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There is currently little attention devoted to sound dimension in contrast to the attention for the visual and other dimensions of place. And there is much we still do not know about acoustic environments: how to properly measure people’s experience; visual interactions; or the role of listening states—analytical listening versus distracted listening, for example. The core of Sound Sight  is to offer a detailed overview of personal acoustic environments.

Her er et utdrag fra prosjektbeskrivelsen:
Stokke® Go is a child carrier that challenges common concepts of mobility. Through an adaptable design solution, Stokke® Go offers both ergonomic back carrying and weight relieving strolling in the same product.

Xian WuYeung Kwun Ting Tommy

Per Olaf Fjeld
Rolf Gerstlauer
This new collective is offering an absence of city for public where allows the people meeting and aware of Buddhism. The public allows freely walking in the temple. He/she is invited to come up to the rooftop through the continuous gardens or the outer stairs. The continuous gardens are connected by the funiture complex. Through climbing up the furniture to enter the next garden, the properties of the furniture have been changed into the infrastructure. The ambiguity discussion performs in different parts of the temple.
Haakon Walderhaug

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
Vilhelm Christensen
The building is centrally placed in Oslo. It consists of two parts. A fire station and a fire museum. The fire station serves both land and water. The museum encloses an urban space in connection to the waterfront promenade. The project has been a study of the meeting between an introvert functional program and a program in direct contact with the public. The fire station is an example of a necessary architecture in the city.


Li Zhang

Per Olaf Fjeld
Rolf Gerstlauer
Lisbeth Funck

Magnus VåganEirik Martin Tollåli

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
Claudia Andrea Pinochet Rojas
Our work revolves around the restoration and expansion of an early modernist swimming hall in Tromsø.

The original author is Jan Inge Hovig, an architect whose work has had great impact in the north of Norway.

Our approach to the field of restoration is largely based on the theoretical work of Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc and Jorge Otero- Pailos, where the architecture itself and the role of the author is given great importance.

Our take on the building is in the re-joining of the pieces of an “ideal” design. One the product of 1965, the other of today. 
Mattias TellqvistKristian Vea

Marius Nygaard
Catherine Sunter
This diploma weaves together a modern production facility, a housing complex, and an indoor allotment garden, and examines the borderline between urban life and local food production. Located in Moss, Norway, we chose a recently approved zoning plan as a starting point for a new approach to developing brownfield sites, introducing diverse functions linked with a continuous green public space.

In weaving these functions together, could we cater for a more pleasant everyday urban life?

Could we harvest happiness?


Juliane Mari Myking Eide

Neven Mikac Fuchs
A new added layer in wood is proposed placed upon the existing structure of stone and concrete, creating new living and working spaces, and roofs sheltering the existing spaces. The original geometry of the barn is kept, whilst new in-between spaces are placed upon the wide stone walls defining the existing spaces. By inhabiting this space a threshold is created, which serves as gallery and circulation space.

Ingvild Rud Skjærstad

Beate Marie Manthey Hølmebakk
The design objective of this diploma project is to develop an architectural proposal that will facilitate and illuminate the literary work of Rolf Jacobsen. The project addresses architecture as a strategy to convey his authorship, with the desire of calling attention to the text. 

    går rett inn.
    må en omvei.

    Sang og klang
    går rett inn.
    må en omvei

    innom i hausen
    anstrengende. Til nød
Niklas LenanderStefan James Hurrell

Neven Mikac Fuchs
Chris Engh
This semester we have been considering how the character of spaces for learning and play could support the school´s programme and use, while informing its relationship to the city, the arrangement of spaces, and ultimately the choice of structure and materials. 
