fbpx Diplomhverdag | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



On this page you will find links to various services and resources that you can use throughout the Diploma semester.

Studio and class


You have access to the Studio when AHO is open for students. If you do not have access, contact your study adviser.

Please show consideration for your fellow students in the studio.

Student representative

One or two student representatives are elected from each study program at the start of the semester.


The Library

Please find more about the Library's services and resources here.


Application for borrowing technical and electronic equipment
If you need to borrow technical or electronic equipment for your exhibition, you can apply through IKT servicedesk. 

Please find information on the IT services in the Servicedesk here.

The Workshop

Find information about the Workshops' services here.


Diploma supervisor
You arrange supervision directly with the Diploma supervisor. Read more about the assignment of a Diploma supervisor here.
Eksternal superviser

Please find information on external supervision here

Study Adviser

Find your study adviser here.

Please see the Diploma calendar for any deadlines and information meetings for each individual study programme.
På denne siden finner du lenker til ulike tjenester og ressurser du kan benytte deg gjennom diplomsemesteret.

Arbeid på sal

Som diplomstudent får du tilgang til en sal i tidsrommet skolen er åpen. Dersom du ikke har korttilgang, kontakt din studierådgiver. Husk å vise hensyn til medstudentene dine på salen.


Det velges én eller to tillitsvalgte fra hvert studieprogram på starten av semesteret. 





Du avtaler veildning direkte med diplomveileder. Les mer om diplomveileder her.

Ekstern veiledning 

Du kan får støtte fra AHO til ekstern veiledning. Les mer om ekstern veiledning her.



Finn din studierådgiver her.