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Frida Nilsen

Erik Fenstad Langdalen
The scarcity and even absence of local construction materials has made Icelanders dependent on imports from other European countries; timber from Norway, corrugated steel from Britain and cement from Denmark. Located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Iceland is exposed to harsh climate and earthquakes. This demands high quality buildings strong enough to withstand the geologic activity. The search for a construction material that was able to withstand the Icelandic climate conditions was found in concrete in the late 19th century.
Viktor NordheimTord Mardoff Nielsen

Søren Skjensvold Sørensen
Sigurd Gjesti Berge
Render of the Nordic Forest in front of the Winter Garden. The pine trees are chosen as trees infront of the lower buildings, so the canopy does not block their form.
Aurora Kollerud Nossen

Bente Johanne Kleven
Take Off badeanlegg er en svømmehall ytterst på Storøyodden, plassert i aksen til det som er igjen av hovedrullebanen på Fornebu. I 2019 var det 86 mennesker som døde som resultat av drukning i Norge. Take Off badeanlegg forbereder de som ikke kan svømme og de som er usikre på svømmedyktigheten sin, til å bevege seg ut i havet. Jeg henter inspirasjon fra da jeg jobbet som badevakt ved ulike svømmehaller i perioden 2015 - 2019 med tanke på program og sikkerhet.
Mie AspelinHenrikke Stensrud Omre

Bente Johanne Kleven

Nation wide, and too in Haugesund, there is an increase in unoccupied industrial structures. We aim to test two different transformational strategies that could make use of these structures and make them fit for modern standards while at the same time convey the unique historic qualities they inhabit. 

Sofie Amalie Ramstad

Martin Brandsdal
The diploma deals with the urban condition and its continuing character. A large part of our environment today is naturally comprised of housing. Housing then becomes the primal mass and face of our cities. It forms the public space, streets and squares. 

Marte Kramer Riseng

Martin Brandsdal
Moritz Groba
The environmental impact of the building industry accounts for a large extent of the world´s greenhouse gas emissions . Architects must therefore rethink how to design the built environment. 

Sedigheh Safari

Søren Skjensvold Sørensen
Sareh Saeidi Derakhshi
Iranian vernacular architecture is today among the inspiring resources of climatic and sustainable design. These architectural design considerations led to a variety of typologies and architectural elements that were specifi cally driven from climatic conditions, available resources, and craft in the district and climatic zones they were in Iran.


Pål Luis Sanchez-Paredes

Gro Bonesmo
Odd Øverdahl
The primary research question led to the thesis Munch Philharmonic. This project suggests reopening the former Munch Museum to the public by restoring and reprogramming it and creating a new Concert Hall in Tøyen connected to the existing structure. Together they form a symbiosis where the former museum acts as front of house, home to two smaller stages for diverse use, and the new extension provides a main hall for classical music.

Maria Schrøder

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
The project deals with housing for humans in a parking house structure: Sannergata 14.

Among the fundamental strategies for a green future in architecture is a commitment to discover hidden potential in what is already built. Parking houses above ground inside the central parts of Oslo are long on their way to becoming anachronisms as the private car is politically pushed out of the city center. The aim of this spatial investigation is to identify architectural quality, as a means to outweigh the alternative of demolition.
Silje Mari Skarheim

Hanna Birkeland Bergh
Paul-Antoine Lucas
Could living in smaller spaces with access to shared spaces and shared functions foster a sense of community and provide a viable option to the present housing crisis?

This diploma investigates how shared spaces, shared functions, and architectural qualities in small spaces might result in more affordable housing in the center of Oslo. By considering collective housing, you may establish a community while creating smaller apartments with access to bigger shared facilities. 

The project consists of three buildings on a selected site in Gamle Oslo:
