Passed foundation level courses, or equivalent. Able to use CAD tools
The course deals with the interaction between new technology and advanced form generation Through two extensive iterations, first an incremental (evolution) solution, then a radical (revolution) solution within the same area. The end result of the course will be physical products.
Knowledge Being able to perform a design process for physical products within to paradigms; as an iteration and through recontextualisation. The first part would typically be an evolutionary process and the second with radical innovations. Skills The course will work and research through new manufacturing trends, that could be the foundation for advanced form-generation. The student should be able to use new methods like Peer Creative development, backcasting and possibility driven design. Skills in sketching, mock up building and CAD are extensively trained during the course
Workshops, lectures, individual and in groups. Peer feedback is a core method in the course
Pensum vil bli presentert ved oppstart av kurset og vil bestå av artikler som kan lastes ned fra nettet.
Obligatorisk arbeidskrav | Påkrevde arbeidskrav | Oppmøte påkrevd | Kommentar |
Øvinger | 5 | Ikke påkrevd | I tillegg til to hovedleveranser gjennomføres det 6 del gjennomganger, kalt «Peer reviews». Av disse må man ha deltatt på 5 for å få kurset bestått. |
Vurderingsform | Gruppering | Karakterskala | Kommentar |
Prosjektoppgave | Individuell | Bestått / ikke bestått | Kurset har to hovedleveranser i form av studio prosjekter, begge disse må være bestått for å bestå kurset. |