking
Course code: 
60 308
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Person in charge
Jonny Aspen
Course content

In this course we will explore practices of walking as a way of knowing and engaging with the city. The overall aim will be to explore what kind of insights practices of walking can produce and how these might add to more established forms of knowing within architecture, landscape architecture and urbanism. The theoretical component of the course will consist of readings on the history of walking, as well as introduction to tools and methods for recording and documenting explorative practices of urban walking. The more practical component of the course will consist of s set of explorative urban walking sessions combined with testing out ways of recording and documentation.

Learning outcome

Knowledge: The students will gain knowledge about the city through exploring practices of urban walking.

Skills: The students will learn to use tools and methods for recording and documenting explorative practices of urban walking.

Competence: The students will acquire competence that prepares them, based on their own field work, for writing a final discursive paper on the topic of how the city can be explored through walking.

Working and learning activities

The course will be organized as a combination of weekly seminars (first part of the day) and more concrete fieldwork in terms of walking sessions in different parts of Oslo (second part of the day). The weekly seminars will consist of series of lectures, discussions of (weekly) readings, and reports on ongoing fieldwork. The more concrete fieldwork sessions will be organized both as collective events, group work and individual work. In the last part of the semester the students will write up an essay based on their fieldwork into practices of urban walking.


The curriculum consists of a selection of articles that will be avilable on Moodle from the beginning of the semester.

Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / fail
Project assignmentIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail

Start semester

80 316 Drawing Attention

Full course name in Norwegian Bokmål: 
Drawing Attention
Course code: 
80 316
Level of study: 
Teaching semester: 
2020 Autumn
Assessment semester: 
2020 Autumn
Language of instruction: 
Maximum number of students: 
Required prerequisite knowledge

Admission to AHO and Completed 3-year Bachelor (180 credits)

Course content

Course responsible: Terje Nicolaisen

As an overarching theme for the entire module, the  student will be asked to develop an idea-based urban space project, presented in an exhibition in the final phase of the examination period. The project can work on existing structures in the urban  space containing parks, squares, courtyards, buildings, nature, the Akerselva area as well as commercial structures. The presentation should include both outdoor space and adjacent building structures, with the main focus on the public space, with citizens as users.

  • Facilitates drawing as a tool for developing architecture, design and urban space.
  • Informal assignments explore drawing as a method to develop ideas.
  • The project will be presented and exhibited at the end of the module.

Emphasis is placed on a physical approach to drawing - and partly painting - on paper. An intermediate goal is to give the student a personal relationship with, or a level of confidence, with drawing as a place for reflection; development of ideas and exploration of detail in materiality, area outlines, public use and visual presentation.

Through informal assignments and play as well as plenary discussions, students will develop a visual and verbal language for use in further work on their own projects. Individual tutoring is available throughout the course.

Learning outcome
  • get acquainted with different techniques for visual presentation of  their projects
  • become acquainted with both what he or she likes, but also their aversions
  • The student will be able to understand drawing as a tool for reflection and research
Working and learning activities

Duration: 10 Tusedays + 5 days in the final week for indepth work at Tegnesalen.

The teacher is a visual artist with a broad practice within many different fields. He will use his artistic approach to enrich the conveyment of the course content.

Emphasis is placed on a playful, investigative practice, containing exercises with different techniques. Goal is to use this practice to find new ways on reflecting their own aesthetic choices. The assignments are aimed at testing, and the student will be able to find new and unexpected forms of visuality; materiality and structures which can feed the student`s design of various architectural or design challenges.

The students will present an idea-based project in the form of drawings and/or models, material samples and a short ingresse text that conveys the project. This presentation will take place on the last day of the module and will be presented to the rest of the school as an exhibition. A censor will be invited for final review and engage in plenary discussions that same day.

Mandatory courseworkCourseworks requiredPresence requiredComment
Presence required RequiredRequirements to pass:
80% presence on the entire course
Presence is required on all presentations
Presence is required every Tuesday morning
Digital hand-in og selected works throughout the semester
Obligatoriske arbeidskrav:
Mandatory coursework:Presence required
Courseworks required:
Presence required:Required
Comment:Requirements to pass:
80% presence on the entire course
Presence is required on all presentations
Presence is required every Tuesday morning
Digital hand-in og selected works throughout the semester
Form of assessmentGroupingGrading scaleComment
Project assignmentIndividualPass / fail
Form of assessment:Project assignment
Grading scale:Pass / fail
