fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 86 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Maria BjørnlandRandi Ravndal

Anna Røtnes
Siri Moseng
Thor Svensson
Christian Olavesen
Music is about something that all people have in common; the ability to listen and to interact. Facilitating for the meetings between the people and the music, we have focused on lowering thresholds, letting both the musicians and the audience choose their own level of participation. In the project we work with contrasting spaces in the creation of spatial sequences. Spaces vary between massive and open, in materiality, acoustic quality, and visual and aural contact.
Caterina Forno Ríos

Mosse Sjaastad
The project facilitates the interaction between teachers and students through a tool that allows students to know different things from each other, enables them to work in an interdisciplinary way, encourage knowledge awareness and future thinking, support collaboration between students, and values the process as much as the outcome. Through this, the project aims at empowering the students in their learning process, allowing them to be the actors of future changes. 

Sigurd Gjesti Berge

Michael U. Hensel
Søren Skjensvold Sørensen
The structure juts out over the sheer cliff face from a hut sheltered by a drystack stone wall. 

The cantilevering platform is partly suspended by the wind itself, ascending as the wind increases, descending in low winds. The platform stays horizontal, and is accessible via an adapting staircase.

Halvard AmbleJoakim Wassum Imset

Anna Røtnes
Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
The observatory is an apparatus for accessing permafrost in the ground. Underneath, tunnels and wells expose permafrost in different ground conditions for scientific purposes, but the facilities are open to the curious visitor. The task includes exposing permafrost while keeping it cold, mediating between workspace and visitors, dealing with wind and snow, and bringing natural light and air underground. These challenges are practical in nature, but we have sought architectural responses that we hope will convey our fascination for this program and place.

Truls Johansen Aastebøl

Per Olaf Fjeld
Biblioteket blir omtalt som en offentlig møteplass. Prosjektet prøver å beskrive hva denne  møteplassen er, for så å gi det arkitektoniske svar.

Møtene bibliotekene gir har noen særegne kvaliteter det er viktig å forstå innholdet og betydningen av, spesielt i en tid der bibliotekets medier forandres. Prosjektet ser på møtet og kollektivet som noe som kan øke evnen til en individuell konsentrasjon. Jeg mener dette også er gode møter for lokalsamfunnet og enkeltmennesket.
