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Tianqi Li

Mosse Sjaastad
This project is designed to cultivate emotional intelligence and self-awareness through a poetic journey of exploring one’s emotions. By offering users a platform to delve into, recognize, and articulate their emotions, the app provides a distinct opportunity for individuals to deepen their understanding of the emotional landscape.


Tobias Mangersnes

Joakim Buner Formo
Nikolai Sabel
Foreldreinvolvering er en hjørnestein i den norske skole-modellen. Dessverre varierer involveringen mye utifra hvor du bor.

En større hjemmebane er et strategisk designprosjekt som utforsker hvordan barneskoler kan være verktøy for nabolagsutvikling gjennom å undersøke måtene foreldre er involvert i skolen i dag, og kan være det i fremtiden. 
Vilde Marie Henningsen

Mosse Sjaastad
‘Fortalt’ utforsker ulike tilnærminger til lesing i en digital, skjermbasert setting. Oppgaven har to leveranser med ulik vekting: et refl eksjonshefte som stiller spørsmål om lesing, og en klikkbar prototype for mobil som viser et alternativ til lesing i en digital setting.

Julia Ingrid Maria Karlsson

Ted Matthews
There are many indications that winter tourism will discontinue at several popular ski resorts.It is because of the increasingly warmer climate. It assumed that the emissions did not decrease. 

During my research in Åre, Sweden, a ski resort, I discovered that people find it difficult to reconcile their dual roles: being part of the problem and, at the same time, part of the solution. We must learn to live with this duality. However, according to many sources, there is still hope.

Yingjie Wei

Jonathan Romm
Ted Matthews



Lok Yan Wong (Olive)

Sabine Muller
Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica
Nils Roar Sælthun
Sand is the most heavily extracted material on the planet, with 50 billion tons extracted annually for construction purposes. Mining sites are often located in floodplains along rivers due to their rich geological layers. The mining operation involves digging below the groundwater table, resulting in groundwater lakes as a post-mining landscape, causing groundwater depletion. 

Akram Ghaly

Nuno Ricardo Do Carmo Sardinha de Almeida
Miguel Hernandez Quintanilla
Jordi Domenech

Luis Rodrigo Callejas Mujica
Marja Skotheim Folde
Maximilian Schob
A volcano called Xitle erupted 2,500 years ago. This volcano is part of a mountain range of more than 200 small volcanoes that make up the Mexican volcanic belt. The spill covered a relatively low kidney-shaped area, a total of almost 8,000 Ha. Today is known as El Pedregal.

Mikael Oscar Loum Johansen

Mattias Fredrik Josefsson


Sergio Andres Gomez Barrios

Miguel Hernandez Quintanilla
Colombia -the second most biodiverse country in the world- has 50% of the world’s páramos. These strategic ecosystems regulate and provide about 70% of Colombia’s water resources, store large amounts of atmospheric carbon in their soils, and have high levels of endemism.
