fbpx Diplomprosjekt | Page 17 | Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo



Lars Christoffer Gustafsson Holmen

Mads Øiern


Ole Dalheim

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
The aim of my project has been to develop a pilot factory for the production of geopolymer cement which, with its properties, should be able to ensure:
- Efficient production of geopoymer cement.
- An enviroment that is arranged for good climatic conditions. This means that focus on air purification, removal of suspended dust is important.
- Be a place where the emplyees should be able to work in good spatialities, by focus on light conditions and an architecture that facilitates social conditions.

Åsmund Endride Ivarjord

Steinar Westhrin Killi


Kristoffer Steen Langvik

Steinar Westhrin Killi

This diploma looks at how we, as creators of products, might look at materials through a radically different lens. The way in which we source these materials, and utilize them in the products we design and manufacture.


Morten Lerfald Overrein

Jonathan Romm
Abel Ben Aleck Crawford

Hanna Tørstad

Steinar Westhrin Killi

The raw material choice for this project targets the current problem with the Pacific oyster in Norway. The occurrence of Pacific oysters along the Norwegian coastline has exploded in recent years. The species is invasive, threatening biodiversity and changing ecosystems. Tons are picked every year in an attempt to reduce the occurrence. These oysters constitute a waste problem.

Mirjam Edenhofer

Karin Helms

Amanda Verde

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Dylan Anderson
How can stitching and its embedded know-how become the genesis of an architectural experience? Through the needle, thread and textile, this experimental research investigates key notions that reflect upon architectural phenomena embedded in the act of stitching and the stitch itself. Stitching becomes the tool to create three dimensional structures, to observe the light, spatiality and mood that occurs. It discusses thread and textile as structurally dependent materials, and reflects upon the relationship between skin and skeleton.
Veronica Kavochi Idland Kadasia

Lisbeth Funck
Matthew Anderson

The premise of the investigation in this diploma is a subjective understanding of the term proximity, which is someone or something relating to and being in varying degrees of nearness to, someone or something else.

Working with the familiar format of a house, this project is an exploration of how the term proximity can be a generator for architecture. 

Emilie Winther Berg

Søren Skjensvold Sørensen
