Garden Cities of Tomorrow, Ebenezer Howard
Fra Christiania til Stor-Oslo, Harald Hals
Real Estates, Life without debt, Fulcrum
Happy city, Charles Montgomery
Vinex Atlas/ Limes Atlas, Joost Grootens
Broadacre city, Frank Lloyd Wright
Junkspace, Rem Kolhaas
Sprawl repair manual, Galina Tachieva
The situationist city, Simon Sadler
Complexity and contradiction in Architecture
Image of the city, Lynch
Rob Krier, Urban Space
Infrastructural city - Networked ecologies, Kazys Varnelis
A new kind of Bleak, Owen Hatherley
Edgelands, Paul Farley, Micheal Simmons
London Orbital, Iain Sinclair
Katalog den amerikanske paviljongen, Venezia biennalen 2012