fbpx 60 302 Tema og konsepter i landskapsarkitekturen | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo


60 302 Tema og konsepter i landskapsarkitekturen

Emnenavn på English: 
Themes and Concepts in Landscape Architecture
60 302
Syklus 2
2021 Høst
2021 Høst
Maksimum antall studenter: 
Karin Helms

The course is mandatory for master students in Landscape Architecture who do not have a background in Landscape Architecture and landscape notions. The course is open students landscape arcitecture and architecture. 

Om emnet

The course will be subdivided in three thematics:

  1. Historical approaches on large-scale urban landscapes methods, knowledge about backgrounds, innovative thinking from the past and transferable approaches to design, 19th and 20th century approaches. Themes on physical and cultural properties for the urban and suburban.


  1. Current theoretical and practical approaches in sustainable design for integrated development of ecologic systems, landscape structures, for our contemporary urban and rural landscapes. Notions as “Landscape urbanism”(Charles Waldheim), “Third landscape” ( G. Clement), Landscape as a prerequisite ( M.Desvigne),  as well as current policies as Nature in towns – “Preservation through development” ( D. Sijmons) … will be explored.


  1. First approaches on past and current ephemeral gardens and co-design approaches - research oriented perspectives on participatory methods for public spaces and landscape long-term projects, role of the designers in this mode of doing. The social approach in Landscape Architecture is here the main topic.


Karin Helms will present a lecture at the start of each “chapter”. Hannes Zander will give three lectures on the historical aspects and landscape notions from the 19th and 20th century. All other lectures are given by teachers from AHO, some lectures will be given by guest lecturer from other schools/ NMBU/EMiLA partners. The students will be asked to give lectures of their understanding of their readings.




Praktisk organisering og arbeidsmåter

Weekly lectures and a self-directed writing exercise. There will be duets working groups after each “chapter”. the working group exercise is a part of the final handle in work.

The course activities include participation in discussions throughout the semester, a written assignment and an oral presentation of the assignment. There will be individual tutorial and group discussions. We are looking for engaged students.

Evaluering og kvalitetssikring

Written assignment, oral presentation of the assignment, and participation in discussions throughout the semester.

ProsjektoppgaveIndividuellBestått / ikke beståttStudentene skal levere en skriftlig oppgave ved semesterets slutt. De velger ett av temaene det er blitt forelest over, fordyper seg i dette og skriver en oppgave på 4-5 sider. De vil få veiledning i fordypningskursuken. Oppgave leveres 15 november.
Karakterskala:Bestått / ikke bestått
Kommentar:Studentene skal levere en skriftlig oppgave ved semesterets slutt. De velger ett av temaene det er blitt forelest over, fordyper seg i dette og skriver en oppgave på 4-5 sider. De vil få veiledning i fordypningskursuken. Oppgave leveres 15 november.